Commit de0b3a2c authored by Alessandro 's avatar Alessandro

including plateau selection from plat.txt for t0

parent bad76c77
ll 40 83
ls 40 83
lh 40 83
ss 40 83
sh 40 83
hh 40 83
t0 20 90
ll 58 95
lh 58 95
hh 58 95
t0 20 100
ll 85 105
ls 85 105
......@@ -16,6 +15,7 @@ lh 85 105
ss 85 105
sh 83 110
hh 83 110
t0 40 110
ll 85 105
ls 85 105
......@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ lh 85 105
ss 85 105
sh 83 110
hh 81 95
t0 50 120
ll 120 140
ls 123 140
......@@ -30,4 +31,5 @@ lh 123 140
ss 123 140
sh 123 140
hh 123 155
t0 40 160
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ using Revise, juobs, PyPlot, LaTeXStrings, ADerrors, DelimitedFiles
#============= SET UP VARIABLES ===========#
const path_data = "/Users/ale/Desktop/data"
const path_plat = "/Users/ale/Google Drive/phd/analysis/automation/plat.txt"
const path_plat = "/Users/ale/automation/plat.txt"
const path_results = "/Users/ale/Desktop/results"
const ensembles = ["J303", "H400", "N300"]
const sector = Dict("ll"=>false, "ls"=>false, "lh"=>true, "ss"=>false, "sh"=>true, "hh"=>true )
......@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ function get_corr(ens::EnsInfo, g1::String="G5", g2::String="G5"; rw::Bool=false
function get_t0(ens::EnsInfo; rw::Bool=false, pl::Bool=false)
data = read_t0(
plat = [40,160]
plat = select_plateau(ens)
!rw ? t0 = comp_t0(data, plat, L=ens.L, pl=pl) : t0 = comp_t0(data, plat, L=ens.L, pl=pl, rw=read_rw(
return t0
......@@ -127,6 +127,22 @@ function get_f(obs::Vector{juobs.Corr}, m::Vector{uwreal}, ens::EnsInfo; pl::Boo
plat = select_plateau(ens, mu_list)
return dec_const_pcvc.(obs, plat, m, pl=pl)
function select_plateau(ensinfo::EnsInfo)
ens =
f = readdlm(path_plat)
head = String.(f[:,1])
delim = findall(x->occursin("#", x), head)
edelim = findfirst(x->occursin(ens, x), head)
cdelim = findfirst(x-> x.== edelim, delim)
del = delim[cdelim]+1 : delim[cdelim+1]-1
head_ = String.(f[del, 1])
plat_ = Int64.(f[del, 2:3])
plat = Vector{Int64}(undef, 2)
n = findfirst(x-> occursin("t0", x), head_)
plat[1] = plat_[n,1]
plat[2] = plat_[n,2]
return plat
function select_plateau(ensinf::EnsInfo, mu_list)
deg = ensinf.deg
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