Commit ff40c6fb authored by Alberto Ramos's avatar Alberto Ramos

Documentation working

parent eb38e343
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[[GeometryTypes]] [[GeometryTypes]]
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[[IniFile]] [[IniFile]]
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[[MbedTLS_jll]] [[MbedTLS_jll]]
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[[Measures]] [[Measures]]
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[[Ogg_jll]] [[Ogg_jll]]
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[[OrderedCollections]] [[OrderedCollections]]
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[[PGFPlotsX]] [[PGFPlotsX]]
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...@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ ...@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
module ADerrors module ADerrors
import ForwardDiff, Statistics, FFTW, LinearAlgebra, QuadGK, BDIO, Printf import ForwardDiff, Statistics, FFTW, LinearAlgebra, QuadGK, BDIO, Printf, Roots
import ForwardDiff: HessianConfig, GradientConfig, Chunk, hessian! import ForwardDiff: HessianConfig, GradientConfig, Chunk, hessian!
# Include data types # Include data types
...@@ -74,7 +74,14 @@ function add_DB(delta::Vector{Float64}, id::Int64, iv::Vector{Int64}, ws::wspace ...@@ -74,7 +74,14 @@ function add_DB(delta::Vector{Float64}, id::Int64, iv::Vector{Int64}, ws::wspace
end end
ws.nob += 1 ws.nob += 1
push!(ws.map_nob, id) push!(ws.map_nob, id)
if (!haskey(ws.map_ids, id)) if (haskey(ws.map_ids, id))
if (length(delta) != ws.fluc[ws.map_ids[id]].nd)
error("Mistmatch in data length for the same ensemble ID")
if (iv != ws.fluc[ws.map_ids[id]].ivrep)
error("Mistmatch in replica vector for the same ensemble ID")
ws.map_ids[id] = ws.nob ws.map_ids[id] = ws.nob
end end
...@@ -313,12 +320,14 @@ function uwerror(a::uwreal, ws::wspace, wpm::Dict{Int64,Vector{Float64}}) ...@@ -313,12 +320,14 @@ function uwerror(a::uwreal, ws::wspace, wpm::Dict{Int64,Vector{Float64}})
end end
if (wp[3] > 0.0) if (wp[3] > 0.0)
iw = 1
for k in 2:nt for k in 2:nt
if ([j].drho[k]*wp[3] >[j].gamm[k]/[j].gamm[1]) if ([j].drho[k]*wp[3] >[j].gamm[k]/[j].gamm[1])
continue iw = k-1
end end
end end[j].iw = k-1[j].iw = iw
end end
if (wp[4] > 0.0) if (wp[4] > 0.0)
...@@ -612,9 +621,9 @@ empt = Dict{Int64,Vector{Float64}}() ...@@ -612,9 +621,9 @@ empt = Dict{Int64,Vector{Float64}}()
uwreal(data::Vector{Float64}, mcid::Int64[, replica::Vector{Int64}], idm::Vector{Int64}, nms::Int64) uwreal(data::Vector{Float64}, mcid::Int64[, replica::Vector{Int64}], idm::Vector{Int64}, nms::Int64)
Returns an `uwreal` data type. Depending on the first argument, the `uwreal` stores the following information: Returns an `uwreal` data type. Depending on the first argument, the `uwreal` stores the following information:
- A single `Float64`. In this case the variable acts in exactly the same way as a real number. This is understood as a quantity with zero error. - Input is a single `Float64`. In this case the variable acts in exactly the same way as a real number. This is understood as a quantity with zero error.
- A 2 element Vector of `Float64` `[value, error]`. In this case the data is understood as `value +/- error`. - Input is a 2 element Vector of `Float64` `[value, error]`. In this case the data is understood as `value +/- error`.
- A Vector of `Float64` of length larger than 2. In this case the data is understood as consecutive measurements of an observable in a Monte Carlo (MC) simulation. - Input is a Vector of `Float64` of length larger than 4. In this case the data is understood as consecutive measurements of an observable in a Monte Carlo (MC) simulation.
