Commit 9fdef14c authored by Alessandro 's avatar Alessandro

major update to the twisted mass charm analysis code

parent 6c956856
......@@ -59,11 +59,11 @@ sh 83 110
hh 90 104
t0 20 110
ll 85 105
ll 80 87
ls 82 100
lh 80 88
lh 86 92
ss 85 100
sh 82 88
sh 86 92
hh 87 93
t0 20 110
......@@ -61,11 +61,19 @@ t0 20 110
ll 79 86
ls 85 105
lh 84 87
lh 78 88
ss 85 105
sh 85 87
hh 90 93
sh 80 85
hh 80 90
t0 25 100
ll 87 103
ls 85 105
lh 88 100
ss 85 105
sh 88 110
hh 88 110
t0 20 110
ll 120 148
ls 123 140
......@@ -74,4 +82,28 @@ ss 123 140
sh 130 145
hh 133 175
t0 25 170
ll 120 148
ls 123 140
lh 125 145
ss 123 140
sh 130 145
hh 133 175
t0 25 170
ll 120 148
ls 123 140
lh 125 145
ss 123 140
sh 130 145
hh 133 175
t0 25 170
ll 120 148
ls 123 140
lh 125 145
ss 123 140
sh 130 145
hh 133 175
t0 25 170
......@@ -24,11 +24,11 @@ const path_plat_w = "/Users/alessandroconigli/Lattice/data/aux_obs_data/plat_wil
const path_rw = "/Users/alessandroconigli/Lattice/data/aux_obs_data/rwf"
const path_md = "/Users/alessandroconigli/Lattice/data/aux_obs_data/md"
const ens_list = ["D200"] # ["H101", "H102r002", "H400", "N202", "N200", "N203", "N300", "J303"]
const ens_list = ["H101", "H102r002", "H105", "H400", "N202", "N203", "N200", "D200", "N300", "J303"] # ["H101", "H102r002", "H400", "N202", "N200", "N203", "N300", "J303"]
const path_bdio_md = "/Users/alessandroconigli/Lattice/data/bdio_charm/md"
const path_bdio_w = "/Users/alessandroconigli/Lattice/data/bdio_charm/wilson"
const phi4_target = uwreal([1.117, 0.012], "phi4_target")
const phi4_target = uwreal([1.098, 0.010], "phi4_target")
const rwf = true
#========= INCLUDES ==========#
......@@ -49,15 +49,16 @@ for i in 1:length(ens_list)
#t0 [2.86, 3.659, 5.164, 8.595]
wpmm = Dict{String, Vector{Float64}}()
wpmm["H101"] = [-1.0, 4.0, -1.0, 14.0*2.86]
wpmm["H102r002"] = [-1.0, 4.0, -1.0, 14.0*2.86]
wpmm["H105"] = [-1.0, 4.0, -1.0, 14.0*2.86]
wpmm["H400"] = [-1.0, 4.0, -1.0, 14.0*3.659]
wpmm["N202"] = [-1.0, 4.0, -1.0, 14.0*5.164]
wpmm["N200"] = [-1.0, 4.0, -1.0, 14.0*5.164]
wpmm["N203"] = [-1.0, 4.0, -1.0, 14.0*5.164]
wpmm["N300"] = [-1.0, 4.0, -1.0, 14.0*8.595]
wpmm["J303"] = [-1.0, 4.0, -1.0, 14.0*8.595]
wpmm["H101"] = [-1.0, 2.0, -1.0, 14.0*2.86]
wpmm["H102r002"] = [-1.0, 2.0, -1.0, 14.0*2.86]
wpmm["H105"] = [-1.0, 2.0, -1.0, 14.0*2.86]
wpmm["H400"] = [-1.0, 2.0, -1.0, 14.0*3.659]
wpmm["N202"] = [-1.0, 2.0, -1.0, 14.0*5.164]
wpmm["N200"] = [-1.0, 2.0, -1.0, 14.0*5.164]
wpmm["N203"] = [-1.0, 2.0, -1.0, 14.0*5.164]
wpmm["D200"] = [-1.0, 2.0, -1.0, 14.0*5.164]
wpmm["N300"] = [-1.0, 2.0, -1.0, 14.0*8.595]
wpmm["J303"] = [-1.0, 2.0, -1.0, 14.0*8.595]
#======== ANALYSIS ==========#
gen_mulist = Vector{Vector{Vector{Float64}}}(undef, length(ens_list))
......@@ -68,6 +69,7 @@ obs_tm_shifted = Vector(undef, length(ensinfo))
obs_w = Vector(undef, length(ensinfo))
for (k, ens) in enumerate(ensinfo)
# t0
t0_ens, YW, W = get_t0(path_data_w, ens, rw=rwf, path_rw=path_rw, pl=true)
# The code produces BDIO files for md_info (see OrderedDict md_info) and Wilson observables (see OrderedDict obs_w)
# The BDIO files are saved in path_bdio_md and path_bdio_w respectivily. Each BDIO file contains information about a given ensemble.
# Plateaux for different ensembles are defined in txt files (path_plat_w)
# The dat files must be located in the following way
path_data_w/ensemble -> *mesons.dat (Wilson)
path_data_w/ensemble -> *ms.dat
path_rw/ensemble -> *.ms1.dat
path_md/ensemble -> *.pbp.dat
# Example: path_rw/H400 contains H400r001.ms1.dat and H400r002.ms1.dat
# The target value of phi4 can be modified
# Masses and decay constants are in terms of the reference scale t0
# See read_bdio.jl for more information
# here there is a possible bug: symmetric point ensembles are not shifted at a fix value of phi_2 as it should be
# please use md.jl
using Base: String
using LaTeXStrings: length
using OrderedCollections
using juobs, BDIO, DelimitedFiles, ADerrors, LaTeXStrings
#================== PATHS + INFO ==================#
const path_data_w = "/Users/alessandroconigli/Lattice/data/aux_obs_data/wilson"
const path_plat_w = "/Users/alessandroconigli/Lattice/data/aux_obs_data/plat_wilson.txt"
const path_rw = "/Users/alessandroconigli/Lattice/data/aux_obs_data/rwf"
const path_md = "/Users/alessandroconigli/Lattice/data/aux_obs_data/md"
const ens_list = ["N300"] # ["H101", "H102r002", "H400", "N202", "N200", "N203", "N300", "J303"]
const path_bdio_md = "/Users/alessandroconigli/Lattice/data/bdio_charm/md"
const path_bdio_w = "/Users/alessandroconigli/Lattice/data/bdio_charm/wilson"
const phi4_target = uwreal([1.098, 0.010], "phi4_target")
const rwf = true
#========= INCLUDES ==========#
ensinfo = Vector{EnsInfo}(undef, length(ens_list))
for i in 1:length(ens_list)
ens = ens_list[i]
ensinfo[i]= EnsInfo(ens, ens_db[ens], trunc_db[ens])
error("The ensemble id ", ens, " was not found in the const.jl ens_db database.
