Commit 318ba3fd authored by Alessandro 's avatar Alessandro


parent acbf9166
......@@ -21,9 +21,9 @@ Finally the energy levels are determined by fitting the effective energy with th
E_n^{eff}(t, t_0, \tau) = E_n + p_1*e^{-\Delta E * t}
The fit is performed in the time extent
t \in [\text{range_t_fit}[1]:\text{range_t_fit}[2], end-5]
[range_t_fit[1]:range_t_fit[2], end-5]
where range_t_fit is an array of integers set by default to [2,5], but this can be changed by the user.
Final results for the energy spectrum is given by the weighthed average of the fit parameters determined by the above outlined procedure.
N.B. at the moment the code does not extract matrix element, hence decay constants, from the gevp.
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