Returns the scalar product of two fundamental elements. The convention is for the product to the linear in the second argument, and anti-linear in the first argument.
function bndpropagator(U, dpar::DiracParam{T}, dws::DiracWorkspace, lp::SpaceParm{4,6,1,D}, maxiter::Int64, tol::Float64, c::Int64, s::Int64)
function bndpropagator!(pro,U, dpar::DiracParam{T}, dws::DiracWorkspace, lp::SpaceParm{4,6,1,D}, maxiter::Int64, tol::Float64, c::Int64, s::Int64)
Returns the propagator from the t=0 boundary to the bulk for the SF boundary conditions for a source with color 'c' and spin 's'. The factor c_t is included while the factor 1/sqrt(V) is not.
Saves the propagator in from the t=0 boundary to the bulk for the SF boundary conditions for a source with color 'c' and spin 's'. The factor c_t is included while the factor 1/sqrt(V) is not.
For the propagator from T to the bulk, use the function Tbndpropagator(U, dpar::DiracParam{T}, dws::DiracWorkspace, lp::SpaceParm{4,6,1,D}, maxiter::Int64, tol::Float64, c::Int64, s::Int64)