Commit 4a71479b authored by Alessandro 's avatar Alessandro

now the matching of the charm quark mass is performed as a simultaneous fit...

now the matching of the charm quark mass is performed as a simultaneous fit and not ensemble by ensemble as it was previously
parent ca1f199f
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...@@ -44,8 +44,8 @@ const ZM_tm_error = [42, 33, 42, 48, 55] .* 1e-4 ...@@ -44,8 +44,8 @@ const ZM_tm_error = [42, 33, 42, 48, 55] .* 1e-4
#1608.08900 #1608.08900
const t0_data = [2.86, 3.659, 5.164, 8.595] const t0_data = [2.86, 3.659, 5.164, 8.595]
const t0_error = [11, 16, 18, 29] .* 1e-3 const t0_error = [11, 16, 18, 29] .* 1e-3
const t0_ph_value = [0.413] const t0_ph_value = [0.415]
const t0_ph_error = ones(1,1) .* 5e-3 const t0_ph_error = ones(1,1) .* 4e-3
# 1808.09236 # 1808.09236
const ZA_data = [0.75642, 0.76169, 0.76979, 0.78378, 0.79667] const ZA_data = [0.75642, 0.76169, 0.76979, 0.78378, 0.79667]
const ZA_err = [72, 93, 43, 47, 47] .*1e-5 const ZA_err = [72, 93, 43, 47, 47] .*1e-5
func_map = [Bool.([i,j,k,m,n]) for i=0:1 for j=0:1 for k=0:1 for m=0:1 for n=0:1]
basemodel(x,p) = p[1] .+ p[2] .* x[:,2] .+ p[3] .* x[:,3] .+ p[4] .* x[:,1]
a2phi2_2(x) = x[:,1] .* x[:,2].^2 #a^2/8t0*phi2^2
a2phi2(x) = x[:,1] .* x[:,2] # phi2*a^2/8t0
a2phih2(x) = x[:,1] .* x[:,3].^2 # phih^2*a^2/8t0
a3phih3(x) = x[:,1].^(4) .* x[:,3].^4 #phih^3*(a^2/8t0)^3/2
a3cutoff(x) = x[:,1].^(4) #(a^2/8t0)^4
func_list = [a2phi2_2, a2phi2, a2phih2, a3phih3, a3cutoff]
npar = 5 # number of extra parameters
n_lin_param = Vector(4:npar+4) #param for each functions
f_lin = Vector{Vector{Function}}(undef, npar+1) #f[i][j]-> i: number of extra parameters, j: combinations
f_lin[1] = Vector{Function}(undef, 1)
f_lin[1][1] = (x,p) -> basemodel(x,p)
for n = 2:npar+1
aux = filter(x->sum(x) == n-1, func_map)
f_lin[n] = Vector{Function}(undef, length(aux))
for a in aux
#vectorized function
f_lin[n][k] = (x,p) -> basemodel(x,p) .+ sum([p[i+4] for i=1:(n-1)] .* (fill(x,n-1) .|> func_list[a]))
k = k+1
f_non_lin = Vector{Vector{Function}}(undef, npar) #f[i][j]-> i: number of extra parameters, j: combinations
n_non_lin_param = Vector(5:npar+4) #param for each non-linear functions
for n = 1:npar
aux = filter(x->sum(x) == n, func_map)
f_non_lin[n] = Vector{Function}(undef, length(aux))
for a in aux
#vectorized function
f_non_lin[n][k] = (x,p) -> basemodel(x,p) .* (1 .+ sum([p[i+4] for i=1:(n)] .* (fill(x,n) .|> func_list[a])))
k = k+1
f_basemodel(x,p) = p[1] .+ p[2] .* x[:,2] .+ p[3] ./ sqrt.(x[:,3]) .+ p[4] .* x[:,1]
f_a2phi2_2(x) = x[:,1] .* x[:,2].^2 #a^2/8t0
f_a2phi2(x) = x[:,1] .* x[:,2] # phi2*a^2/8t0
f_a2phih2(x) = x[:,1] ./ x[:,3] # 1/phih*a^2/8t0
f_a3phih3(x) = x[:,1].^(4) ./ x[:,3].^2 #1/phih^3/2*(a^2/8t0)^3/2
f_a3cutoff(x) = x[:,1].^(3/2) #(a^2/8t0)^3/2
f_func_list = [f_a2phi2_2, f_a2phi2, f_a2phih2, f_a3phih3, f_a3cutoff]
f_npar = 5 # number of extra parameters
f_f_lin = Vector{Vector{Function}}(undef, npar+1) #f[i][j]-> i: number of extra parameters, j: combinations
f_f_lin[1] = Vector{Function}(undef, 1)
f_f_lin[1][1] = (x,p) -> basemodel(x,p)
for n = 2:npar+1
aux = filter(x->sum(x) == n-1, func_map)