In the last two cases, an ensemble `ID` is required as input. Data with the same `ID` are considered as correlated (i.e. fully correlated for the case of a `value +/- error` observables measured on the same sample for the case of data from a MC simulation). For example: In the last two cases, an ensemble `ID` is required as input. Data with the same `ID` are considered as correlated (i.e. fully correlated for the case of a `value +/- error` observables measured on the same sample for the case of data from a MC simulation). For example:
...@@ -644,8 +653,8 @@ a = uwreal(rand(1000), 12, [500, 100, 400]) ...@@ -644,8 +653,8 @@ a = uwreal(rand(1000), 12, [500, 100, 400])
``` ```
### Gaps in the measurements ### Gaps in the measurements
In some situations an observable is not measured in every configuration. In this case two additional arguments aree needed to define the observable In some situations an observable is not measured in every configuration. In this case two additional arguments are needed to define the observable
- `idm`. Type `Vector{Int64}`. `idm[n]` labels the configuration where data[n] is measured. - `idm`. Type `Vector{Int64}`. `idm[n]` labels the configuration where `data[n]`is measured.
- `nms`. Type `Int64`. The total number of measurements in the ensemble - `nms`. Type `Int64`. The total number of measurements in the ensemble
```@example ```@example
using ADerrors # hide using ADerrors # hide
...@@ -694,17 +703,17 @@ b = sin(2.0*a) ...@@ -694,17 +703,17 @@ b = sin(2.0*a)
uwerr(b) uwerr(b)
println("Look how I propagate errors: ", b) println("Look how I propagate errors: ", b)
c = 1.0 + b - 2.0*sin(a)*cos(a) c = 1.0 + b - 2.0*sin(a)*cos(a)
uwerr(b) uwerr(c)
println("Look how good I am at this (zero error!): ", c) println("Look how good I am at this (zero error!): ", c)
``` ```
### Optimal window ### Optimal window
Error in data coming from a Monte Carlo ensemble is performed by summing the autocorrelation function ``\Gamma_{\rm ID}(t)`` of the data for each ensemble ID. In practice this sum is truncated up to a window ``W_{\rm ID}``. Error in data coming from a Monte Carlo ensemble is determined by summing the autocorrelation function ``\Gamma_{\rm ID}(t)`` of the data for each ensemble ID. In practice this sum is truncated up to a window ``W_{\rm ID}``.
By default, the summation window is determined as [proposed by U. Wolff]( with a parameter ``S_{\tau} = 4``, but other methods are avilable via the optional argument `wpm`. By default, the summation window is determined as [proposed by U. Wolff]( with a parameter ``S_{\tau} = 4``, but other methods are avilable via the optional argument `wpm`.
For each ensemble `ID` one has to pass a vector of `Float64` of length 4. The first three components of the vector specify the criteria to determine the summation window: For each ensemble `ID` one can pass a vector of `Float64` of length 4. The first three components of the vector specify the criteria to determine the summation window:
- `vp[1]`: The autocorrelation function is summed up to `t = round(vp[1])`. - `vp[1]`: The autocorrelation function is summed up to `t = round(vp[1])`.
- `vp[2]`: The sumation window is determined [using U. Wolff poposal]( with ``S_{\tau} = {\rm vp[2]}``. - `vp[2]`: The sumation window is determined [using U. Wolff poposal]( with ``S_{\tau} = {\rm vp[2]}``.
- `vp[3]`: The autocorrelation function ``\Gamma(t)`` is summed up a point where its error ``\delta\Gamma(t)`` is a factor `vp[3]` times larger than the signal. - `vp[3]`: The autocorrelation function ``\Gamma(t)`` is summed up a point where its error ``\delta\Gamma(t)`` is a factor `vp[3]` times larger than the signal.
...@@ -716,44 +725,80 @@ Note that: ...@@ -716,44 +725,80 @@ Note that:
- One, and only one, of the components `vp[1:3]` has to be positive. This chooses your criteria to determine the summation window. - One, and only one, of the components `vp[1:3]` has to be positive. This chooses your criteria to determine the summation window.
