Commit bbf64eda authored by Alberto Ramos's avatar Alberto Ramos

Complete version of the aderrors library

aderrors is a fortran 2008 library for error analysis of MC data with
the following features:

- Exact linear error propagation, even in iterative algorithms
  (i.e. error propagation in fit parameters).
- Handles data from any number of ensembles (i.e. simulations with
  different parameters).
- Support for replicas (i.e. several runs with the same simulation
- Standalone portable implementation without any external
- Fast computation of autocorrelation functions with the FFT
  package (see
- Exact determination of gradients and Hessians of arbitrary
# aderrors - Error analysis of Monte Carlo data with Automatic Differentiation
`aderrors` is a fortran implementation of the $`\Gamma`$-method for
analysis of Monte Carlo data. It uses Automatic Differentiation to
perform **exact linear error propagation**. It preforms the computation
of gradients and Hessians of arbitrary functions, which allows a
robust and **exact error propagation even in iterative algorithms**.
- [Features](#features)
- [Examples](#examples)
- [Simple analysis of MC data](#simple-analysis-of-mc-data)
- [A complete example](#a-complete-example)
- [A calculator with uncertainties](#a-calculator-with-uncertainties)
- [Installation](#installation)
- [Requirements](#requirements)
- [Instructions](#instructions)
- [Using the library](#using-the-library)
- [Full documentation](#full-documentation)
- [How to cite](#how-to-cite)
## Features
- **Exact** linear error propagation, even in iterative algorithms
(i.e. error propagation in fit parameters).
- Handles data from **any number of ensembles** (i.e. simulations with
different parameters).
- Support for **replicas** (i.e. several runs with the same simulation
- Standalone **portable** implementation without any external
- **Fast** computation of autocorrelation functions with the [FFT
package]( (included
in the distribution).
- **Exact** determination of gradients and Hessians of arbitrary
## Examples
This is just a small collection of examples. Note that the basic data type is
`uwreal`, that is able to handle MC histories and data with
errors. The error is determined by calling the method `uwerr`
on the data type. More examples can be found in the `test` directory
of the distribution. They are explained in the documentation `doc/aderrors.pdf`.
All these examples use the `module simulator` (available in
`test/simulator.f90`) to generate autocorrelated data with
autocorrelation function $`\Gamma(t) = \sum_k \lambda_k
### Simple analysis of MC data
This code performs a simple error analysis of the data with the default
parameters ($`S_{\tau}=4`$ for automatic windowing, no tail added to the
autocorrelation function). The result of the analysis with the
$`\Gamma`$-method is compared with the exact values of the error and
$`\tau_{\rm int}`$ returned by the `module simulator`. This example is
included in the distribution in the file `test/simple.f90`.
program simple
use ISO_FORTRAN_ENV, Only : error_unit, output_unit
use numtypes
use aderrors
use simulator
implicit none
integer, parameter :: nd = 20000
type (uwreal) :: x
real (kind=DP) :: data_x(nd), err, ti, tau(5), lam(5)
! Fill arrays data_x(:) with autocorrelated
! data from the module simulator.
tau = (/1.0_DP, 3.0_DP, 4.0_DP, 5.0_DP, 7.34_DP/)
lam = (/1.00_DP, 0.87_DP, 1.23_DP, 0.56_DP, 0.87_DP/)
call gen_series(data_x, err, ti, tau, lam, 0.3_DP)
! Load data_x(:) measurements in variable x. Use
! default settings (Stau=4, texp=0, 1 replica)
x = data_x
! Perform error analysis (optimal window)
call x%uwerr()
! Print results
write(*,'(1A,1I6,1A)')'** Measurements: ', nd, ' ** '
write(*,100)' - Gamma-method: ', x%value(), " +/- ", x%error(), '( tauint: ', &
x%taui(1), " +/- ", x%dtaui(1), ')'
write(*,100)' - Exact: ', 0.3_DP, " +/- ", err, '( tauint: ', ti, " )"
100 FORMAT((2X,1A,1F8.5,1A,1F7.5,5X,1A,1F0.2,1A,1F7.5,1A))
end program simple
Running this code gives as output
** Measurements: 20000 **
- Gamma-method: 0.29883 +/- 0.04271 ( tauint: 4.13 +/- 0.48344)
- Exact: 0.30000 +/- 0.04074 ( tauint: 3.82 )
### A complete example
This example is included in the distribution in the file
`test/complete.f90`. The analysis is performed
for a complicated non-linear function of the two primary
observables. It also uses replica for the MC ensemble labeled 1.