f_f_lin[n] = Vector{Function}(undef, length(aux))
for a in aux
#vectorized function
f_f_lin[n][k] = (x,p) -> f_basemodel(x,p) .+ sum([p[i+4] for i=1:(n-1)] .* (fill(x,n-1) .|> f_func_list[a]))
k = k+1
f_f_non_lin = Vector{Vector{Function}}(undef, npar) #f[i][j]-> i: number of extra parameters, j: combinations
n_non_lin_param = Vector(5:npar+4) #param for each non-linear functions
for n = 1:npar
aux = filter(x->sum(x) == n, func_map)
f_f_non_lin[n] = Vector{Function}(undef, length(aux))
for a in aux
#vectorized function
f_f_non_lin[n][k] = (x,p) -> f_basemodel(x,p) .* (1 .+ sum([p[i+4] for i=1:(n)] .* (fill(x,n) .|> f_func_list[a])))
k = k+1
n_param = n_lin_param
append!(n_param, n_non_lin_param)
f = f_lin
append!(f, f_non_lin)
f_dec = f_f_lin
append!(f_dec, f_f_non_lin)
\ No newline at end of file
This diff is collapsed.
...@@ -7,14 +7,13 @@ function read_data(ens::String, g1::String="G5", g2::String="G5"; legacy::Bool=f ...@@ -7,14 +7,13 @@ function read_data(ens::String, g1::String="G5", g2::String="G5"; legacy::Bool=f
path = joinpath(path_data, ens) path = joinpath(path_data, ens)
rep = filter(x->occursin("mesons.dat", x), readdir(path, join=true)) rep = filter(x->occursin("mesons.dat", x), readdir(path, join=true))
if length(rep)!=0 if length(rep)!=0
length(rep)==1 ? (return read_mesons(rep[1], g1, g2, legacy=legacy)) : (return read_mesons(rep, g1, g2, legacy=legacy)) length(rep)==1 ? (return read_mesons(rep[1], g1, g2, id=ens, legacy=legacy)) : (return read_mesons(rep, g1, g2, id=ens, legacy=legacy))
else else
error("mesons.dat file not found for ensemble ", ens, " in path ", path) error("mesons.dat file not found for ensemble ", ens, " in path ", path)
end end
end end
function read_rw(ens::String) function read_rw(ens::String)
path = joinpath(path_data, ens) rep = filter(x->occursin(ens, x), readdir(path_rw, join=true))
rep = filter(x->occursin("ms1.dat", x), readdir(path, join=true))
if length(rep)!=0 if length(rep)!=0
try try
length(rep) == 1 ? (return read_ms1(rep[1])) : (return read_ms1.(rep)) length(rep) == 1 ? (return read_ms1(rep[1])) : (return read_ms1.(rep))
...@@ -22,7 +21,19 @@ function read_rw(ens::String) ...@@ -22,7 +21,19 @@ function read_rw(ens::String)
length(rep) == 1 && length(rep)!=0 ? (return read_ms1(rep[1], v="1.4")) : (return read_ms1.(rep, v="1.4")) length(rep) == 1 && length(rep)!=0 ? (return read_ms1(rep[1], v="1.4")) : (return read_ms1.(rep, v="1.4"))
end end
else else
error("ms1.dat file not found for ensemble ", ens, " in path ", path) error("ms1.dat file not found for ensemble ", ens, " in path ", path_rw)
function read_mass_dev(ens::String)
rep = filter(x->occursin(ens,x), readdir(path_md, join=true))
if length(rep) == 1
return [read_md(rep[1])]
return [read_md(rep[1]), read_md(rep[2])]
error("pbp.dat file not found for ensemble ", ens, " in path ", path_md)
end end
end end
function read_t0(ens::String) function read_t0(ens::String)
...@@ -36,6 +47,12 @@ function read_t0(ens::String) ...@@ -36,6 +47,12 @@ function read_t0(ens::String)
end end
function get_corr(ens::EnsInfo, g1::String="G5", g2::String="G5"; rw::Bool=false, legacy::Bool=false) function get_corr(ens::EnsInfo, g1::String="G5", g2::String="G5"; rw::Bool=false, legacy::Bool=false)
