Commit ea53b63c authored by Javier's avatar Javier

read_mesons_correction + corr_obs_TSM added

functions for TSM runs.
read_mesons_correction -> read correction runs (exact + sloppy solutions)
corr_obs_TSM -> create Corr with <O_sloppy> + <O_correction>
parent e261c64e
...@@ -8,9 +8,9 @@ include("juobs_reader.jl") ...@@ -8,9 +8,9 @@ include("juobs_reader.jl")
include("juobs_tools.jl") include("juobs_tools.jl")
include("juobs_obs.jl") include("juobs_obs.jl")
export read_mesons, read_ms1, read_ms, read_md, truncate_data! export read_mesons, read_mesons_correction, read_ms1, read_ms, read_md, truncate_data!
export get_matrix, energies, uwdot, uweigvals, uweigvecs, uweigen, invert, getall_eigvals, getall_eigvecs export get_matrix, energies, uwdot, uweigvals, uweigvecs, uweigen, invert, getall_eigvals, getall_eigvecs
export corr_obs, corr_sym, md_sea, md_val, plat_av, lin_fit, x_lin_fit, y_lin_fit, fit_routine export corr_obs, corr_obs_TSM, corr_sym, md_sea, md_val, plat_av, lin_fit, x_lin_fit, y_lin_fit, fit_routine
export meff, mpcac, dec_const, dec_const_pcvc, comp_t0 export meff, mpcac, dec_const, dec_const_pcvc, comp_t0
end # module end # module
...@@ -191,6 +191,99 @@ function read_mesons(path::Vector{String}, g1::Union{String, Nothing}=nothing, g ...@@ -191,6 +191,99 @@ function read_mesons(path::Vector{String}, g1::Union{String, Nothing}=nothing, g
return cdata return cdata
end end
function read_mesons_correction(path::String, g1::Union{String, Nothing}=nothing, g2::Union{String, Nothing}=nothing; id::Union{String, Nothing}=nothing, legacy::Bool=false,
nnoise_trunc::Union{Int64, Nothing}=nothing)
t1 = isnothing(g1) ? nothing : findfirst(x-> x==g1, gamma_name) - 1
t2 = isnothing(g2) ? nothing : findfirst(x-> x==g2, gamma_name) - 1
if isnothing(id)
bname = basename(path)
m = findfirst(r"[A-Z][0-9]{3}r[0-9]{3}", bname)
id = bname[m[1:4]]
#id = parse(Int64, bname[m[2:4]])
data = open(path, "r")
g_header = read_GHeader(path)
c_header = read_CHeader(path, legacy=legacy)
ncorr = g_header.ncorr
tvals = g_header.tvals
nnoise = g_header.nnoise
nnoise_trunc = isnothing(nnoise_trunc) ? nnoise : min(nnoise, nnoise_trunc)
fsize = filesize(path)
datsize = 4 + sum(getfield.(c_header, :dsize)) * tvals * nnoise #data_size / ncnfg
ncfg = div(fsize - g_header.hsize - sum(getfield.(c_header, :hsize)), datsize) #(total size - header_size) / data_size
corr_match = findall(x-> (x.type1==t1 || isnothing(t1)) && (x.type2==t2 || isnothing(t2)), c_header)
seek(data, g_header.hsize + sum(c.hsize for c in c_header))
res = Array{CData}(undef, div(length(corr_match), 2)) # Modification: total length is divided by 2
data_re = zeros(div(length(corr_match), 2), ncfg, tvals) # Modification: total length is divided by 2
data_im = zeros(div(length(corr_match), 2), ncfg, tvals) # Modification: total length is divided by 2
vcfg = Array{Int32}(undef, ncfg)
for icfg = 1:ncfg
