Small thingis

parent 3023f450
......@@ -266,6 +266,7 @@ function clover(g1::SU3{T},g2::SU3{T},g3::SU3{T},g4::SU3{T}) where {T}
return -0.125*im*M3x3{T}(u11-conj(u11),u12-conj(u21),u13-conj(u31),u21-conj(u12),u22-conj(u22),u23-conj(u32),u31-conj(u13),u32-conj(u23),u33-conj(u33))
function Csw!(dws, U, gp, lp::SpaceParm)
......@@ -521,7 +522,7 @@ function krnl_Dw_new!(so, U, si, m0, th, lp::SpaceParm{4,6,B,D}) where {B,D}
return nothing
function Dw_new!(so, U, si, dpar::DiracParam, dws::DiracWorkspace, lp::SpaceParm{4,6,BC_SF_ORBI,D}) where {D}
function Dw_new!(so, U, si, dpar::DiracParam, dws::DiracWorkspace, lp::Union{SpaceParm{4,6,BC_SF_ORBI,D},SpaceParm{4,6,BC_SF_AFWB,D}}) where {D}
if abs(dpar.csw) > 1.0E-10
@timeit "Dw_new" begin
......@@ -540,7 +541,7 @@ function Dw_new!(so, U, si, dpar::DiracParam, dws::DiracWorkspace, lp::SpaceParm
return nothing
function krnl_Dwimpr_new!(so, U, si, Fcsw, m0, th, csw, ct, lp::SpaceParm{4,6,BC_SF_ORBI,D}) where {D}
function krnl_Dwimpr_new!(so, U, si, Fcsw, m0, th, csw, ct, lp::Union{SpaceParm{4,6,BC_SF_ORBI,D},SpaceParm{4,6,BC_SF_AFWB,D}}) where {D}
# The field si is assumed to be zero at t = 0
......@@ -577,7 +578,7 @@ function krnl_Dwimpr_new!(so, U, si, Fcsw, m0, th, csw, ct, lp::SpaceParm{4,6,BC
return nothing
function krnl_Dw_new!(so, U, si, m0, th, ct, lp::SpaceParm{4,6,BC_SF_ORBI,D}) where {D}
function krnl_Dw_new!(so, U, si, m0, th, ct, lp::Union{SpaceParm{4,6,BC_SF_ORBI,D},SpaceParm{4,6,BC_SF_AFWB,D}}) where {D}
# The field si is assumed to be zero at t = 0
......@@ -687,7 +688,7 @@ function krnl_g5Dw_new!(so, U, si, m0, th, lp::SpaceParm{4,6,B,D}) where {B,D}
return nothing
function g5Dw_new!(so, U, si, dpar::DiracParam, dws::DiracWorkspace, lp::SpaceParm{4,6,BC_SF_ORBI,D}) where {D}
function g5Dw_new!(so, U, si, dpar::DiracParam, dws::DiracWorkspace, lp::Union{SpaceParm{4,6,BC_SF_ORBI,D},SpaceParm{4,6,BC_SF_AFWB,D}}) where {D}
if abs(dpar.csw) > 1.0E-10
@timeit "g5Dw_new" begin
......@@ -706,7 +707,7 @@ function g5Dw_new!(so, U, si, dpar::DiracParam, dws::DiracWorkspace, lp::SpacePa
return nothing
function krnl_g5Dwimpr_new!(so, U, si, Fcsw, m0, th, csw, ct, lp::SpaceParm{4,6,BC_SF_ORBI,D}) where {D}
function krnl_g5Dwimpr_new!(so, U, si, Fcsw, m0, th, csw, ct, lp::Union{SpaceParm{4,6,BC_SF_ORBI,D},SpaceParm{4,6,BC_SF_AFWB,D}}) where {D}
# The field si is assumed to be zero at t = 0
......@@ -745,7 +746,7 @@ function krnl_g5Dwimpr_new!(so, U, si, Fcsw, m0, th, csw, ct, lp::SpaceParm{4,6,
return nothing
function krnl_g5Dw_new!(so, U, si, m0, th, ct, lp::SpaceParm{4,6,BC_SF_ORBI,D}) where {D}
function krnl_g5Dw_new!(so, U, si, m0, th, ct, lp::Union{SpaceParm{4,6,BC_SF_ORBI,D},SpaceParm{4,6,BC_SF_AFWB,D}}) where {D}
# The field si is assumed to be zero at t = 0
......@@ -781,7 +782,7 @@ function krnl_g5Dw_new!(so, U, si, m0, th, ct, lp::SpaceParm{4,6,BC_SF_ORBI,D})
return nothing
function DwdagDw_new!(so, U, si, dpar::DiracParam, dws::DiracWorkspace, lp::SpaceParm{4,6,BC_SF_ORBI,D}) where {D}
function DwdagDw_new!(so, U, si, dpar::DiracParam, dws::DiracWorkspace, lp::Union{SpaceParm{4,6,BC_SF_ORBI,D},SpaceParm{4,6,BC_SF_AFWB,D}}) where {D}