aux = read_data(, g1, g2, legacy=legacy) aux = read_data(, g1, g2, legacy=legacy)
if =="J303"
truncate_data!(aux, 739)
if =="H101"
truncate_data!(aux, [878, 999])
!rw ? obs = corr_obs.(aux, L=ens.L) : obs = corr_obs.(aux, L=ens.L, rw=read_rw( !rw ? obs = corr_obs.(aux, L=ens.L) : obs = corr_obs.(aux, L=ens.L, rw=read_rw(
return obs return obs
end end
...@@ -160,7 +177,7 @@ function fit_mass(en_i::Array{uwreal}; t_in::Int64=3, wpm::Union{Nothing, Dict{I ...@@ -160,7 +177,7 @@ function fit_mass(en_i::Array{uwreal}; t_in::Int64=3, wpm::Union{Nothing, Dict{I
@.model(x,p) = p[1] + p[2]*exp(-x*p[3]) @.model(x,p) = p[1] + p[2]*exp(-x*p[3])
ydata = en_i[t_in:end-5] ydata = en_i[t_in:end-5]
xdata = collect(1:length(ydata)) xdata = collect(1:length(ydata))
par = fit_routine(model, xdata, ydata, 3, wpm=wpm) par, _ = fit_routine(model, xdata, ydata, 3, wpm=wpm)
println("\nPar[1] is ", par[1] ) println("\nPar[1] is ", par[1] )
return par[1] return par[1]
end end
...@@ -173,9 +190,6 @@ function gevp_dec(mat_obs::Vector{MatInfo}, mass::Vector{uwreal}; t0::Int64=2, w ...@@ -173,9 +190,6 @@ function gevp_dec(mat_obs::Vector{MatInfo}, mass::Vector{uwreal}; t0::Int64=2, w
evecs = getall_eig(mat, t0) evecs = getall_eig(mat, t0)
elem = mat_elem(evecs, mat, mass[i], n) #ground and excited state energy elem = mat_elem(evecs, mat, mass[i], n) #ground and excited state energy
plat = select_plateau(mat_obs[i].ensinfo, mu_list)[end] .- y0s[i] plat = select_plateau(mat_obs[i].ensinfo, mu_list)[end] .- y0s[i]
println("plateau = ", plat)
println("\n elem = ", elem)
println("\n mu_list = ", mu_list)
try try
if pseudo if pseudo
plat_dec0[i] = -dec(elem, plat, mass[i], mu_list[i], pl=pl) plat_dec0[i] = -dec(elem, plat, mass[i], mu_list[i], pl=pl)
...@@ -323,66 +337,47 @@ function match_muc_heavymass(muh, m_hh, target) ...@@ -323,66 +337,47 @@ function match_muc_heavymass(muh, m_hh, target)
muh_target = x_lin_fit(par, target) muh_target = x_lin_fit(par, target)
return muh_target return muh_target
end end
function match_phih(muh,phih, phih_ph)
par, chi2exp = lin_fit(muh, phih)
muh_target = x_lin_fit(par, phih_ph)
function get_ll(mu_list, obs::Array{juobs.Corr}, deg::Bool) return muh_target
mul, mus, muh = get_mu(mu_list, deg)
for k = 1:length(mu_list)
mu = mu_list[k]
if mul in mu && mu[1] == mu[2] #l-l
return obs[k]
function get_ls(mu_list, obs::Array{juobs.Corr}, deg::Bool)
mul, mus, muh = get_mu(mu_list, deg)
for k = 1:length(mu_list)
mu = mu_list[k]
if mul in mu && mus in mu #l-l
return obs[k]
function get_lh(mu_list, obs::Array{juobs.Corr}, deg::Bool)
mul, mus, muh = get_mu(mu_list, deg)
obs_lh = Array{juobs.Corr}(undef, 0)
for k = 1:length(mu_list)
mu = mu_list[k]
if mul in mu && mu[1] != mu[2] && !(mus in mu) #l-h
push!(obs_lh, obs[k])
return obs_lh
end end
function get_ss(mu_list, obs::Array{juobs.Corr}, deg::Bool)
mul, mus, muh = get_mu(mu_list, deg) function aic_weigth(cat::Cat)
for k = 1:length(mu_list) w_aux = exp.(-1/2 * getfield(cat, :aic))
mu = mu_list[k] w_aux1=filter(x->x<10000, w_aux)
if mus in mu && mu[1] == mu[2] #s-s index = findall(x->x<10000, w_aux)
return obs[k] norm = sum(w_aux1)
end w = w_aux1 ./ norm
