Commit 516e6834 authored by Alessandro 's avatar Alessandro

small bug fixed, test with t-tnot fixed in gevp, analysis added for all the ensembles

parent f4fb25c3
......@@ -5,7 +5,23 @@
\f0\fs24 \cf0 $N200\
\f0\fs24 \cf0 $H400\
$Z^\{tm\}_M \\mu_c \\sqrt\{8t_0\} = $3.030627780344985 +/- 0.07902594921440798\
$M_D \\sqrt\{8t_0\} = $3.981135432856687 +/- 0.05781090729513162\
$M_Ds \\sqrt\{8t_0\} = $3.981135432856687 +/- 0.05781090729513162\
$M_D* \\sqrt\{8t_0\} = $4.278807884262479 +/- 0.05002067830312485\
$M_Ds* \\sqrt\{8t_0\} = $4.278807884262479 +/- 0.05002067830312485\
$M_eta* \\sqrt\{8t_0\} = $6.096944664722402 +/- 0.09777085253831523\
$M_jpsi* \\sqrt\{8t_0\} = $6.3445407150455315 +/- 0.09568980579456061\
$f_D \\sqrt\{8t_0\} = $0.516849796654617 +/- 0.0030631272287505134\
$f_Ds \\sqrt\{8t_0\} = $0.516849796654617 +/- 0.0030631272287505134\
$f_D* \\sqrt\{8t_0\} = $0.21312484071325435 +/- 0.003968470514564074\
$f_Ds* \\sqrt\{8t_0\} = $0.21312484071325435 +/- 0.003968470514564074\
$f_eta \\sqrt\{8t_0\} = $0.9689427427736942 +/- 0.015398690942284236\
$f_jpsi \\sqrt\{8t_0\} = $0.4391703592723876 +/- 0.009322107275879348\
\cf0 $N200\
$Z^\{tm\}_M \\mu_c \\sqrt\{8t_0\} = $3.095508084190539 +/- 0.07424875770953374\
$M_D \\sqrt\{8t_0\} = $3.958264727738654 +/- 0.05515406625525418\
$M_Ds \\sqrt\{8t_0\} = $4.072538504215807 +/- 0.05467443552294891\
......@@ -35,6 +51,21 @@ $f_Ds* \\sqrt\{8t_0\} = $0.20485862913653624 +/- 0.0024571277939203565\
$f_eta \\sqrt\{8t_0\} = $0.9262934445841321 +/- 0.011380030137209169\
$f_jpsi \\sqrt\{8t_0\} = $0.4287220496155749 +/- 0.007707612363034976\
$Z^\{tm\}_M \\mu_c \\sqrt\{8t_0\} = $2.996157019535518 +/- 0.07903034846063876\
$M_D \\sqrt\{8t_0\} = $3.9418982012432258 +/- 0.0596919625451062\
$M_Ds \\sqrt\{8t_0\} = $3.9418982012432258 +/- 0.0596919625451062\
$M_D* \\sqrt\{8t_0\} = $4.2918918432116255 +/- 0.04985913651457226\
$M_Ds* \\sqrt\{8t_0\} = $4.2918918432116255 +/- 0.04985913651457226\
$M_eta* \\sqrt\{8t_0\} = $6.077559366401819 +/- 0.10543357205926039\
$M_jpsi* \\sqrt\{8t_0\} = $6.322315861178219 +/- 0.1024859602694168\
$f_D \\sqrt\{8t_0\} = $0.502826744878361 +/- 0.0026201800440417583\
$f_Ds \\sqrt\{8t_0\} = $0.502826744878361 +/- 0.0026201800440417583\
$f_D* \\sqrt\{8t_0\} = $0.2068623601937379 +/- 0.003546907525867658\
$f_Ds* \\sqrt\{8t_0\} = $0.2068623601937379 +/- 0.003546907525867658\
$f_eta \\sqrt\{8t_0\} = $0.8669858354378843 +/- 0.010734940135830663\
$f_jpsi \\sqrt\{8t_0\} = $0.402925306634495 +/- 0.008184816863154212\
$Z^\{tm\}_M \\mu_c \\sqrt\{8t_0\} = $3.106805094851814 +/- 0.07428519131808012\
$M_D \\sqrt\{8t_0\} = $3.951817203146415 +/- 0.05634686437630071\
......@@ -95,6 +95,23 @@ mutable struct infoMatt
mat = get_matrix(diag, subdiag)
return new(mat, mu, y0)
function infoMatt(a11::Array{juobs.Corr}, a12::Array{juobs.Corr}, a13::Array{juobs.Corr}, a22::Array{juobs.Corr}, a23::Array{juobs.Corr}, a33::Array{juobs.Corr})
mu = getfield(a11[1], :mu)
y0 = Int64(getfield(a11[1], :y0))
elem11 = sum(a11[i].obs for i =1:length(a11))
elem12 = sum(a12[i].obs for i =1:length(a12))
elem22 = sum(a22[i].obs for i =1:length(a22))
elem13 = sum(a13[i].obs for i =1:length(a13))
elem23 = sum(a23[i].obs for i =1:length(a23))
