Commit 954546e8 authored by Alberto Ramos's avatar Alberto Ramos

Update LatticeGPU

parent e14bdcf7
......@@ -284,10 +284,10 @@ uuid = "59287772-0a20-5a39-b81b-1366585eb4c0"
version = "0.4.2"
deps = ["CommonSubexpressions", "DiffResults", "DiffRules", "LinearAlgebra", "NaNMath", "Preferences", "Printf", "Random", "SpecialFunctions", "StaticArrays"]
git-tree-sha1 = "ef3fec65f9db26fa2cf8f4133c697c5b7ce63c1d"
deps = ["CommonSubexpressions", "DiffResults", "DiffRules", "LinearAlgebra", "LogExpFunctions", "NaNMath", "Preferences", "Printf", "Random", "SpecialFunctions", "StaticArrays"]
git-tree-sha1 = "6406b5112809c08b1baa5703ad274e1dded0652f"
uuid = "f6369f11-7733-5829-9624-2563aa707210"
version = "0.10.22"
version = "0.10.23"
deps = ["Artifacts", "Bzip2_jll", "JLLWrappers", "Libdl", "Pkg", "Zlib_jll"]
......@@ -478,7 +478,7 @@ version = "0.15.9"
deps = ["CUDA", "Random", "TimerOutputs"]
git-tree-sha1 = "2273b4471921a317f68eac8fd1ae629afedfe231"
git-tree-sha1 = "9ffe7f56f6e0595e3fd8c6010323bdd6089c732f"
repo-rev = "master"
repo-url = ""
uuid = "958c3683-801a-4582-9cfa-2d6e2ae1763b"
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