vcfg[icfg] = read(data, Int32)
c = 1
sgn = +1 # sign it changes at ncorr / 2. O_exact - O_sloppy
for k = 1:ncorr
if k in corr_match
if c_header[k].is_real == 1
tmp = Array{Float64}(undef, tvals*nnoise)
read!(data, tmp)
tmp2 = reshape(tmp, (nnoise, tvals))
tmp2 = mean(tmp2[1:nnoise_trunc, :], dims=1)
data_re[c, icfg, :] = data_re[c, icfg, :] + sgn * tmp2[1, :]
elseif c_header[k].is_real == 0
tmp = Array{Float64}(undef, 2*tvals*nnoise)
read!(data, tmp)
tmp2 = reshape(tmp, (2, nnoise, tvals))
tmp2 = mean(tmp2[:, 1:nnoise_trunc, :], dims=2)
data_re[c, icfg, :] = data_re[c, icfg, :] + sgn * tmp2[1, 1, :]
data_im[c, icfg, :] = data_im[c, icfg, :] + sgn * tmp2[2, 1, :]
c += 1
seek(data, position(data) + c_header[k].dsize*tvals*nnoise)
if k == div(ncorr, 2)
c = 1
sgn = -1
for c = 1:div(length(corr_match), 2)
res[c] = CData(c_header[corr_match[c]], vcfg, data_re[c, :, :], data_im[c, :, :], id)
return res
function read_mesons_correction(path::Vector{String}, g1::Union{String, Nothing}=nothing, g2::Union{String, Nothing}=nothing; id::Union{String, Nothing}=nothing, legacy::Bool=false,
nnoise_trunc::Union{Int64, Nothing}=nothing)
res = read_mesons_correction.(path, g1, g2, id=id, legacy=legacy, nnoise_trunc=nnoise_trunc)
nrep = length(res)
ncorr = length(res[1])
cdata = Vector{Vector{CData}}(undef, ncorr)
for icorr = 1:ncorr
cdata[icorr] = Vector{CData}(undef, nrep)
for r = 1:nrep
cdata[icorr][r] = res[r][icorr]
return cdata
function read_rw(path::String; v::String="1.2") function read_rw(path::String; v::String="1.2")
data = open(path, "r") data = open(path, "r")
nrw = read(data, Int32) nrw = read(data, Int32)
...@@ -112,7 +112,6 @@ function corr_obs(cdata::CData; real::Bool=true, rw::Union{Array{Float64, 2}, No ...@@ -112,7 +112,6 @@ function corr_obs(cdata::CData; real::Bool=true, rw::Union{Array{Float64, 2}, No
return Corr(obs, cdata) return Corr(obs, cdata)
end end
end end
#function corr_obs for R != 1 #function corr_obs for R != 1
#TODO: vcfg with gaps #TODO: vcfg with gaps
function corr_obs(cdata::Array{CData, 1}; real::Bool=true, rw::Union{Array{Array{Float64, 2}, 1}, Nothing}=nothing, L::Int64=1, info::Bool=false) function corr_obs(cdata::Array{CData, 1}; real::Bool=true, rw::Union{Array{Array{Float64, 2}, 1}, Nothing}=nothing, L::Int64=1, info::Bool=false)
...@@ -152,6 +151,99 @@ function corr_obs(cdata::Array{CData, 1}; real::Bool=true, rw::Union{Array{Array ...@@ -152,6 +151,99 @@ function corr_obs(cdata::Array{CData, 1}; real::Bool=true, rw::Union{Array{Array
return Corr(obs, cdata) return Corr(obs, cdata)
end end
end end
function corr_obs_TSM(cdata1::CData, cdata2::CData; real::Bool=true, rw::Union{Array{Float64, 2}, Nothing}=nothing, L::Int64=1, info::Bool=false)
if !=
error("Error: cdata1 id != cdata2 id")
if cdata1.header != cdata2.header # Base.:(==) and Base.:(!=) are redifined in juobs_types.jl
error("Error: cdata1 header != cdata2 header")