end return w, index
function aic_syst(cat::Cat)
w,index = aic_weigth(cat)
aux1 = sum( w .* getfield(cat,:fit_res)[index].^2)
aux2 = sum( w .* getfield(cat,:fit_res)[index])^2
return sqrt(abs(value(aux1 - aux2)))
function aic_model_ave(cat::Cat)
w, index = aic_weigth(cat)
res = sum( w.* getfield(cat, :fit_res)[index])
return res
end end
function get_sh(mu_list, obs::Array{juobs.Corr}, deg::Bool) function category_av(cat_arr::Vector{Cat})
mul, mus, muh = get_mu(mu_list, deg) best_res = aic_model_ave.(cat_arr)
obs_sh = Array{juobs.Corr}(undef, 0) syst = aic_syst.(cat_arr)
for k = 1:length(mu_list) tot_err = err.(best_res).^2 .+ syst.^2
mu = mu_list[k] w_aux = 1 ./ (tot_err)
if mus in mu && mu[1] != mu[2] && !(mul in mu)#s-h w = w_aux ./ sum(w_aux)
push!(obs_sh, obs[k]) aux1 = sum( w .* best_res.^2)
end aux2 = sum( w .* best_res)^2
end av = sum( w .* best_res)
return obs_sh return av, sqrt(abs(value(aux1 - aux2)))
end end
function get_hh(mu_list, obs::Array{juobs.Corr}, deg::Bool)
mul, mus, muh = get_mu(mu_list, deg) function syst_av(syst_err::Vector{Float64})
obs_hh = Array{juobs.Corr}(undef,0) aux = sum(syst_err.^2)
for k = 1:length(mu_list) return sqrt(aux)
mu = mu_list[k]
for i =1:length(muh)
if muh[i] in mu && mu[1] == mu[2]#h-h
push!(obs_hh, obs[k])
return obs_hh
end end
...@@ -61,6 +61,7 @@ mutable struct EnsObs ...@@ -61,6 +61,7 @@ mutable struct EnsObs
muh_target::Union{Nothing,uwreal} muh_target::Union{Nothing,uwreal}
a::Union{Nothing,uwreal} a::Union{Nothing,uwreal}
t0::Union{Nothing,uwreal} t0::Union{Nothing,uwreal}
deltam::Union{Nothing, uwreal}
function EnsObs(ens::EnsInfo, mu::Vector{Vector{Float64}}, m_ps::Vector{uwreal}, f_ps::Vector{uwreal}, m_vec::Vector{uwreal}, f_vec::Vector{uwreal}) function EnsObs(ens::EnsInfo, mu::Vector{Vector{Float64}}, m_ps::Vector{uwreal}, f_ps::Vector{uwreal}, m_vec::Vector{uwreal}, f_vec::Vector{uwreal})
...@@ -112,6 +113,7 @@ mutable struct EnsObs ...@@ -112,6 +113,7 @@ mutable struct EnsObs
a.muh_target = nothing a.muh_target = nothing
a.a = nothing a.a = nothing
a.t0 = nothing a.t0 = nothing
a.deltam = nothing
return a return a
end end
function EnsObs(ens::EnsInfo, mu::Vector{Vector{Float64}}, m_ps::Vector{uwreal}, m_vec::Vector{uwreal}) function EnsObs(ens::EnsInfo, mu::Vector{Vector{Float64}}, m_ps::Vector{uwreal}, m_vec::Vector{uwreal})
...@@ -163,3 +165,30 @@ mutable struct MatInfo ...@@ -163,3 +165,30 @@ mutable struct MatInfo
end end
end end
mutable struct Cat
fit_param::Vector{Vector{uwreal}} #store all fit parameters
fit_res::Vector{uwreal} # store all fit results
chi2_corr::Vector{Float64} # store all chi2 corrected
n_param::Vector{Int64} # store the number of parameters. Maybe this is redundant
aic::Vector{Float64} # store the AIC value
function Cat(_obs::Vector{uwreal}, _xtofit::Array{uwreal}, _phi_ph::uwreal, _info::String)
a = new()
a.obs = _obs
#a.models = _models = _info
a.x_tofit = _xtofit
a.phih_ph = _phi_ph
a.fit_param = Vector{Vector{uwreal}}(undef, 0)
a.fit_res = Vector{uwreal}(undef, 0)
a.chi2_corr = Vector{Float64}(undef, 0)
a.n_param = Vector{Int64}(undef, 0)
a.aic = Vector{Float64}(undef, 0)
return a
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