Minor: IO change and sfcf change

parent c4730b25
......@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ function read_prop(fname::String)
ihdr = Vector{Int32}(undef, 2)
BDIO_read(fb, ihdr)
if (ihdr[1] != convert(Int32, 1653996111)) && (ihdr[2] != convert(Int32, 2))
if (ihdr[1] != convert(Int32, 1753996112)) && (ihdr[2] != convert(Int32, 5))
error("Wrong file format [header]")
......@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ Saves propagator `psi` in the file `fname` using the native (BDIO) format.
function save_prop(fname::String, psi, lp::SpaceParm{4,M,B,D}, dpar::DiracParam; run::Union{Nothing,String}=nothing) where {M,B,D}
ihdr = [convert(Int32, 1653996111),convert(Int32,2)]
ihdr = [convert(Int32, 1753996112),convert(Int32,5)]
UID_HDR = 14
if isfile(fname)
......@@ -64,6 +64,6 @@ include("Solvers/Solvers.jl")
using .Solvers
export CG!
export propagator!, bndpropagator!, Tbndpropagator!, bndtobnd
export fP, fA, kV, kT
export fP, fA
end # module
......@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ include("Propagators.jl")
export propagator!, bndpropagator!, Tbndpropagator!, bndtobnd
export fP, fA, kV, kT
export fP, fA
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