```@example ```@example
using ADerrors # hide using ADerrors # hide
a = uwreal(rand(2000), 1233) # Generate some correlated data
eta = randn(1000)
x = Vector{Float64}(undef, 1000)
x[1] = 0.0
for i in 2:1000
x[i] = x[i-1] + eta[i]
if abs(x[i]) > 1.0
x[i] = x[i-1]
# Load the data in a uwreal
a = uwreal(x.^2, 1233)
wpm = Dict{Int64,Vector{Float64}}() wpm = Dict{Int64,Vector{Float64}}()
# Use default analysis (stau = 4.0) # Use default analysis (stau = 4.0)
uwerr(a) uwerr(a)
println(a) println("default: ", a, " (tauint = ", taui(a, 1233), ")")
# This will still do default analysis because # This will still do default analysis because
# a does not depend on emsemble 300 # a does not depend on emsemble 300
wpm[300] = [-1.0, 8.0, -1.0, 145.0] wpm[300] = [-1.0, 8.0, -1.0, 145.0]
uwerr(a, wpm) uwerr(a, wpm)
println(a) println("default: ", a, " (tauint = ", taui(a, 1233), ")")
# Fix the summation window to 1 (i.e. uncorrelated data) # Fix the summation window to 1 (i.e. uncorrelated data)
wpm[1233] = [1.0, -1.0, -1.0, -1.0] wpm[1233] = [1.0, -1.0, -1.0, -1.0]
uwerr(a, wpm) uwerr(a, wpm)
println(a) println("uncorrelated: ", a, " (tauint = ", taui(a, 1233), ")")
# Use stau = 1.5 # Use stau = 1.5
wpm[1233] = [-1.0, 1.5, -1.0, -1.0] wpm[1233] = [-1.0, 1.5, -1.0, -1.0]
uwerr(a, wpm) uwerr(a, wpm)
println(a) println("stau = 1.5: ", a, " (tauint = ", taui(a, 1233), ")")
# Use fixed window 15 and add tail with texp = 100.0 # Use fixed window 15 and add tail with texp = 100.0
wpm[1233] = [15.0, -1.0, -1.0, 100.0] wpm[1233] = [15.0, -1.0, -1.0, 100.0]
uwerr(a, wpm) uwerr(a, wpm)
println(a) println("Fixed window 15, texp=100: ", a, " (tauint = ", taui(a, 1233), ")")
# Sum up to the point that the signal in Gamma is # Sum up to the point that the signal in Gamma is
# 1.5 times the error and add a tail with texp = 30.0 # 1.5 times the error and add a tail with texp = 30.0
wpm[1233] = [-1.0, -1.0, 1.5, 30.0] wpm[1233] = [-1.0, -1.0, 1.5, 30.0]
uwerr(a, wpm) uwerr(a, wpm)
println(a) println("signal/noise=1.5, texp=30: ", a, " (tauint = ", taui(a, 1233), ")")
``` ```
""" """
uwerr(a::uwreal, wpm::Dict{Int64,Vector{Float64}}) = ADerrors.uwerror(a::uwreal, wsg, wpm) uwerr(a::uwreal, wpm::Dict{Int64,Vector{Float64}}) = ADerrors.uwerror(a::uwreal, wsg, wpm)
uwerr(a::uwreal) = ADerrors.uwerror(a::uwreal, wsg, empt) uwerr(a::uwreal) = ADerrors.uwerror(a::uwreal, wsg, empt)
cov(a::Vector{uwreal}[, wpm::Dict{Int64,Vector{Float64}}])
Determine the covariance matrix between the vector of observables `a[:]`.
using ADerrors, LinearAlgebra # hide
a = uwreal([1.3, 0.01], 1) # 1.3 +/- 0.01
b = uwreal([5.3, 0.23], 2) # 5.3 +/- 0.23
x = [a+b, a-b]
mat = cov(x)
println("Covariance: ", mat[1,1], " ", mat[1,2])
println(" ", mat[2,1], " ", mat[2,2])
println("Check (should be zero): ", mat[1,1] - mat[2,2])
println("Check (should be zero): ", mat[1,2] - (err(a)^2-err(b)^2))
# Case of Monte Carlo data
An optional parameter `wpm` can be used to choose the summation window for the relevant autocorrelation functions. The situation is completely analogous to the case of error analysis of single variables.
cov(a::Vector{uwreal}) = cov(a::Vector{uwreal}, wsg, empt) cov(a::Vector{uwreal}) = cov(a::Vector{uwreal}, wsg, empt)
cov(a::Vector{uwreal}, wpm::Dict{Int64,Vector{Float64}}) = cov(a::Vector{uwreal}, wsg, wpm::Dict{Int64,Vector{Float64}}) cov(a::Vector{uwreal}, wpm::Dict{Int64,Vector{Float64}}) = cov(a::Vector{uwreal}, wsg, wpm::Dict{Int64,Vector{Float64}})
...@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ ...@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
function find_mcid(a::uwreal, mcid::Int64) function find_mcid(a::uwreal, mcid::Int64)
if (length( == 0) if (length( == 0)
return 0 return nothing
else else
for i in 1:length(a.ids) for i in 1:length(a.ids)
if (a.ids[i] == mcid) if (a.ids[i] == mcid)
...@@ -11,53 +11,214 @@ function find_mcid(a::uwreal, mcid::Int64) ...@@ -11,53 +11,214 @@ function find_mcid(a::uwreal, mcid::Int64)
end end
end end
return 0 return nothing
end end
err(a::uwreal) = a.err """
Returns the error of the `uwreal` variable `a`. It is assumed that `uwerr` has been run on the variable so that an error is available. Otherwise an error message is printed.