Please check the ensemble id or update the database")
#t0 [2.86, 3.659, 5.164, 8.595]
wpmm = Dict{String, Vector{Float64}}()
wpmm["H101"] = [-1.0, 4.0, -1.0, 14.0*2.86]
wpmm["H102r002"] = [-1.0, 4.0, -1.0, 14.0*2.86]
wpmm["H105"] = [-1.0, 4.0, -1.0, 14.0*2.86]
wpmm["H400"] = [-1.0, 4.0, -1.0, 14.0*3.659]
wpmm["N202"] = [-1.0, 4.0, -1.0, 14.0*5.164]
wpmm["N200"] = [-1.0, 4.0, -1.0, 14.0*5.164]
wpmm["N203"] = [-1.0, 4.0, -1.0, 14.0*5.164]
wpmm["N300"] = [-1.0, 4.0, -1.0, 14.0*8.595]
wpmm["J303"] = [-1.0, 4.0, -1.0, 14.0*8.595]
#======== ANALYSIS ==========#
gen_mulist = Vector{Vector{Vector{Float64}}}(undef, length(ens_list))
md_info = Vector(undef, length(ensinfo))
obs_tm_shifted = Vector(undef, length(ensinfo))
obs_w = Vector(undef, length(ensinfo))
for (k, ens) in enumerate(ensinfo)
# t0
t0_ens, YW, W = get_t0(path_data_w, ens, rw=rwf, path_rw=path_rw, pl=true)
# WILSON correlators
pp_w, pp_wW, _ = get_corr(path_data_w, ens, "G5", "G5", rw=rwf, path_rw=path_rw, legacy=true)
pp_w_d1, _, _ = get_corr(path_data_w, ens, "G5_d1", "G5_d1", rw=rwf, path_rw=path_rw, legacy=true)
pp_w_d2, _, _ = get_corr(path_data_w, ens, "G5_d2", "G5_d2", rw=rwf, path_rw=path_rw, legacy=true)
# WILSON masses
m_w = get_meff_w(pp_w, ens, pl=true)
kappa_list = getfield.(pp_w, :kappa)
mll_w = get_ll_w(kappa_list, m_w, ens.deg)
mls_w = ens.deg ? mll_w : get_ls_w(kappa_list, m_w, ens.deg)
phi2 = 8 * t0_ens * mll_w^2
phi4 = ens.deg ? 8 * t0_ens * 1.5 * mll_w^2 : 8 * t0_ens * (0.5 * mll_w^2 + mls_w^2)
dSdm = read_pbp(path_md,
ppll = get_ll_w(kappa_list, pp_w, ens.deg)
ppllW = get_ll_w(kappa_list, pp_wW, ens.deg)
ppll_d1 = get_ll_w(kappa_list, pp_w_d1, ens.deg)
ppll_d2 = get_ll_w(kappa_list, pp_w_d2, ens.deg)
dphi4_s1, dphi4_s2 = md_sea(phi4, dSdm, YW, W) .+ md_sea(phi4, dSdm, ppllW, W)
dphi2_s1, dphi2_s2 = md_sea(phi2, dSdm, YW, W) .+ md_sea(phi2, dSdm, ppllW, W)
dphi4_v1, dphi4_v2 = md_val(phi4, ppll, [ppll_d1, ppll_d2])
dphi2_v1, dphi2_v2 = md_val(phi2, ppll, [ppll_d1, ppll_d2])
if !ens.deg
ppls = get_ls_w(kappa_list, pp_w, ens.deg)
pplsW = get_ls_w(kappa_list, pp_wW, ens.deg)
ppls_d1 = get_ls_w(kappa_list, pp_w_d1, ens.deg)
ppls_d2 = get_ls_w(kappa_list, pp_w_d2, ens.deg)
aux1, aux2 = md_val(phi4, ppls, [ppls_d1, ppls_d2])
dphi4_v1 = dphi4_v1 + aux1
dphi4_v2 = dphi4_v2 + aux2
dphi4_s1, dphi4_s2 = (dphi4_s1, dphi4_s2) .+ md_sea(phi4, dSdm, pplsW, W)
# Dict: Deltam, phi2, phi4, t0 (shifted)
deltam = (phi4_target - phi4) / (2*dphi4_s1 + dphi4_s2 + dphi4_v1 + dphi4_v2)
dt0_s1, dt0_s2 = md_sea(t0_ens, dSdm, YW, W)
t0_ens_shifted = t0_ens + deltam * (2 * dt0_s1 + dt0_s2)
phi2_shifted = phi2 + deltam * (2*dphi2_s1 + dphi2_s2 + dphi2_v1 + dphi2_v2)
phi4_shifted = phi4 + deltam * (2*dphi4_s1 + dphi4_s2 + dphi4_v1 + dphi4_v2)
md_info[k] = OrderedDict(
"deltam" => deltam,
"t0_shifted" => t0_ens_shifted,
"phi2_shifted" => phi2_shifted,
"phi4_shifted" => phi4_shifted
obs_w[k] = OrderedDict(
"mll" => sqrt(8 * t0_ens) * mll_w,
"mls" => sqrt(8 * t0_ens) * mls_w,
"t0" => t0_ens,
"phi2" => phi2,
"phi4" => phi4
for (k, obs) in enumerate(md_info) #loop over ensembles
ens = ensinfo[k].id
p = joinpath(path_bdio_md, string(ens, ".bdio"))
fb = BDIO_open(p, "w", ens)
uinfo = 0
for (key, value) in obs #loop over observables
write_uwreal(value, fb, uinfo)
uinfo += 1
for (k, obs) in enumerate(obs_w) #loop over ensembles
ens = ensinfo[k].id
p = joinpath(path_bdio_w, string(ens, ".bdio"))
fb = BDIO_open(p, "w", ens)
uinfo = 0
for (key, value) in obs #loop over observables
write_uwreal(value, fb, uinfo)
uinfo += 1
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -23,7 +23,8 @@ function read_rw(path::String, ens::String)
length(rep) == 1 ? (return read_ms1(rep[1])) : (return read_ms1.(rep))
length(rep) == 1 && length(rep)!=0 ? (return read_ms1(rep[1], v="1.4")) : (return read_ms1.(rep, v="1.4"))
ens == "H400" ? vv = "1.6" : vv="1.4"
length(rep) == 1 && length(rep)!=0 ? (return read_ms1(rep[1], v=vv)) : (return read_ms1.(rep, v=vv))
error("ms1.dat file not found for ensemble ", ens, " in path ", p)
This diff is collapsed.