program complete
use ISO_FORTRAN_ENV, Only : error_unit, output_unit
use numtypes
use constants
use aderrors
use simulator
implicit none
integer, parameter :: nd = 5000, nrep=4
type (uwreal) :: x, y, z
integer :: iflog, ivrep(nrep)=(/1000,30,3070,900/), i, is, ie
real (kind=DP) :: data_x(nd), data_y(nd/2), err, ti, texp
real (kind=DP) :: tau(4), &
lam_x(4)=(/1.0_DP, 0.70_DP, 0.40_DP, 0.40_DP/), &
lam_y(4)=(/2.3_DP, 0.40_DP, 0.20_DP, 0.90_DP/)
character (len=200) :: flog='history_z.log'
! Fill arrays data_x(:) with autocorrelated
! data from the module simulator. Use nrep replica
tau = (/1.0_DP, 3.0_DP, 12.0_DP, 75.0_DP/)
texp = maxval(tau)
is = 1
do i = 1, nrep
ie = is + ivrep(i) - 1
call gen_series(data_x(is:ie), err, ti, tau, lam_x, 0.3_DP)
is = ie + 1
end do
! Fill data_y(:) with different values of tau also using
! module simulator
forall (i=1:4) tau(i) = real(2*i,kind=DP)
call gen_series(data_y, err, ti, tau, lam_y, 1.3_DP)
! Load data_x(:) measurements in variable x.
! Set replica vector, exponential autocorrelation time
! and ensemble ID.
x = data_x
call x%set_id(1)
call x%set_replica(ivrep)
call x%set_texp(texp)
! Load data_y(:) measurements in variable y
y = data_y
call y%set_id(2)
! Exact, transparent error propagation
z = sin(x)/(cos(y) + 1.0_DP)
! Attach tail in ensemble with ID 1 when signal in the
! normalized auto-correlation function equals its error
call z%set_dsig(1.0_DP,1)
! Set Stau=3 for automatic window in ensemble with ID 2
call z%set_stau(3.0_DP,2)
! Perform error analysis (tails, optimal window,...)
call z%uwerr()
! Print results and output details to flog
write(*,'(1A,1F8.5,1A,1F8.5)')'** Observable z: ', z%value(), " +/- ", z%error()
do i = 1, z%neid()
write(*,'(3X,1A,1I3,3X,1F5.2,"%")',advance="no")'Contribution to error from ensemble ID', &
z%eid(i), 100.0_DP*z%error_src(i)
write(*,'(2X,1A,1F0.4,1A,1F8.4,1A)')'(tau int: ', z%taui(i), " +/- ", z%dtaui(i), ")"
end do
open(newunit=iflog, file=trim(flog))
call z%print_hist(iflog)
end program complete
Running this code gives as output
** Observable z: 0.24426 +/- 0.05374
Contribution to error from ensemble ID 1 83.93% (tau int: 5.8333 +/- 2.0772)
Contribution to error from ensemble ID 2 16.07% (tau int: 2.5724 +/- 0.5268)
The file `history_z.log` contains the MC histories, normalized
autocorrelation functions and $`\tau_{\rm int}`$. The format is
a simple text file: it can be processed by shell scripts
(see `tools/plot/`) to produce the following graphics.