data1 = real ? cdata1.re_data ./ L^3 : cdata1.im_data ./ L^3
data2 = real ? cdata2.re_data ./ L^3 : cdata2.im_data ./ L^3
nt = size(data1, 2)
id =
if isnothing(rw)
obs1 = [uwreal(data1[:, x0], id) for x0 = 1:nt]
obs2 = [uwreal(data2[:, x0], id) for x0 = 1:nt]
data1_r, W = apply_rw(data1, rw)
data2_r, W = apply_rw(data2, rw)
ow1 = [uwreal(data1_r[:, x0], id) for x0 = 1:nt]
ow2 = [uwreal(data2_r[:, x0], id) for x0 = 1:nt]
W_obs = uwreal(W, id)
obs1 = [ow1[x0] / W_obs for x0 = 1:nt]
obs2 = [ow2[x0] / W_obs for x0 = 1:nt]
if info && !isnothing(rw)
return (Corr(obs1 + obs2, cdata1), ow1, ow2, W_obs)
elseif info && isnothing(rw)
return (Corr(obs1 + obs2, cdata1), obs1, obs2)
return Corr(obs1 + obs2, cdata1)
function corr_obs_TSM(cdata1::Array{CData, 1}, cdata2::Array{CData, 1}; real::Bool=true, rw::Union{Array{Array{Float64, 2}, 1}, Nothing}=nothing, L::Int64=1, info::Bool=false)
if any(getfield.(cdata1, :id) .!= getfield.(cdata2, :id))
error("Error: cdata1 id != cdata2 id")
if any(getfield.(cdata1, :header) .!= getfield.(cdata2, :header)) # Base.:(==) and Base.:(!=) are redifined in juobs_types.jl
error("Error: cdata1 header != cdata2 header")
id = getfield.(cdata1, :id)
vcfg = getfield.(cdata1, :vcfg)
replica = Int64.(maximum.(vcfg))
if !all(id .== id[1])
error("IDs are not equal")
data1 = real ? getfield.(cdata1, :re_data) ./ L^3 : getfield.(cdata1, :im_data) ./ L^3
data2 = real ? getfield.(cdata2, :re_data) ./ L^3 : getfield.(cdata2, :im_data) ./ L^3
nt = size(data1[1], 2)
if isnothing(rw)
tmp1 = cat(data1..., dims=1)
tmp2 = cat(data2..., dims=1)
obs1 = [uwreal(tmp1[:, x0], id[1], replica) for x0 = 1:nt]
obs2 = [uwreal(tmp2[:, x0], id[1], replica) for x0 = 1:nt]
data1_r, W = apply_rw(data1, rw)
data2_r, W = apply_rw(data2, rw)
tmp1 = cat(data1_r..., dims=1)
tmp2 = cat(data2_r..., dims=1)
tmp_W = cat(W..., dims=1)
ow1 = [uwreal(tmp1[:, x0], id[1], replica) for x0 = 1:nt]
ow2 = [uwreal(tmp2[:, x0], id[1], replica) for x0 = 1:nt]
W_obs = uwreal(tmp_W, id[1], replica)
obs1 = [ow1[x0] / W_obs for x0 = 1:nt]
obs2 = [ow2[x0] / W_obs for x0 = 1:nt]
if info && !isnothing(rw)
return (Corr(obs1 + obs2, cdata), ow1, ow2, W_obs)
elseif info && isnothing(rw)
return (Corr(obs1 + obs2, cdata), obs1, obs2)
return Corr(obs1 + obs2, cdata)
@doc raw""" @doc raw"""
corr_sym(corrL::Corr, corrR::Corr, parity::Int64=1) corr_sym(corrL::Corr, corrR::Corr, parity::Int64=1)
...@@ -127,6 +127,15 @@ mutable struct CHeader ...@@ -127,6 +127,15 @@ mutable struct CHeader
return a return a
end end
end end
function Base.:(==)(a::CHeader, b::CHeader)
for s in [:k1, :k2, :mu1, :mu2, :dp1, :dp2, :type1, :type2, :x0, :is_real, :theta1, :theta2]
if getfield(a, s) != getfield(b, s)
return false
return true
#Base.:(!=)(a::CHeader, b::CHeader) = !(a == b)
mutable struct CData mutable struct CData
header::CHeader header::CHeader
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