using juobs, BDIO, DelimitedFiles, ADerrors, LaTeXStrings, PyPlot
using LaTeXStrings: length
using LsqFit
rcParams = PyPlot.PyDict(PyPlot.matplotlib."rcParams")
rcParams["text.usetex"] = false
rcParams["mathtext.fontset"] = "cm"
rcParams["font.size"] =10
rcParams["axes.labelsize"] =22
rcParams["axes.titlesize"] = 18
plt.rc("text", usetex=false) # set to true once you install latex
path_corr = "/Users/alessandroconigli/Lattice/data/charm_full_Dirac/N302/N302r001_correction_k0.137211_mup0.00292_mup0.00682_mup0.1320_mup0.1460.mesons.dat"
path_sl = "/Users/alessandroconigli/Lattice/data/charm_full_Dirac/N302/N302r001_sloppy_k0.137211_mup0.00292_mup0.00682_mup0.1320_mup0.1460.mesons.dat"
path_rw = "/Users/alessandroconigli/Lattice/data/aux_obs_data/rwf/N302/N302r001.ms1.dat"
ens = "N302"
wpmm = Dict{String, Vector{Float64}}()
wpmm["H101"] = [-1.0, 2.0, -1.0, -1.0]
wpmm["H102r002"] = [-1.0, 2.0, -1.0, -1.0]
wpmm["H400"] = [-1.0, 1.5, -1.0, -1.0]
wpmm["N202"] = [-1.0, 2.0, -1.0, -1.0]
wpmm["N200"] = [-1.0, 2.0, -1.0, -1.0]
wpmm["N203"] = [-1.0, 2.0, -1.0, -1.0]
wpmm["N300"] = [-1.0, 2.0, -1.0, -1.0]
wpmm["N302"] = [-1.0, 2.0, -1.0, -1.0]
wpmm["J303"] = [-1.0, 2.0, -1.0, -1.0]
wpmm["D200"] = [-1.0, 4.0, -1.0, -1.0]
# D200 param
# noise_trunc = [nothing, 1, 2, 4, 8]
# ncfg = [2000, 2000, 1000, 500, 250]
# idmsl = [collect(1:2000), collect(1:2000), collect(1:2:2000), collect(1:4:2000), collect(1:8:2000)]
noise_trunc = [16, 2, 4, 8]
ncfg = [60, 60, 30, 15]
idmsl = [collect(1:60), collect(1:60), collect(1:2:60), collect(1:4:60)]
## here i want to test, with full statistics, the TSM, sloppy, exact and exact-sloppy,corr observables
rwf = juobs.read_ms1(path_rw)
idm_corr= collect(1:20)
nms = 60
data_corr = juobs.read_mesons_correction(path_corr,"G5", "G5") # correction data combined
data_ex = juobs.read_mesons(path_corr, "G5", "G5" )[1:9] # sloppy data only
data_sl = juobs.read_mesons(path_sl, "G5", "G5") # exact data only
pp_corr = juobs.corr_obs.(data_corr, idm=idm_corr, nms=nms) # correction correlator
pp_ex = juobs.corr_obs.(data_ex, idm=idm_corr, nms=nms) # exact correlator
pp_sloppy = juobs.corr_obs.(data_sl, idm=idmsl[1], nms=nms) # sloppy correlator
pp_TSM = juobs.corr_obs_TSM.(data_sl, data_corr, idm_corr=idm_corr, idm_sl=idmsl[1], nms=nms) # exact correlator
for midx in [1,4,5,6]
TT = 75
tmp_corr = pp_corr[midx].obs[TT] ; uwerr(tmp_corr, wpmm)
tmp_ex = pp_ex[midx].obs[TT] ; uwerr(tmp_ex, wpmm)
tmp_sloppy = pp_sloppy[midx].obs[TT] ; uwerr(tmp_sloppy, wpmm)
tmp_TSM = pp_TSM[midx].obs[TT] ; uwerr(tmp_TSM, wpmm)
println("Midx = $(midx)")
println("TSM = $(tmp_TSM)")
println("Sloppy = $(tmp_sloppy)")
println("Exact = $(tmp_ex)")
println("Correc = $(tmp_corr)")