<img src="plots/ID1-hist.png" alt="ID1-hist" width="800"/>
<img src="plots/ID1-auto.png" alt="ID1-hist" width="400"/>
<img src="plots/ID1-taui.png" alt="ID1-hist" width="400"/>
### A calculator with uncertainties
The module also handles simple data with errors (i.e. **not** a MC
history). This is extremely useful since in many occasions we have to
use data from statistically independent sources where only the central
value and the error is available.
With the module `aderrors` these kind of data in handled
transparently, just as if it were another ensemble (see `test/calculator.f90`).
program calculator
use aderrors
implicit none
type (uwreal) :: x, y, z, t
x = (/1.223_8, 0.012_8/) ! x = 1.223 +/- 0.012
y = sin(2.0_8*x)
z = 1.0_8 + 2.0_8 * sin(x)*cos(x)
t = z - y
call t%uwerr()
write(*,'(1A,1F18.16,1A,1F18.16)')'Exactly one: ', t%value(), " +/- ", t%error() ! 1.0 +/- 0.0
end program calculator
Running this code gives as output
Exactly one: 1.0000000000000000 +/- 0.0000000000000000
## Installation
### Requirements
The code is strict `fortran 2008` compliant. Any compiler that
supports this standard can be used. The code has been tested with
`gfortran 6.X`, `gfortran 7.X`, `gfortran 8.X`, `intel fortran 17`,
`intel fortran 18`.
Note that `gfortran 4.X` and `gfortran 5.X` do not support
`submodules` (part of the `fortran 2008` standard). This code will not
work whith these versions.
### Instructions
1. Download or clone the repository.
1. Edit the `Makefile` in the `build` directory. Change the compiler
command/options (variables `FC` and `FOPT`).
1. Compile the library with `gmake`.
1. Optionally build/run the test codes with `gmake test`. Executabes will
be placed in the `test` directory.
1. If preferred, move the contents of the `include` and `lib`
directories somewhere else.
### Using the library
1. Compile your programs with `-I <dir>/include`.
1. Link your programs with the `-L <dir>/lib` and `-laderr` options.
## Full documentation
Look into the `doc/aderrors.pdf` file.
## How to cite
If you use this package for a scientific publication, please cite the
original work ...
INC = ./include
DOBJ = ./obj
FC = gfortran6
FOPT = -J$(INC) -O3 --fast-math -march=native -ftree-vectorize \
-funroll-loops -std=f2008
# For intel fortran try
#FC = ifort
#FOPT = -module $(INC) -O2 -stand f08
MISC = numtypes.o constants.o time.o nonnum.o bdio.o fourier.o
LINKED = linked_list.o linked_list_basic.o
ADERRORS = aderrors.o aderrors_arith.o aderrors_cf.o aderrors_func.o \
aderrors_io.o aderrors_cov.o aderrors_op.o aderrors_diff.o \
OBJ = $(foreach ob,$(OBJWP),$(DOBJ)/$(ob))
.SUFFIXES: .f90 .o .x
.PHONY: clean, all, lib, test
$(DOBJ)/%.o: %.f90
$(FC) $(FFLAGS) -c $< -o $@ -I$(INC)
%.x: %.f90 $(OBJ)
$(FC) $(FFLAGS) ../test/simulator.f90 $< -o$@ -L./lib/ -I$(INC) -laderr
all: lib
test: lib ../test/calculator.x ../test/uwerr.x ../test/simple.x \
../test/newton.x ../test/derived.x ../test/multi.x \
../test/hessian.x ../test/complete.x ../test/newton_grad.x
lib: $(OBJ)
ar rcs ./lib/libaderr.a $(DOBJ)/*.o
# rm *.o
rm obj/*.o
rm include/*.mod
rm include/*.smod
rm lib/libaderr.a
# Ignore everything in this directory
# Except this file
# Ignore everything in this directory
# Except this file
# Ignore everything in this directory
# Except this file
{Ramos, Alberto}, ``{\tt aderrors}: Error analysis of monte carlo data with
automatic differentiation,'' 2018.
\newblock \url{}.
{Ooura, Takuya}, ``{FFT} package,'' 1996.
\newblock \url{}.
