Commit eb8149a9 authored by Alberto Ramos's avatar Alberto Ramos

Add routine for dobs generation for scalars and known derivatives

parent 82c4c57a
......@@ -205,6 +205,52 @@ contains
end subroutine addobs_d
! ********************************
! *
module subroutine addobs_ds(x, a, der, mns)
! *
! ********************************
type (uwreal), intent (inout) :: x
type (uwreal), intent (in) :: a(:)
real (kind=DP), intent (in) :: der(:), mns
integer :: no, nid, i, j, is_r, ie_r, &
is_s, ie_s, nvt
no = size(a)
nvt = 0
nid = 0
do i = 1, no
nvt = nvt + size(a(i)%ivrep)
nid = nid + a(i)%nid
end do
call init_ws(nid,nvt,no)
call combine_ids_multi(nid,a)
nvt = sum(ws%nrep(1:nid))
call x%init(nid, ws%nd, ws%nrep, ws%ivrep(1:nvt))
x%id(1:nid) = ws%ids(1:nid)
x%nrep(1:nid) = ws%nrep(1:nid)
x%texp(1:nid) = ws%texp(1:nid)
x%ivrep(1:nvt) = ws%ivrep(1:nvt)
x%mean = mns
x%data = 0.0_DP
do i = 1, x%neid()
call x%get_offset(is_r,ie_r,i,0)
do j = 1, no
if (ws%map(i,j).ne.0) then
call a(j)%get_offset(is_s,ie_s,ws%map(i,j),0)
x%data(is_r:ie_r) = x%data(is_r:ie_r) + &
der(j) * a(j)%data(is_s:ie_s)
end if
end do
end do
end subroutine addobs_ds
! ********************************
! *
module subroutine uwdobs_f(x, a, fn)
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