## here i am studing the tradeoff between noise sources and number of configurations.
ll = Vector()
pp = Vector{Vector{juobs.Corr}}(undef, 0)
for k in eachindex(noise_trunc)
data_sl = juobs.read_mesons(path_sl, "G5", "G5", nnoise_trunc=noise_trunc[k])
ppaux = juobs.corr_obs_TSM.(data_sl, data_corr, idm_corr=idm_corr, idm_sl=idmsl[1], nms=nms )
push!(pp, ppaux )
llaux = string("cnfg:",ncfg[k], " nnoise:", noise_trunc[k])
push!(ll, llaux)
## pp corr vs cnfg and nnoise
PPfix = Vector{Vector{uwreal}}(undef, length(pp))
PPfixex = Vector{Vector{uwreal}}(undef, length(pp))
for k in eachindex(pp)
PPfix[k] = Vector{uwreal}(undef, 0)
PPfixex[k] = Vector{uwreal}(undef, 0)
for midx in [1,4,5,6]
yy = pp[k][midx].obs[75]
yyex = pp_ex[midx].obs[75]
push!(PPfix[k], yy)
push!(PPfixex[k], yyex)
tt = ["PPll", "PPlh", "PPsh", "PPhh"]
for k in eachindex(PPfix[1])
fig = figure(figsize=(10,7.5))
yy = getindex.(PPfix, k)
yyex = getindex.(PPfixex, k)
[uwerr(yy[ii], wpmm) for ii in eachindex(yy)]
[uwerr(yyex[ii], wpmm) for ii in eachindex(yyex)]
xx = collect(1:length(yy))
errorbar(xx, value.(yy), err.(yy), fmt="*", capsize=2, label="TSM" )
errorbar(xx.+0.1, value.(yyex), err.(yyex), fmt="*", capsize=2, label="Exact" )
xticks(xx, string.(ll), rotation=15)
# savefig(joinpath("/Users/alessandroconigli/Lattice",string(tt[k],"_corrppNoiseCnfg.pdf")))
## print corr values at all nnoise and cnfg for all masses
for k in eachindex(PPfix[1])
yy = getindex.(PPfix, k)
[uwerr(yy[ii], wpmm) for ii in eachindex(yy)]
for elem in yy
## meff vs cnfg and nnoise
M = Vector{Vector{uwreal}}(undef, length(pp))
for k in eachindex(pp)
M[k] = Vector{uwreal}(undef, 0)
cc = 1
for midx in [1,4,5,6]
if cc == 1
tmin =collect(75:85)
tmax = collect(105:115)
tmax = tmax[1:2:end]
plat = [85,100]
tmin = cc==4 ? collect(86:88) : collect(78:84)
tmax = cc==4 ? collect(90:92) : collect(95:100)
plat = cc==4 ? [88,94] : [85,95]
@. fitt(x,p) = p[1]
maux = juobs.meff(pp[k][midx], plat, pl=true )
# maux, syst, all_res, FitDict = juobs.bayesian_av(fitt, data, tmin, tmax, 2, pl=true, data=true, plt_title="ciao", path_plt=nothing, label=L"$m$")
push!(M[k], maux)
# plot
tt = ["mll", "mlh", "msh", "mhh"]
for k in eachindex(M[1])
fig = figure(figsize=(10,7.5))
yy = getindex.(M, k)
xx = collect(1:length(yy))
errorbar(xx, value.(yy), err.(yy), fmt="*", capsize=2 )
xticks(xx, string.(ll), rotation=15)
idxm = 4
t0= meff(pp[1][idxm], [85,94])
t1 = meff(pp[2][idxm], [85,95])
t2 = meff(pp[3][idxm], [85,95])
t3 = meff(pp[4][idxm], [85,95])
t4 = meff(pp[5][idxm], [85,95])
\ No newline at end of file
#========= ENSEMBLE DATABASE ========#
ens_db = Dict(
#"ens_id"=>[L, beta, is_deg?, m_pi, dtr]
"H102r002" => [32, 3.4, false, 0.15306, 2],
#"ens_id"=>[L, beta, is_deg?, m_pi, dtr, idm_corr]
"H102r002" => [32, 3.4, false, 0.15306, 2, nothing],
#"H102r001" => [32, 3.4, false, 0.15306, 2],
"H105" => [32, 3.4, false, 0.12151, 2],
"H101" => [32, 3.4, true, 0.17979, 2],
"H400" => [32, 3.46, true, 0.16345, 1],
"N200" => [48, 3.55, false, 0.09222, 1],
"N202" => [48, 3.55, true, 0.13407, 2],
"N203" => [48, 3.55, false, 0.11224, 1],
"D200" => [64, 3.55, false, 0.06611, 2],
"N300" => [48, 3.70, true, 0.10630, 1],
"J303" => [64, 3.70, false, 0.06514, 2]
"H105r002" => [32, 3.4, false, 0.12151, 2, nothing],
"H101" => [32, 3.4, true, 0.17979, 2, nothing],
"H400" => [32, 3.46, true, 0.16345, 1, nothing],
"N200" => [48, 3.55, false, 0.09222, 1, nothing],
"N202" => [48, 3.55, true, 0.13407, 2, nothing],
"N203" => [48, 3.55, false, 0.11224, 1, nothing],
"D200" => [64, 3.55, false, 0.06611, 2, 100],
"N300" => [48, 3.70, true, 0.10630, 1, nothing],
"N302" => [48, 3.70, false, 0.10630, 1, nothing],
"J303" => [64, 3.70, false, 0.06514, 2, nothing],
"E300" => [96, 3.70, false, 0.00000, 1, nothing],
"J500" => [64, 3.85, true, 0.00000, 2, nothing],
"J501" => [64, 3.85, false, 0.00000, 2, nothing],
trunc_db = Dict(
"H102r002" => nothing,
#"H102r001" => nothing,
"H105" => nothing,
"H101" => nothing,
"H105r002" => nothing,
"H101" => [1001,1009],
"H400" => nothing,
"N200" => nothing,
"N202" => nothing,
"N203" => nothing,
"D200" => 1000,
"N300" => nothing,
"J303" => nothing
