Commit 27a13fc9 authored by Alberto Ramos's avatar Alberto Ramos

Proper definition of err function

parent 166a07fd
......@@ -718,6 +718,7 @@ window(a::uwreal, str::String) = window(a, get_id_from_name(str))
rho(a::uwreal, str::String) = rho(a, get_id_from_name(str))
drho(a::uwreal, str::String) = drho(a, get_id_from_name(str))
mchist(a::uwreal, str::String) = mchist(a, get_id_from_name(str))
err(a::uwreal, str::String) = err(a, get_id_from_name(str))
empt = Dict{Int64,Vector{Float64}}()
......@@ -45,8 +45,7 @@ function err(a::uwreal)
return a.err
err(a::uwreal, mcid::Int64) = sqrt([mcid].var)
err(a::uwreal, str::String) = err(a, get_id_from_name(str))
err(a::uwreal, mcid::Int64) = sqrt([find_mcid(a, mcid)].var)
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