{Wikipedia contributors}, ``Automatic differentiation --- {W}ikipedia{,} the
free encyclopedia,'' 2018.
\newblock \url{}.
[Online; accessed 22-June-2018].
{Tomasz Korzec and Hubert Simma}, ``binary data i/o,'' 2014.
\newblock \url{}.
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Wed Sep 5 02:43:08 CEST 2018
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! MODULE uwerrors_cf
! Alberto Ramos wrote this file. As long as you retain this
! notice you can do whatever you want with this stuff. If we meet some
! day, and you think this stuff is worth it, you can buy me a beer in
! return. <>
! file: uwerrors_cf.f90
! created: Thu May 10 17:55:14 2018
submodule (aderrors) aderrors_cf
use constants
use fourier
implicit none
type ws_alloc
real (kind=DP), allocatable :: cf(:), w(:), cdata(:)
integer, allocatable :: ip(:)
integer :: nt = -1
end type ws_alloc
type (ws_alloc), save :: ws
! ****************************************
! *
subroutine init_ws(n1, nf, n)
! *
! ****************************************
integer, intent (in) :: n1
integer, intent (out) :: nf, n
nf = int(log(real(n1+1))/lge2_dp)+2
n = 2**(nf+1)
if ( then
if (allocated(ws%cf)) deallocate(ws%cf)
if (allocated(ws%cdata)) deallocate(ws%cdata)
if (allocated(ws%ip)) deallocate(ws%ip)
if (allocated(ws%w)) deallocate(ws%w)
allocate( &
ws%cdata(0:n-1), &
ws%cf(0:n1-1), &
ws%ip(0:3+int(sqrt(real(n)))), &
ws%w(0:int(n-1)) &
ws%nt = n1
end if
end subroutine init_ws
! ****************************************
! *
subroutine init_cf(p)
! *
! ****************************************
class (uwreal), intent (inout) :: p
integer :: n
n = max(sum(p%tmax),1)
if ( (allocated(p%gamm)).and.(n.eq.size(p%gamm)).and. &
(allocated(p%drho)).and.(n.eq.size(p%drho)) ) return
if (allocated(p%gamm)) deallocate(p%gamm)
if (allocated(p%drho)) deallocate(p%drho)
allocate(p%gamm(0:n-1), p%drho(0:n-1))
end subroutine init_cf
! ****************************************
! *
module subroutine uwerr(p)
! *
! ****************************************
class (uwreal), intent (inout) :: p
integer :: n, irst, irnd
call init_cf(p)
call autocorrfunc_obs(p)
call wopt_texp(p)
call tauint(p)
p%var = 0.0_DP
p%derr = 0.0_DP
do n = 1, p%nid
if (p%nd(n).eq.1) then
irst = 1 + sum(p%nd(1:n-1))
p%var(n) = p%data(irst)**2
irst = sum(p%tmax(1:n-1))
irnd = irst + p%iw(n)
p%var(n) = p%gamm(irst)/real(p%nd(n),kind=dp) + &
2.0_dp * sum(p%gamm(irst+1:irnd))/real(p%nd(n),kind=dp)
if (p%texp(n) > 0.0_dp) p%var(n) = p%var(n) + &
p%derr = p%derr + &
p%var(n)*(real(p%iw(n),kind=DP)-0.5_DP) / real(p%nd(n),kind=DP)
end if
end do
p%err = sqrt(sum(p%var))
p%derr = sqrt(p%derr)
end subroutine uwerr
! ****************************************
! *
subroutine autocorrfunc_obs(p)
! *
! ****************************************
class (uwreal), intent (inout) :: p
integer :: ist, ind, j, i, k, n, irst, irnd, icnd, iadd, nrcnt, irmax
real (kind=dp) :: cont, dbias
p%gamm = 0.0_DP
n = 0
do n = 1, p%nid
if (p%nd(n).eq.1) cycle
