parent f0223816
......@@ -125,5 +125,5 @@ function flw(U, psi, int::FlowIntr{NI,T}, ns::Int64, eps, gp::GaugeParm, dpar::D
return nothing
flw(U, psi, int::FlowIntr{NI,T}, ns::Int64, gp::GaugeParm, dpar::DiracParam, lp::SpaceParm, ymws::YMworkspace. dws::DiracWorkspace) where {NI,T} = flw(U, psi, int::FlowIntr{NI,T}, ns::Int64, int.eps, gp::GaugeParm, dpar::DiracParam, lp::SpaceParm, ymws::YMworkspace, dws::DiracWorkspace)
flw(U, psi, int::FlowIntr{NI,T}, ns::Int64, gp::GaugeParm, dpar::DiracParam, lp::SpaceParm, ymws::YMworkspace, dws::DiracWorkspace) where {NI,T} = flw(U, psi, int::FlowIntr{NI,T}, ns::Int64, int.eps, gp::GaugeParm, dpar::DiracParam, lp::SpaceParm, ymws::YMworkspace, dws::DiracWorkspace)
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