if abs(dpar.csw) > 1.0E-10
@timeit "DwdagDw_new" begin
......@@ -856,7 +857,7 @@ function DwdagDw_new!(so, U, si, dpar::DiracParam, dws::DiracWorkspace, lp::Spac
function SF_bndfix!(sp, lp::SpaceParm{4,6,BC_SF_ORBI,D}) where {D}
function SF_bndfix!(sp, lp::Union{SpaceParm{4,6,BC_SF_ORBI,D},SpaceParm{4,6,BC_SF_AFWB,D}}) where {D}
CUDA.@sync begin
CUDA.@cuda threads=lp.bsz blocks=lp.rsz krnl_sfbndfix_new!(sp, lp)
......@@ -923,28 +924,27 @@ function pfrandomize!(f::AbstractArray{Spinor{4, SU2fund{T}}},lp::SpaceParm,t::I
return nothing
return nothing
function krnl_assign_pf_su2!(f::AbstractArray, p ,lp::SpaceParm, t::Int64)
@inbounds begin
b = Int64(CUDA.threadIdx().x)
r = Int64(CUDA.blockIdx().x)
if t == 0
f[b,r] = Spinor(map(x->SU2fund(x[b,1,r,1] + im* x[b,1,r,2],
x[b,2,r,1] + im* x[b,2,r,2]),p))
elseif point_time((b,r),lp) == t
f[b,r] = Spinor(map(x->SU2fund(x[b,1,r,1] + im* x[b,1,r,2],
x[b,2,r,1] + im* x[b,2,r,2]),p))
@inbounds begin
b = Int64(CUDA.threadIdx().x)
r = Int64(CUDA.blockIdx().x)
return nothing
if t == 0
f[b,r] = Spinor(map(x->SU2fund(x[b,1,r,1] + im* x[b,1,r,2],
x[b,2,r,1] + im* x[b,2,r,2]),p))
elseif point_time((b,r),lp) == t
f[b,r] = Spinor(map(x->SU2fund(x[b,1,r,1] + im* x[b,1,r,2],
x[b,2,r,1] + im* x[b,2,r,2]),p))
return nothing
export Dw!, DwdagDw!, g5Dw!, pfrandomize!, Csw!, Dw_new!, g5Dw_new!, DwdagDw_new!, SF_bndfix!
......@@ -25,15 +25,14 @@ return nothing
function field_dot(fone::AbstractArray,ftwo::AbstractArray,sumf,lp) where {T}
CUDA.@sync begin
CUDA.@cuda threads=lp.bsz blocks=lp.rsz krnl_dot!(sumf,fone,ftwo)
CUDA.@sync begin
CUDA.@cuda threads=lp.bsz blocks=lp.rsz krnl_dot!(sumf,fone,ftwo)
return sum(sumf)
return sum(sumf)
function CG!(si, U, A, dpar::DiracParam, lp::SpaceParm, dws::DiracWorkspace{T}, maxiter::Int64 = 10, tol=1.0) where {T} .= si
......@@ -52,7 +51,6 @@ function CG!(si, U, A, dpar::DiracParam, lp::SpaceParm, dws::DiracWorkspace{T},
A(dws.sAp, U, dws.sp, dpar,dws,, lp)
prod = field_dot(dws.sp,dws.sAp,sumf,lp)
#prod = CUDA.mapreduce(x -> dot(x[1],x[2]), +, zip(dws.sp, dws.sAp))
alpha = norm/prod
......@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ function propagator!(pro, U, dpar::DiracParam{T}, dws::DiracWorkspace, lp::Space
return pro
return nothing
......@@ -96,9 +96,9 @@ mimm(a::Spinor{NS,G}) where {NS,G} = Spinor{NS,G}(ntuple(i->m
# Operations with numbers
Base.:*(a::Spinor{NS,G},b::Number) where {NS,G} = Spinor{NS,G}(ntuple(i->b*a.s[i], NS)) # For some reason, these are type instable(?)
Base.:*(b::Number,a::Spinor{NS,G}) where {NS,G} = Spinor{NS,G}(ntuple(i->b*a.s[i], NS)) # when the number is a ComplexF64 and I try to
Base.:/(a::Spinor{NS,G},b::Number) where {NS,G} = Spinor{NS,G}(ntuple(i->a.s[i]/b, NS)) # run .* with CuArray. Cannot get the length of th tuple.
Base.:*(a::Spinor{NS,G},b::Number) where {NS,G} = Spinor{NS,G}(ntuple(i->b*a.s[i], NS))
Base.:*(b::Number,a::Spinor{NS,G}) where {NS,G} = Spinor{NS,G}(ntuple(i->b*a.s[i], NS))
Base.:/(a::Spinor{NS,G},b::Number) where {NS,G} = Spinor{NS,G}(ntuple(i->a.s[i]/b, NS))
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