Su2fund and U2alg exported

parent 2277af95
......@@ -69,10 +69,10 @@ struct DiracWorkspace{T}
function DiracWorkspace(::Type{SU2fund}, ::Type{T}, lp::SpaceParm{4,6,B,D}) where {T <: AbstractFloat, B,D}
sr = scalar_field(Spinor{4,G}, lp)
sp = scalar_field(Spinor{4,G}, lp)
sAp = scalar_field(Spinor{4,G}, lp)
st = scalar_field(Spinor{4,G}, lp)
sr = scalar_field(Spinor{4,SU2fund}, lp)
sp = scalar_field(Spinor{4,SU2fund}, lp)
sAp = scalar_field(Spinor{4,SU2fund}, lp)
st = scalar_field(Spinor{4,SU2fund}, lp)
csw = tensor_field(U2alg,lp)
cs = scalar_field_point(Complex{Float64}, lp)
......@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ export Group, Algebra, GMatrix
# SU(2) and 2x2 matrix operations
export SU2, SU2alg, M2x2
export SU2, SU2alg, M2x2, SU2fund, U2alg
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