using ADerrors # hide
a = uwreal([1.2, 0.2], 12) # a = 1.2 +/- 0.2
println("a has error: ", err(a))
function err(a::uwreal)
if (length( == 0)
error("No error available... maybe run uwerr")
return a.err
Returns the (mean) value of the `uwreal` variable `a`
using ADerrors # hide
a = uwreal([1.2, 0.2], 12) # a = 1.2 +/- 0.2
println("a has central value: ", value(a))
value(a::uwreal) = a.mean value(a::uwreal) = a.mean
derror(a::uwreal) = a.derr """
Returns an estimate of teh error of the error of the `uwreal` variable `a`. It is assumed that `uwerr` has been run on the variable so that an error is available. Otherwise an error message is printed.
using ADerrors # hide
a = uwreal([1.2, 0.2], 12) # a = 1.2 +/- 0.2
println("a has error of the error: ", derror(a))
function derror(a::uwreal)
if (length( == 0)
error("No error available... maybe run uwerr")
return a.derr
taui(a::uwreal, id::Int64)
Returns the value of tauint for the ensemble `id`. It is assumed that `uwerr` has been run on the variable and that `id` contributes to the observable `a`. Otherwise an error message is printed.
using ADerrors # hide
# Generate some correlated data
eta = randn(1000)
x = Vector{Float64}(undef, 1000)
x[1] = 0.0
for i in 2:1000
x[i] = x[i-1] + eta[i]
if abs(x[i]) > 1.0
x[i] = x[i-1]
a = uwreal(x.^2, 666)
println("Error analysis result: ", a, " (tauint = ", taui(a, 666), ")")
function taui(a::uwreal, mcid::Int64) function taui(a::uwreal, mcid::Int64)
idx = find_mcid(a, mcid) idx = find_mcid(a, mcid)
if (idx == 0) if (idx == nothing)
return 0.5 error("No error available... maybe run uwerr")
else else
return[idx].taui return[idx].taui
end end
end end
dtaui(a::uwreal, id::Int64)
Returns an estimate on the error of tauint for the ensemble `id`. It is assumed that `uwerr` has been run on the variable and that `id` contributes to the observable `a`. Otherwise an error message is printed.
using ADerrors # hide
# Generate some correlated data
eta = randn(1000)
x = Vector{Float64}(undef, 1000)
x[1] = 0.0
for i in 2:1000
x[i] = x[i-1] + eta[i]
if abs(x[i]) > 1.0
x[i] = x[i-1]
a = uwreal(x.^2, 666)
println("Error analysis result: ", a,
" (tauint = ", taui(a, 666), " +/- ", dtaui(a, 666), ")")
function dtaui(a::uwreal, mcid::Int64) function dtaui(a::uwreal, mcid::Int64)
idx = find_mcid(a, mcid) idx = find_mcid(a, mcid)
if (idx == 0) if (idx == nothing)
return 0.0 error("No error available... maybe run uwerr")
else else
return[idx].dtaui return[idx].dtaui
end end
end end
window(a::uwreal, id::Int64)
Returns the summation window for the ensemble `id`. It is assumed that `uwerr` has been run on the variable and that `id` contributes to the observable `a`. Otherwise an error message is printed.
using ADerrors # hide
# Generate some correlated data
eta = randn(1000)
x = Vector{Float64}(undef, 1000)
x[1] = 0.0
for i in 2:1000
x[i] = x[i-1] + eta[i]
if abs(x[i]) > 1.0
x[i] = x[i-1]
a = uwreal(x.^2, 666)
println("Error analysis result: ", a,
" (window = ", window(a, 666), ")")
function window(a::uwreal, mcid::Int64) function window(a::uwreal, mcid::Int64)
idx = find_mcid(a, mcid) idx = find_mcid(a, mcid)
if (idx == 0) if (idx == nothing)
return 0 error("No error available... maybe run uwerr")
else else
return[idx].iw return[idx].iw
end end
end end
rho(a::uwreal, id::Int64)
Returns the normalized autocorrelation function of `a` for the ensemble `id`. It is assumed that `uwerr` has been run on the variable and that `id` contributes to the observable `a`. Otherwise an error message is printed.