elem33 = sum(a33[i].obs for i =1:length(a33))
diag = [elem11, elem22, elem33]
subdiag =[ elem12, elem13, elem23 ]
#diag = [a11.obs, a22[1].obs.+a22[2].obs.+a22[3].obs]
#subdiag = [a12[1].obs.+a12[2].obs.+a12[3].obs]
mat = get_matrix(diag, subdiag)
return new(mat, mu, y0)
function comp_mat(tot11::Array{Array{juobs.Corr}}, tot12::Array{Array{juobs.Corr}}, tot22::Array{Array{juobs.Corr}})
mu = getfield.(tot11[1],:mu)
......@@ -108,6 +125,21 @@ function comp_mat(tot11::Array{Array{juobs.Corr}}, tot12::Array{Array{juobs.Corr
return res
function comp_mat(tot11::Array{Array{juobs.Corr}}, tot12::Array{Array{juobs.Corr}}, tot13::Array{Array{juobs.Corr}}, tot22::Array{Array{juobs.Corr}}, tot33::Array{Array{juobs.Corr}}, tot23::Array{Array{juobs.Corr}})
mu = getfield.(tot11[1],:mu)
res = Array{infoMatt}(undef, length(mu))
for i = 1:length(mu)
a11 = [ tot11[j][i] for j = 1:size(tot11,1) ]
a12 = [ tot12[j][i] for j = 1:size(tot12,1) ]
a22 = [ tot22[j][i] for j = 1:size(tot22,1) ]
a33 = [ tot33[j][i] for j = 1:size(tot33,1) ]
a13 = [ tot13[j][i] for j = 1:size(tot13,1) ]
a23 = [ tot23[j][i] for j = 1:size(tot23,1) ]
res[i] = infoMatt(a11, a12, a13, a22, a23, a33)
#res[i]= infoMatt(tot11[i], [tot12[1][i],tot12[2][i],tot12[3][i]], [tot22[1][i],tot22[2][i],tot22[3][i]])
return res
function comp_energy(tot11::Array{Array{juobs.Corr}}, tot12::Array{Array{juobs.Corr}}, tot22::Array{Array{juobs.Corr}}, evec::Bool=false)
aux_mat = comp_mat(tot11, tot12, tot22)
y0 = getfield(aux_mat[1], :y0)
......@@ -124,6 +156,30 @@ function comp_energy(tot11::Array{Array{juobs.Corr}}, tot12::Array{Array{juobs.C
for i = 1:length(aux_mat)
mat_obs = getfield(aux_mat[i], :mat)[y0:end-1]
evalues, eigvec = uwgevp_tot(mat_obs, 5, evec=true)
println("in comp_energy, i is = ", i)
res_en[i] = infoEn(energies(evalues), aux_mat[i])
evec[i] = eigvec
return res_en, evec
function comp_energy(tot11::Array{Array{juobs.Corr}}, tot12::Array{Array{juobs.Corr}}, tot13::Array{Array{juobs.Corr}}, tot22::Array{Array{juobs.Corr}}, tot33::Array{Array{juobs.Corr}}, tot23::Array{Array{juobs.Corr}}, evec::Bool=false; tnot::Int64=5)
aux_mat = comp_mat(tot11, tot12, tot13, tot22, tot23, tot33)
y0 = getfield(aux_mat[1], :y0)
res_en = Array{infoEn}(undef, length(aux_mat))
if !evec
for i = 1:length(aux_mat)
mat_obs = getfield(aux_mat[i], :mat)[y0:end-1]
evalues = uwgevp_tot(mat_obs, tnot)
res_en[i] = infoEn(energies(evalues), aux_mat[i])
return res_en
evec = Array{Array{}}(undef, length(aux_mat))
for i = 1:length(aux_mat)
mat_obs = getfield(aux_mat[i], :mat)[y0:end-1]
evalues, eigvec = uwgevp_tot(mat_obs, tnot, evec=true)
println("in comp_energy, i is = ", i)
res_en[i] = infoEn(energies(evalues), aux_mat[i])
evec[i] = eigvec
......@@ -142,15 +198,15 @@ mutable struct infoEn
function pseudo_mat_elem(evec::Array{Array{T,2} where T,1}, ppcorr::Array{uwreal,1}, mass::uwreal)
Rn = [ (uwdot(evec[i][:,1], uwdot(ppcorr[97+i], evec[i][:,1])))^(0.5) * exp(mass*i/2) for i=1:length(evec)-2]
Rn = [ (uwdot(evec[i][:,1], uwdot(ppcorr[28+i], evec[i][:,1])))^(0.5) * exp(mass*i/2) for i=1:length(evec)-2]
return Rn
function extract_dec_const(mat_elem::uwreal, mass::uwreal, mu::Array{Float64})
return sqrt(2)*sum(mu)*mat_elem / mass^1.5