"D200" => 645, #1000
"N300" => 1279,
"N302" => nothing,
"J303" => 721,
"E300" => nothing,
"J500" => [745,649], #[751, 655],
"J501" => nothing
# total number of cnfg for each ens
ens_nms = Dict(
#"H102r001" => 1029,
"H102r002" => 1008,
"H105r002" => 1042,
"H101" => 2016,
"H400" => 1045,
"N200" => 1712,
"N202" => 899,
"N203" => 1543,
"D200" => 2001,
"N300" => 1540,
"N302" => 2201,
"J303" => 1073,
"E300" => 1139
const hc = 197.3269804 #MeV fm
const M_values = [1869.65, 2010.26, 1968.34, 2112.2, 2980.3, 3096.916] #MD, MD*, MDs, MDs*, \eta_c, J/\psi (MeV)
......@@ -39,8 +65,8 @@ const ZM_error = [35, 27, 33, 38, 45] .* 1e-4
const ZM_tm_data = [2.6047, 2.6181, 2.6312, 2.6339, 2.6127]
const ZM_tm_error = [42, 33, 42, 48, 55] .* 1e-4
const t0_data = [2.86, 3.659, 5.164, 8.595]
const t0_error = [11, 16, 18, 29] .* 1e-3
const t0_data = [2.86, 3.659, 5.164, 8.595, 14.040]
const t0_error = [11, 16, 18, 29, 49] .* 1e-3
const t0_ph_value = #=[0.415] =# [0.4137]
const t0_ph_error = ones(1,1) .* #=4e-3 =# 3.6e-3
# 1808.09236
......@@ -49,7 +75,7 @@ const ZA_err = [72, 93, 43, 47, 47] .*1e-5
#Covariance matrices (Uncorrelated)
const C1 = zeros(5, 5)
const C2 = zeros(5, 5)
const C3 = zeros(4, 4)
const C3 = zeros(5, 5)
const C4 = zeros(6,6)
const C5 = zeros(5, 5)
for i = 1:6
......@@ -58,9 +84,7 @@ for i = 1:6
C1[i, i] = ZM_error[i] ^ 2
C2[i, i] = ZM_tm_error[i] ^ 2
C5[i, i] = ZA_err[i]^2
if i<=4
C3[i,i] = t0_error[i] ^ 2
C3[i,i] = t0_error[i] ^ 2
......@@ -84,6 +108,6 @@ Mrat = uwreal([0.9148, 0.0088], "M/mhad")
# Renormalization constants, t0 and a as functions (f(beta))
zm(beta::Float64) = ZM[b_values .== beta][1]
zm_tm(beta::Float64) = Mrat / ZP(beta)
t0(beta::Float64) = t0_[b_values2 .== beta][1]
a(beta::Float64) = a_[b_values2 .== beta][1]
t0(beta::Float64) = t0_[b_values .== beta][1]
a(beta::Float64) = a_[b_values .== beta][1]
za(beta::Float64) = Za[b_values .== beta][1]
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -183,4 +183,197 @@ for n = 2:f_npar+1
f_npar_comb = 2 * f_npar
f_n_param_comb = collect(5:2:f_npar_comb+5)
f_n_param_comb_clog = collect(6:2:f_npar_comb+6)
\ No newline at end of file
f_n_param_comb_clog = collect(6:2:f_npar_comb+6)
######## RATIO DEC. CONST. ############
# Testing HQET and TAYLOR functional forms for (fDs*sqrt{mDs)}/(fD*sqrt{Md})
# from Gregorio's notes
# base model from HQET
# before p[1] = \phi_f^2 in notes. Treated as a parameter but using fpk data would be better
# now p[1]=x[:,5] fpik data from AS and p[2]=p[1]
r_basemodel_hqet(x,p) = 1. .- (1. .+ 3 .* 0.52)./(64. .* π.^2 .* x[:,5]) .*
((3 .*phi2_sym .- x[:,2]) .* log.(1.5 .* phi2_sym .- 0.5 .* x[:,2]) .+ #2L_k chiral log
(2 .* phi2_sym .- x[:,2]) .* log.(2 .* phi2_sym .- x[:,2]) .- # L_\eta chiral log
3 .* x[:,2] .* log.(x[:,2]) ) .+ # 3L_\pi chiral log
((4. .* p[1]) ./ x[:,5]) .* (3 .* phi2_sym .- 3 .* x[:,2])
# higher order terms HQET - careful, explicit p[1]=\phi_f^2 dependece is discouraged
r_chiphi2_hqet(x) = (4 ./ x[:,5].^2) .* (3 .* phi2_sym .- 3 .* x[:,2]) .* x[:,2]
r_chiphih_hqet(x) = (4 ./ x[:,5]) .* (3 .* phi2_sym .- 3 .* x[:,2]) ./ x[:,3]
# base model lattice spacing dependece
r_basemodel_continuum(x,p) = 1. .+ p[2] .* x[:,1] .* (3 .* phi2_sym .- 3 .* x[:,2])
# higher order lattice spacing dependence
r_phih_a_continuum(x) = x[:,1] .* (3 .* phi2_sym .- 3 .* x[:,2]) .* x[:,3].^2
r_cont_func_list = [r_phih_a_continuum]
# r_cont_func_label = [L"$p_a^{(3)}$"]
r_cont_func_label = ["pa(3)"]
r_cont_extra_par = length(r_cont_func_list)
r_cont_func_map = [Bool.([i]) for i=0:1]
r_hqet_func_list = [r_chiphi2_hqet, r_chiphih_hqet ] #, r_phih_a_continuum]
# r_hqet_func_label = [L"$p\chi^{(2)}$", L"$p_{\chi}^{(4)}$" ] #, L"$p_a^{(3)}$" ]
r_hqet_func_label = ["pχ(2)", "pχ(4)" ] #, L"$p_a^{(3)}$" ]
r_hqet_func_map = [Bool.([i,j]) for i=0:1 for j=0:1 ]#for k in 0:1 ]
r_hqet_base_par = 2 # 1 from hqet base model, 1 from LO lattice spacing dependence
r_hqet_extra_par = length(r_hqet_func_list) # number of extra parameters on top of base model
r_hqet_models = Vector{Function}(undef,1) #r_hqet_base_par+r_hqet_extra_par)
r_hqet_models[1] = (x,p) -> r_basemodel_hqet(x,p) .* r_basemodel_continuum(x,p)