call p%get_cf_offset(irst,irnd,n)
irmax = irnd
do j = 1, p%nrep(n)
call p%get_offset(ist,ind,n,j)
call autocf(p%data(ist:ind))
irnd = min(irst + (ind-ist)/2, irmax)
icnd = irnd - irst
p%gamm(irst:irnd) = p%gamm(irst:irnd) + ws%cf(0:icnd)
end do
end do
irst = 0
do n = 1, p%nid
if (p%nd(n).eq.1) cycle
call p%get_vrep_offset(ist,ind,n)
do j = 0, p%tmax(n)-1
nrcnt = count(p%ivrep(ist:ind)/2 .ge. j)
p%gamm(j+irst) = p%gamm(j+irst) / real(p%nd(n) - nrcnt*j,kind=dp)
end do
irst = irst + p%tmax(n)
end do
call wopt(p)
irst = 0
do n = 1, p%nid
if (p%nd(n).eq.1) cycle
irnd = irst + p%tmax(n) - 1
dbias = p%gamm(irst) + 2.0_DP*sum(p%gamm(irst+1:irst+p%iw(n)))
p%gamm(irst:irnd) = p%gamm(irst:irnd) + dbias/real(p%nd(n),kind=DP)
irst = irst + p%tmax(n)
end do
irst = 0
do n = 1, p%nid
if (p%nd(n).eq.1) cycle
irnd = irst + p%tmax(n) - 1
p%drho(irst:irnd) = 0.0_dp
if (p%gamm(irst) == 0.0_dp) then
p%drho(irst:irnd) = 0.0_dp
iadd = p%iw(n)
do i = irst, irnd
ist = max(1,i-irst-iadd) + irst
ind = i + iadd
do k = ist, ind
if ( then
cont = -2.0_dp*p%gamm(k)*p%gamm(i)/p%gamm(irst)**2
cont = 0.0_DP
end if
if ((i+k-2*irst) < p%tmax(n)) then
cont = cont + p%gamm(i+k-irst)/p%gamm(irst)
end if
if (abs(i-k) < p%tmax(n)) then
cont = cont + p%gamm(abs(i-k)+irst)/p%gamm(irst)
end if
p%drho(i) = p%drho(i) + cont**2
end do
p%drho(i) = sqrt(p%drho(i)/real(p%nd(n),kind=dp))
end do
end if
irst = irst + p%tmax(n)
end do
end subroutine autocorrfunc_obs
! ****************************************
! *
subroutine autocf(data)
! *
! ****************************************
real (kind=dp), intent (in) :: data(:)
integer :: i, nt, nfourier, n
nt = size(data)
call init_ws(nt, nfourier, n)
ws%cdata = 0.0_dp
do i = 0, nt-1
ws%cdata(2*i) = data(i+1)
end do
ws%ip(0) = 0
call cdft(n, 1, ws%cdata, ws%ip, ws%w)
do i = 0, n/2-1
ws%cdata(2*i) = ws%cdata(2*i)**2 + ws%cdata(2*i+1)**2
ws%cdata(2*i+1) = 0.0_dp
end do
call cdft(n, -1, ws%cdata, ws%ip, ws%w)
ws%cdata(0:n-1) = 2.0_dp*ws%cdata(0:n-1)/real(n,kind=dp)
do i = 0, nt-1
ws%cf(i) = real(ws%cdata(2*i),kind=DP)
end do
end subroutine autocf
! ********************************
! *
subroutine wopt(p)
! *
! ********************************
type (uwreal), intent (inout) :: p
integer :: i=0, n, ist, ind
Real (kind=DP) :: tiw, tau, gw, rw
do n = 1, p%nid
if (p%nd(n).eq.1) then
p%iw(n) = 0
end if
call p%get_cf_offset(ist,ind,n)
tiw = 0.5_DP
if (p%gamm(ist)==0.0_DP) then
p%iw(n) = 1
do i = ist+1, ind
rw = real(i-ist,kind=DP)
tiw = tiw + p%gamm(i)/p%gamm(ist)
if (tiw < 0.5_DP) then
tau = 0.01_DP
tau = p%s(n)/log((2.0_DP*tiw+1.0_DP)/(2.0_DP*tiw-1.0_DP))
end if
gw = exp(-rw/tau) - tau/sqrt(rw*real(p%nd(n),kind=DP))
if (gw < 0.0_DP) exit
end do
p%iw(n) = i-ist
end if
end do
end subroutine wopt
! ********************************
! *
subroutine wopt_texp(p)
! *
! ********************************
type (uwreal), intent (inout) :: p
integer :: i=0, n, ist, ind
Real (kind=DP) :: tiw
do n = 1, p%nid
if (p%nd(n).eq.1) then
p%iw(n) = 0
end if
