added dws to dirac operator

parent c7ab0924
......@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ struct DiracWorkspace{T}
export DiracWorkspace, DiracParam
function Dw!(so, U, si, dpar::DiracParam, lp::SpaceParm{4,6,B,D}) where {B,D}
function Dw!(so, U, si, dpar::DiracParam, dws::DiracWorkspace, lp::SpaceParm{4,6,B,D}) where {B,D}
if B == BC_SF_AFWB || B == BC_SF_ORBI
......@@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ function Dw!(so, U, si, dpar::DiracParam, lp::SpaceParm{4,6,B,D}) where {B,D}
return nothing
function DwdagDw!(so, U, si, dpar::DiracParam, st, lp::SpaceParm{4,6,B,D}) where {B,D}
function DwdagDw!(so, U, si, dpar::DiracParam, dws::DiracWorkspace, st, lp::SpaceParm{4,6,B,D}) where {B,D}
if B == BC_SF_AFWB || B == BC_SF_ORBI
@timeit "DwdagDw" begin
......@@ -195,7 +195,7 @@ function DwdagDw!(so, U, si, dpar::DiracParam, st, lp::SpaceParm{4,6,B,D}) where
function g5Dw!(so, U, si, dpar, lp::SpaceParm{4,6,B,D}) where {B,D}
function g5Dw!(so, U, si, dpar::DiracParam, dws::DiracWorkspace, lp::SpaceParm{4,6,B,D}) where {B,D}
if B == BC_SF_AFWB || B == BC_SF_ORBI
@timeit "SF fix" begin
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