r_hqet_param = [2]
r_hqet_labels = [["hqet"]]
for extrapar = 1:r_hqet_extra_par
idx_f_expar = filter(x->sum(x)==extrapar, r_hqet_func_map)
# build and store temporary hqet dependence
tmp_hqet_func = Vector{Function}()
tmp_hqet_param = []
tmp_hqet_label = []
for ii in idx_f_expar
aux_f = (x,p) -> r_basemodel_hqet(x,p) .+ sum( p[r_hqet_base_par+k] .* r_hqet_func_list[ii][k](x) for k in eachindex(r_hqet_func_list[ii]))
push!(tmp_hqet_param, r_hqet_base_par + extrapar)
push!(tmp_hqet_func, aux_f)
push!(tmp_hqet_label, r_hqet_func_label[ii])
# add continuum dependence - already code in view of adding more continuum higher order terms
for (jj, f_hqet) in enumerate(tmp_hqet_func)
aux1 = (x,p) -> f_hqet(x,p) .* r_basemodel_continuum(x,p)
push!(r_hqet_models, aux1)
push!(r_hqet_param, tmp_hqet_param[jj])
push!(r_hqet_labels, tmp_hqet_label[jj])
for contpar = 1:r_cont_extra_par
idx_cont_expar = filter(x->sum(x)==contpar, r_cont_func_map)
for ii in idx_cont_expar
aux_f_cont = (x,p) -> f_hqet(x,p) .* (r_basemodel_continuum(x,p) .+ sum(p[r_hqet_base_par+extrapar+k] .* r_cont_func_list[ii][k](x) for k in eachindex(r_cont_func_list[ii]) ) )
push!(r_hqet_models, aux_f_cont)
push!(r_hqet_param, tmp_hqet_param[jj]+contpar)
push!(r_hqet_labels, vcat(tmp_hqet_label[jj], r_cont_func_label[ii] ))
# at the end of the above loop all the HQET combinations are taken into acount and store in r_hqet_models, r_hqet_param, r_hqet_labels
# now ration functional forms for Taylor based expressions
# base model taylor
r_basemodel_taylor(x,p) = 1. .+ 3 .*(phi2_sym .- x[:,2]) .*
(p[1] .+ p[2] .* ( 1. ./ x[:,3] .- 1. ./ x[:,4]) )
#higher order models taylor
r_taylor_nlo_phi2(x) = 3 .* (phi2_sym .- x[:,2]) .* x[:,2]
# this redefinition is required since in hqet LO parameter in continuum dependece is p[2] while here is p[3]
r_basemodel_continuum_taylor(x,p) = 1. .+ p[3] .* x[:,1] .* (3 .* phi2_sym .- 3 .* x[:,2])
r_taylor_func_list = [r_taylor_nlo_phi2]
r_taylor_func_label = ["pm(2)"]
r_taylor_func_map = [Bool.([i]) for i=0:1]
r_taylor_base_par = 3 # 2 from taylor base model, 1 from LO lattice spacing dependence
r_taylor_extra_par = length(r_taylor_func_list)
r_taylor_models = Vector{Function}(undef, 1)# r_basemodel_taylor + extra param
r_taylor_models[1] = (x,p) -> r_basemodel_taylor(x,p) .* r_basemodel_continuum_taylor(x,p)
r_taylor_param = [3]
r_taylor_labels = [["taylor"]]
for extrapar in 1:r_taylor_extra_par
idx_f_expar = filter(x-> sum(x)==extrapar, r_taylor_func_map)
# build and store temporary taylor dependence
tmp_taylor_func = Vector{Function}()
tmp_taylor_param = []
tmp_taylor_label = []
for ii in idx_f_expar
aux_f = (x,p) -> r_basemodel_taylor(x,p) .+ sum(p[r_taylor_base_par+k] .* r_taylor_func_list[ii][k](x) for k in eachindex(r_taylor_func_list[ii]))
push!(tmp_taylor_param, r_taylor_base_par +extrapar)
push!(tmp_taylor_func, aux_f)
push!(tmp_taylor_label, r_taylor_func_label[ii])
# add continuum dependence - already code in view of adding more continuum higher order terms
for (jj, f_taylor) in enumerate(tmp_taylor_func)
aux1 = (x,p) -> f_taylor(x,p) .* r_basemodel_continuum_taylor(x,p)
push!(r_taylor_models, aux1)
push!(r_taylor_param, tmp_taylor_param[jj])
push!(r_taylor_labels, tmp_taylor_label[jj])
for contpar = 1:r_cont_extra_par
idx_cont_expar = filter(x->sum(x)==contpar, r_cont_func_map)
for ii in idx_cont_expar
aux_f_cont = (x,p) -> f_taylor(x,p) .* (r_basemodel_continuum_taylor(x,p) .+ sum(p[r_taylor_base_par+extrapar+k] .* r_cont_func_list[ii][k](x) for k in eachindex(r_cont_func_list[ii]) ))
push!(r_taylor_models, aux_f_cont)
push!(r_taylor_param, tmp_taylor_param[jj]+contpar)
push!(r_taylor_labels, vcat(tmp_taylor_label[jj], r_cont_func_label[ii]))
# at the end this second loop all the TAYLOR combinations are taken into acount and store in r_taylor_models, r_taylor_param, r_taylor_labels
# final ration models are
r_tot_models = vcat(r_hqet_models, r_taylor_models)
r_tot_param = vcat(r_hqet_param, r_taylor_param)
r_tot_labels = vcat(r_hqet_labels, r_taylor_labels)
# Operator overloading to call functions with uwreal parameters
function Base.length(uw::uwreal)
return length(value(uw))