call p%get_cf_offset(ist,ind,n)
tiw = 0.5_DP
if (p%texp(n) > 0.0_DP) then
do i = ist+1, ind
if (p%dsig(n)*p%drho(i) > p%gamm(i)/p%gamm(ist)) exit
end do
p%iw(n) = i-ist
end if
end do
end subroutine wopt_texp
! ****************************************
! *
subroutine tauint(p)
! *
! ****************************************
type (uwreal), intent (inout) :: p
integer :: n, irst, irnd
real (kind=DP) :: ttex
do n = 1, p%nid
if (p%nd(n).eq.1) then
p%ti(n) = 0.5_DP
p%dti(n) = 0.0_DP
irst = sum(p%tmax(1:n-1))
irnd = irst + p%iw(n)
ttex = 0.0_DP
if (p%gamm(irst)>0.0_dp) then
p%ti(n) = 0.5_dp + sum(p%gamm(irst+1:irnd))/p%gamm(irst)
ttex = p%texp(n)*p%gamm(irnd)/p%gamm(irst)
p%ti(n) = 0.5_DP
p%dti(n) = 0.0_DP
end if
p%dti(n) = sqrt( p%ti(n)**2 * &
real(4*p%iw(n) - 2.0_DP*p%ti(n) + 2,kind=dp)/real(p%nd(n),kind=dp) + p%texp(n)**2*p%drho(irnd)**2)
p%ti(n) = p%ti(n) + ttex
end if
end do
end subroutine tauint
end submodule aderrors_cf
! Local Variables:
! compile-command: "gmake -C /usr/home/alberto/code/fortran/libana"
! End:
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! Alberto Ramos wrote this file. As long as you retain this
! notice you can do whatever you want with this stuff. If we meet some
! day, and you think this stuff is worth it, you can buy me a beer in
! return. <>
! $ v1.0 20180107 $
module mod_linked_list
use iso_fortran_env, only : error_unit, output_unit
use numtypes
use constants
implicit none
type list_node
type (list_node), pointer :: next => null(), prev => null()
class (*), pointer :: data
end type list_node
type linked_list
character (len=:), allocatable :: name
type (list_node), pointer, private :: first => null()
type (list_node), pointer, private :: last => null()
type (list_node), pointer, private :: current => null()
integer, private :: nrec = 0
procedure :: add => add_node
procedure :: show => show_list
procedure :: scan => scan_list
procedure :: setname => setname_list
procedure :: getdata => getdata_list
end type linked_list
module subroutine add_node(this, data)
class (linked_list), intent (inout) :: this
class (*), intent (in) :: data
end subroutine
module subroutine show_list(this)
class (linked_list), intent (inout) :: this
end subroutine
module function scan_list(this,nr)
class (linked_list), intent (inout) :: this
integer, intent (in), optional :: nr
logical :: scan_list
end function
module subroutine getdata_list(this,dt)
class (linked_list), intent (inout) :: this
class (*), intent (inout), pointer :: dt
end subroutine
module subroutine setname_list(this,sn)
class (linked_list), intent (inout) :: this
character (len=*), intent (in) :: sn
end subroutine
end interface
public :: linked_list
! ********************************
! *
subroutine module_error(routine, msg)
! *
! ********************************
character (len=*), intent (in) :: routine, msg
write(error_unit,*)'in '//trim(routine)// ' :'
end subroutine module_error
end module mod_linked_list
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