Commit 85e62812 authored by Alberto Ramos's avatar Alberto Ramos

Updated documentation

parent 95f04889
using Documenter, BDIO
makedocs(modules=[BDIO], doctest=true, sitename = "BDIO meets Julia")
makedocs(modules=[BDIO], doctest=true,
sitename = "BDIO meets Julia",
repo = "")
deploydocs(deps = Deps.pip("mkdocs", "python-markdown-math"),
repo = "",
julia = "1.1.1",
osname = "FreeBSD")
repo = "")
......@@ -4,11 +4,79 @@ This package provides an interface to read/write
[BDIO]( (**B**inary **D**ata **I**nput/**O**utput)
files in Julia.
## Index
## Getting started
Here we write a file with two records:
- A record of type `BDIO_BIN_INT64LE` that contains the first 1000 numbers. This record has user info 1.
- A record of type `BDIO_BIN_F64LE` that contains a total of 2000 numbers: 1000 random numbers and then the same numbers with opposite sign. This record has user info 2. Note that writing data to a record can be done with more than one call to `BDIO_write!`.
The `MD5` sum of both records is stored in the same `BDIO` file thanks
to the calls to `BDIO_write_hash!`. These are written in special
`BDIO` records themselves, with user info 7.
using BDIO
fb = BDIO_open("foo.bdio", "w", "Test file")
BDIO_start_record!(fb, BDIO_BIN_INT64LE, 1, true)
BDIO_write!(fb, collect(1:1000))
BDIO_start_record!(fb, BDIO_BIN_F64LE, 2, true)
vec1 = randn(1000);
vec2 = similar(vec1);
vec2 .= .- vec1;
BDIO_write!(fb, vec1)
BDIO_write!(fb, vec2)
In total the file has 4 records (2 data records, 2 checksum
records). We can see the contents using the [`lsbdio`
┌─(Wed Jul 1 09:32:00 2020)──[localhost]──[/u/h/a/c/j/B/docs/src]
└─> $ lsbdio foo.bdio
ID record type size uinf starts with long
0 header v 1 alberto@laptop Wed Jul 1 09:31:24 2020
1 record i64 le 8000 byte 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 x
2 record MD5-h 20 byte 7 F41BD4FBFC77E5D5ABDF7300F42C1591 -
3 record f64 le 16000 byte 2 1.378609e-01 -2.838856e-01 x
4 record MD5-h 20 byte 7 1A5636335356BB004E489AB5DAE89B5D -
Now let's read the data. We travel the file using `BDIO_seek!` until
we find the records that we are looking for: user info 1 for the
integer data and user info 2 for the real data. Again note that
reading a single record can be done in chunks with multiple calls to
using BDIO
fb2 = BDIO_open("foo.bdio", "r")
global isum = 0
global fsum = 0.0
while BDIO_seek!(fb2)
if BDIO_get_uinfo(fb2) == 1
idt = similar(Array{Int64, 1}, 100)
for i = 1:10
BDIO_read(fb2, idt)
global isum += sum(idt)
elseif BDIO_get_uinfo(fb2) == 2
fdt = similar(Array{Float64, 1}, 100)
for i = 1:20
BDIO_read(fb2, fdt)
global fsum += sum(fdt)
println("Better be zero: ", fsum)
println("Better be zero: ", (2*isum - 1000*1001))
## Setting up global information
......@@ -47,3 +115,8 @@ BDIO_get_len
## Index
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