# function Base.iterate(uw::uwreal)
# uwerr(uw)
# return iterate(value(uw), 1)
# out = iterate(value(uw), args...; kwargs...)
# return (uw, 1)
# isnothing(out2) ? (return nothing) : (return (uw, out2)) #(uw, out2) #(uw, getindex(out, 2))
# return iterate(uw, args...)
# return uwreal([iterate(value(uw), 1), err(uw)], " " )
# end
# function Base.iterate(uw::uwreal, i::Int64)
# uwerr(uw)
# return iterate(value(uw),i)
# end
function Base.iterate(uw::uwreal)
return iterate(uw, 1)
function Base.iterate(uw::uwreal, state::Int64)
if state > length(uw)
return nothing
return uw[state], state +1
function Base.iterate(uw::Vector{uwreal})
return iterate(uw, 1)
function Base.iterate(uw::Vector{uwreal}, state::Int64)
if state > length(uw)
return nothing
return uw[state], state +1
function Base.abs2(uw::uwreal)
return (uw^2)^0.5
function Base.getindex(uw::uwreal, ii::Int64)
idx = getindex(value(uw), ii)
return uw # uwreal([getindex(value(uw), kwargs...), err(uw)], " ")
# function Base.getindex(uw::Vector{uwreal}, ii::Int64)
# idx = getindex(value.(uw), ii)
# return uw[ii] # uwreal([getindex(value(uw), kwargs...), err(uw)], " ")
# end
aaa = iterate(uwreal([5., 0.05], "c"))
aaa = iterate([[uwreal([5., 0.05], "c")]])
\ No newline at end of file
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
# The analysis is performed by solving a GEVP
using Base: String
using Base: @kwdef
using LaTeXStrings: length
using OrderedCollections
using juobs, BDIO, DelimitedFiles, ADerrors, LaTeXStrings, PyPlot
......@@ -46,14 +47,14 @@ const path_bdio_tm_shifted = "/Users/alessandroconigli/Lattice/data/bdio_charm/t
const path_plot = "/Users/alessandroconigli/MyDrive/phd/analysis/charm_gevp_2022/plots"
# ensembles to analyse
const ens_list = ["H102r002"]
const ens_list = ["D200"]
# reweighting and mass shift flags
const rwf = true
const mass_shift = true
const tau = 3 # gevp shift parameter
const tau = 3 # gevp shift parameter
const TSM = false # set whether TSM is used or not
@warning("\nTSM FLAG MODE: FALSE\n")
#@warning("\nTSM FLAG MODE: $(TSM)\n")
#=============== INCLUDES ===============#
......@@ -81,9 +82,12 @@ wpmm["H400"] = [-1.0, 4.0, -1.0, 14.0*3.659]
wpmm["N202"] = [-1.0, 4.0, -1.0, 14.0*5.164]
wpmm["N200"] = [-1.0, 4.0, -1.0, 14.0*5.164]
wpmm["N203"] = [-1.0, 4.0, -1.0, 14.0*5.164]
wpmm["D200"] = [-1.0, 4.0, -1.0, 14.0*5.164]
#wpmm["D200"] = [-1.0, 4.0, -1.0, 14.0*5.164]
wpmm["D200"] = [-1.0, 4.0, -1.0, -1.0]
wpmm["N300"] = [-1.0, 4.0, -1.0, 14.0*8.595]
wpmm["J303"] = [-1.0, 4.0, -1.0, 14.0*8.595]
wpmm["D200_corr"] = [1.0, -1.0, -1.0, -1.0]
#=============== ANALYSIS ===============#
......@@ -100,16 +104,18 @@ end
for (k,ens) in enumerate(ensinfo)
# t0
t0_ens, YW, W = get_t0(path_data_w, ens, rw=rwf, path_rw=path_rw)
#t0_ens = t0(ens.beta)
# tm correlators
pp_tm, pp_tmW, _ = get_corr(path_data_tm, ens,"G5", "G5", rw=rwf, path_rw=path_rw, tsm=TSM)
a1a1_tm, _, _ = get_corr(path_data_tm, ens, "G1G5", "G1G5", rw=rwf, path_rw=path_rw, tsm=TSM)
a2a2_tm, _, _ = get_corr(path_data_tm, ens, "G2G5", "G2G5", rw=rwf, path_rw=path_rw, tsm=TSM)
a3a3_tm, _, _ = get_corr(path_data_tm, ens, "G3G5", "G3G5", rw=rwf, path_rw=path_rw, tsm=TSM)
pp_tm, pp_tmW = get_corr(path_data_tm, ens,"G5", "G5", rw=rwf, path_rw=path_rw, tsm=TSM)
pa1_tm, _, _ = get_corr(path_data_tm, ens, "G5", "G1G5", rw=rwf, path_rw=path_rw, tsm=TSM)
pa2_tm, _, _ = get_corr(path_data_tm, ens, "G5", "G2G5", rw=rwf, path_rw=path_rw, tsm=TSM)
pa3_tm, _, _ = get_corr(path_data_tm, ens, "G5", "G3G5", rw=rwf, path_rw=path_rw, tsm=TSM)
a1a1_tm, _ = get_corr(path_data_tm, ens, "G1G5", "G1G5", rw=rwf, path_rw=path_rw, tsm=TSM)
a2a2_tm, _ = get_corr(path_data_tm, ens, "G2G5", "G2G5", rw=rwf, path_rw=path_rw, tsm=TSM)
a3a3_tm, _ = get_corr(path_data_tm, ens, "G3G5", "G3G5", rw=rwf, path_rw=path_rw, tsm=TSM)
pa1_tm, _ = get_corr(path_data_tm, ens, "G5", "G1G5", rw=rwf, path_rw=path_rw, tsm=TSM)
pa2_tm, _ = get_corr(path_data_tm, ens, "G5", "G2G5", rw=rwf, path_rw=path_rw, tsm=TSM)