function vec_mat_elem(evec::Array{Array{T,2} where T,1}, akakcorr::Array{uwreal,1},gevpmat::Array{Array{T,2} where T,1}, mass::uwreal )
Rn = [ (uwdot(evec[i][:,2], uwdot(akakcorr[97+i]/3, evec[i][:,2]))^2)^(-0.25) * exp(mass*i/2) for i=1:length(evec)-2]
aux = vec([ uwdot(evec[i][:,2], gevpmat[97+i][:,2]/3) for i =1:length(evec)-2])
Rn = [ (uwdot(evec[i][:,2], uwdot(akakcorr[28+i], evec[i][:,2]))^2)^(-0.25) * exp(mass*i/2) for i=1:length(evec)-2]
aux = vec([ uwdot(evec[i][:,2], gevpmat[28+i][:,2]) for i =1:length(evec)-2])
return Rn.*aux
function match_muc(muh, m_lh, m_lh_star, target)
......@@ -117,20 +117,26 @@ The columns of such matrix are the eigenvectors associated with eigenvalues eval
The keyword iter, set by default to 30, selects the number of iterations of the qr algorithm before stopping.
function uwgevp_tot(mat_list::Vector{Matrix}, tnot::Int64; iter::Int64 = 30, evec::Bool = false)
c_inv = invert(mat_list[tnot])
if !evec
c_inv = invert(mat_list[tnot])
aux_evals = uwgevp.(mat_list, c_tnot_inv=c_inv, iter = iter)
evals = get_diag.(aux_evals)
return evals
n = length(mat_list)
evals = Array{Array{uwreal}}(undef, n )
evecs = Array{Matrix}(undef, n)
for i = 1:n
evals = Array{Array{uwreal}}(undef, 0 )
evecs = Array{Matrix}(undef, 0)
for i = 6:n-1
println("The time t is =", i)
c_inv = invert(mat_list[tnot])
println("The time t0 is =", tnot)
aux_evals, aux_evec = uwgevp(mat_list[i], c_tnot_inv=c_inv, iter = iter, evec = evec)
evals[i] = get_diag(aux_evals)
evecs[i] = aux_evec
push!(evals, get_diag(aux_evals))
push!(evecs, aux_evec)
println("In uwgevp_tot, the time extent is ", length(evals))
return evals, evecs
(aux_evals, aux_evec) = uwgevp.(mat_list, c_tnot_inv=c_inv, iter = iter, evec= true)
......@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ m = meff(corr_pp[1], [50, 60], pl=false)
function meff(corr::Vector{uwreal}, plat::Vector{Int64}; pl::Bool=true, data::Bool=false)
dim = length(corr)
aux = log.(corr[2:dim-2] ./ corr[3:dim-1])
aux = 0.5.*log.((corr[2:dim-2] ./ corr[3:dim-1]).^2)
mass = plat_av(aux, plat)
if pl == true
......@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ function dec_const_pcvc(corr::Vector{uwreal}, plat::Vector{Int64}, m::uwreal, mu
dim = length(corr_pp)
aux = exp.((collect(1:dim) .- y0 ) .* [m for k in 1:dim])
R = (aux .* corr_pp).^0.5
R = ((aux .* corr_pp).^2).^0.25
R_av = plat_av(R, plat)
f = sqrt(2) * (mu[1] + mu[2]) *R_av / m^1.5
......@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ function dec_const_pcvc(corr::Vector{uwreal}, plat::Vector{Int64}, m::uwreal, mu
if data == false
return f
return (f, R)
return (f, uwdot(sqrt(2) * (mu[1] + mu[2]) / m^1.5, R))
dec_const_pcvc(corr::Corr, plat::Vector{Int64}, m::uwreal; pl::Bool=true, data::Bool=false) =
......@@ -120,10 +120,14 @@ m2_phys = fitp[1] + fitp[2] * phi2_phys
function lin_fit(x::Vector{Float64}, y::Vector{uwreal})
par = lin_fit(x, value.(y), err.(y))
chisq(p, d) = sum((d .- p[1] .- p[2].*x).^2 ./ err.(y) .^2)
(fitp, csqexp) = fit_error(chisq, par, y)
for i = 1:length(fitp)
print("\n Fit parameter: ", i, ": ")
println("Chisq / chiexp: ", chisq(par, y), " / ", csqexp, " (dof: ", x[end]-length(par),")")
return (fitp, csqexp)
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