using ADerrors # hide
# Generate some correlated data
eta = randn(1000)
x = Vector{Float64}(undef, 1000)
x[1] = 0.0
for i in 2:1000
x[i] = x[i-1] + eta[i]
if abs(x[i]) > 1.0
x[i] = x[i-1]
a = uwreal(x.^2, 666)
v = rho(a, 666)
for i in 1:length(v)
println(i, " ", v[i])
function rho(a::uwreal, mcid::Int64) function rho(a::uwreal, mcid::Int64)
idx = find_mcid(a, mcid) idx = find_mcid(a, mcid)
if (idx == 0) if (idx == nothing)
return [1.0] error("No error available... maybe run uwerr")
else else
return[idx].gamm ./[idx].gamm[1] return[idx].gamm ./[idx].gamm[1]
end end
end end
rho(a::uwreal, id::Int64)
Returns an estimate of the error on the normalized autocorrelation function of `a` for the ensemble `id`. It is assumed that `uwerr` has been run on the variable and that `id` contributes to the observable `a`. Otherwise an error message is printed.
using ADerrors # hide
# Generate some correlated data
eta = randn(1000)
x = Vector{Float64}(undef, 1000)
x[1] = 0.0
for i in 2:1000
x[i] = x[i-1] + eta[i]
if abs(x[i]) > 1.0
x[i] = x[i-1]
a = uwreal(x.^2, 666)
v = rho(a, 666)
dv = drho(a, 666)
for i in 1:length(v)
println(i, " ", v[i], " +/- ", dv[i])
function drho(a::uwreal, mcid::Int64) function drho(a::uwreal, mcid::Int64)
idx = find_mcid(a, mcid) if (idx == nothing)
if (idx == 0) error("No error available... maybe run uwerr")
return [0.0]
else else
return[idx].drho return[idx].drho
end end
...@@ -219,11 +380,11 @@ function details(a::uwreal, ws::wspace, io::IO=stdout, names::Dict{Int64, String ...@@ -219,11 +380,11 @@ function details(a::uwreal, ws::wspace, io::IO=stdout, names::Dict{Int64, String
ip = sortperm(v, rev=true) ip = sortperm(v, rev=true)
for i in 1:length( for i in 1:length(
idx = ws.map_ids[a.ids[ip[i]]] idx = ws.map_ids[a.ids[ip[i]]]
nd = ws.fluc[idx].nd sndt = join(ws.fluc[idx].ivrep, ",")
sid = truncate_ascii(get(names, a.ids[ip[i]], string(a.ids[ip[i]])), ntrunc) sid = truncate_ascii(get(names, a.ids[ip[i]], string(a.ids[ip[i]])), ntrunc)
if (nd > 1) if (ws.fluc[idx].nd > 1)
Printf.@printf(" # %45s %6.2f %10d\n", Printf.@printf(" # %45s %6.2f %s\n",
sid, 100.0 .*[ip[i]].var ./ a.err^2, nd) sid, 100.0 .*[ip[i]].var ./ a.err^2, sndt)
else else
Printf.@printf(" # %45s %6.2f -\n", Printf.@printf(" # %45s %6.2f -\n",
sid, 100.0 .*[ip[i]].var ./ a.err^2) sid, 100.0 .*[ip[i]].var ./ a.err^2)
...@@ -236,6 +397,60 @@ end ...@@ -236,6 +397,60 @@ end
details(a::uwreal; io::IO=stdout, names::Dict{Int64, String} = Dict{Int64, String}()) = details(a, wsg, io, names) details(a::uwreal; io::IO=stdout, names::Dict{Int64, String} = Dict{Int64, String}()) = details(a, wsg, io, names)
Given a `BDIO` file handler `fb`, this routine returns the observable stored in the current record.
using ADerrors # hide
using BDIO
a = uwreal(rand(2000), 12)
fb = BDIO_open("/tmp/foo.bdio", "w", "Test file")
write(a, fb, 8)
# Open the file and move to first record
fb = BDIO_open("/tmp/foo.bdio", "r")
# Read observable
b = read_uwreal(fb)
# Check
c = a - b
println("Better be zero: ", c)
read_uwreal(fb) = read_bdio(fb, ADerrors.wsg) read_uwreal(fb) = read_bdio(fb, ADerrors.wsg)
write_uwreal(p::uwreal, fb, iu::Int)
Given a `BDIO` file handler `fb`, this writes the observable `p` in a BDIO resord with user info `iu`.
using ADerrors # hide
using BDIO
a = uwreal(rand(2000), 12)
# Create a BDIO file and write a with user info 8.
fb = BDIO_open("/tmp/foo.bdio", "w", "Test file")
write(a, fb, 8)
# Open the file and move to first record
fb = BDIO_open("/tmp/foo.bdio", "r")
# Read observable
b = read_uwreal(fb)