pa3_tm, _ = get_corr(path_data_tm, ens, "G5", "G3G5", rw=rwf, path_rw=path_rw, tsm=TSM)
mu_list = gen_mulist[k] = getfield.(pp_tm, :mu)
......@@ -119,15 +125,15 @@ for (k,ens) in enumerate(ensinfo)
mat_tm2 = comp_mat_multigamma(ens, pp_tm, pa2_tm, a2a2_tm)
mat_tm3 = comp_mat_multigamma(ens, pp_tm, pa3_tm, a3a3_tm)
# gevp matrices for ps and vec decays
mat_dec_ps = comp_mat(ens, pp_tm, tau)
mat_dec_vec1 = comp_mat(ens, a1a1_tm, tau)
mat_dec_vec2 = comp_mat(ens, a2a2_tm, tau)
mat_dec_vec3 = comp_mat(ens, a3a3_tm, tau)
mat_dec_ps = comp_mat_tau_shift(ens, pp_tm, tau)
mat_dec_vec1 = comp_mat_tau_shift(ens, a1a1_tm, tau)
mat_dec_vec2 = comp_mat_tau_shift(ens, a2a2_tm, tau)
mat_dec_vec3 = comp_mat_tau_shift(ens, a3a3_tm, tau)
# gevp meson masses
m_tm_ps, m_tm_vec1 = gevp_mass(mat_tm1, path_plat_tm_mps, path_plat_tm_mvec, t0=3, pl=true)
_, m_tm_vec2 = gevp_mass(mat_tm2, path_plat_tm_mps, path_plat_tm_mvec, t0=3, pl=false)
_, m_tm_vec3 = gevp_mass(mat_tm3, path_plat_tm_mps, path_plat_tm_mvec, t0=3, pl=false)
m_tm_ps, m_tm_vec1 = gevp_mass(mat_tm1, path_plat_tm_mps, path_plat_tm_mvec, t0=3, wpm=wpmm, pl=true)
_, m_tm_vec2 = gevp_mass(mat_tm2, path_plat_tm_mps, path_plat_tm_mvec, t0=3, wpm=wpmm, pl=false)
_, m_tm_vec3 = gevp_mass(mat_tm3, path_plat_tm_mps, path_plat_tm_mvec, t0=3, wpm=wpmm, pl=false)
m_tm_vec = (m_tm_vec1 .+ m_tm_vec2 .+ m_tm_vec3 ) ./ 3.
# pion mass
pion_plat = select_plateau(ens, mu_list, path_plat_tm_mps)[1]
......@@ -143,10 +149,10 @@ for (k,ens) in enumerate(ensinfo)
# dec_vec = (dec_v1 .+ dec_v2 .+ dec_v3) ./ 3.
# decay constant from ratio
dec_ps = get_f_tm(pp_tm, m_tm_ps, ens, path_plat_tm_dps, pl=true )
dec_v1 = get_fstar_tm(a1a1_tm, m_tm_vec1, ens, path_plat_tm_dvec, pl=true)
dec_v2 = get_fstar_tm(a2a2_tm, m_tm_vec2, ens, path_plat_tm_dvec, pl=false)
dec_v3 = get_fstar_tm(a3a3_tm, m_tm_vec3, ens, path_plat_tm_dvec, pl=false)
dec_ps = get_f_tm(pp_tm, m_tm_ps, ens, path_plat_tm_dps, pl=true, wpm=wpmm )
dec_v1 = get_fstar_tm(a1a1_tm, m_tm_vec1, ens, path_plat_tm_dvec, pl=true, wpm=wpmm)
dec_v2 = get_fstar_tm(a2a2_tm, m_tm_vec2, ens, path_plat_tm_dvec, pl=false, wpm=wpmm)
dec_v3 = get_fstar_tm(a3a3_tm, m_tm_vec3, ens, path_plat_tm_dvec, pl=false, wpm=wpmm)
dec_vec = (dec_v1 .+ dec_v2 .+ dec_v3) ./ 3.
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -42,7 +42,8 @@ function read_BDIO(path::String, type::String, obs::String)
"flh_star" => 11,
"fsh_star" => 12,
"fhh_star" => 13,
"muh" => 14
"muh" => 14,
"fpik" => 15
dict_md = Dict(
"deltam" => 0,
......@@ -50,8 +51,15 @@ function read_BDIO(path::String, type::String, obs::String)
"phi2_shifted" => 2,
"phi4_shifted" => 3
dict2dict = Dict("w" => dict_w, "tm" => dict_tm, "md" => dict_md)
dict_ligth_obs = Dict(
"t0" => 1,
"mpi" => 2,
"mk" => 3,
"fpi" => 4,
"fk" => 5,
"dm" => 15
dict2dict = Dict("w" => dict_w, "tm" => dict_tm, "md" => dict_md, "ll_obs" => dict_ligth_obs)
if !(type in keys(dict2dict))
error("Incorrect type.\ntype = $(keys(dict2dict))")
This diff is collapsed.
mutable struct EnsInfo
@kwdef mutable struct EnsInfo
idm_corr::Union{Int64, Nothing}
trunc::Union{Int64, Vector{Int64}, Nothing}
function EnsInfo(ens_id::String, info::Vector{Float64})
id = ens_id
L = info[1]
beta = info[2]
deg = info[3]
mpi = info[4]
dtr = info[5]
return new(id, L, beta, deg, mpi, dtr, nothing)
function EnsInfo(ens_id::String, info)
id = ens_id
L = info[1]
beta = info[2]
deg = info[3]
mpi = info[4]
dtr = info[5]
idm_corr = info[6]
return new(id, L, beta, deg, mpi, dtr, idm_corr, nothing)
function EnsInfo(ens_id::String, info::Vector{Float64}, trunc::Union{Nothing, Int64, Vector{Int64}})
id = ens_id
L = info[1]
beta = info[2]
deg = info[3]
mpi = info[4]
dtr = info[5]
return new(id, L, beta, deg, mpi, dtr, trunc)
function EnsInfo(ens_id::String, info, trunc::Union{Nothing, Int64, Vector{Int64}},)
id = ens_id
L = info[1]
beta = info[2]
deg = info[3]
mpi = info[4]
dtr = info[5]
idm_corr = info[6]
return new(id, L, beta, deg, mpi, dtr, idm_corr, trunc)
mutable struct EnsObs
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