Normalization of bndtobnd and minor stuff

parent 1b35002e
......@@ -150,7 +150,7 @@ end
function bndtobnd(bndpro, U, dpar, dws, lp)
Returns the boundary to boundary propagator of the Schrodinger functional given that bndpro is the propagator from t = 0 to the bulk, given by the function bndpropagator.
Returns the boundary to boundary propagator of the Schrodinger functional given that bndpro is the propagator from t = 0 to the bulk, given by the function bndpropagator!.
function bndtobnd(bndpro::AbstractArray, U::AbstractArray, dpar::DiracParam, dws::DiracWorkspace, lp::SpaceParm{4,6,1,D}) where {D}
......@@ -160,7 +160,7 @@ function bndtobnd(bndpro::AbstractArray, U::AbstractArray, dpar::DiracParam, dws
if point_time((b, r), lp) == lp.iL[end]
psi[b,r] = gdagpmul(Pgamma{4,1},U[b,4,r],bndpro[b,r])
psi[b,r] = gdagpmul(Pgamma{4,1},U[b,4,r],bndpro[b,r])/2
psi[b,r] = 0.0*bndpro[b,r]
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