Commit dc3344d5 authored by Alberto Ramos's avatar Alberto Ramos

Added BDIO_close method

parent 02e9d648
......@@ -17,10 +17,11 @@ BDIO_set_user
### Openning `BDIO` files
### Openning/closing `BDIO` files
## Writing data to `BDIO` files
......@@ -21,6 +21,6 @@ export BDIO_BIN_GENERIC, BDIO_ASC_EXEC, BDIO_BIN_INT32BE,
# Methods
export BDIOstream, BDIO_open, BDIO_start_record!, BDIO_write_hash!,
BDIO_write!, BDIO_seek!, BDIO_get_len, BDIO_get_fmt,
BDIO_get_uinfo, BDIO_read, BDIO_set_user, BDIO_set_host
BDIO_get_uinfo, BDIO_read, BDIO_set_user, BDIO_set_host, BDIO_close!
end # module
......@@ -79,6 +79,22 @@ function BDIO_open(fname::String, mode::String, protocol_info::String="")
return fb
Closes the file associated with fb and clears the record database
## Arguments
- `fb`: A BDIOstream type. It must be associated with a file.
## Examples
julia> fb = BDIO_open("new_file.bdio", "w", "Test file")
julia> BDIO_close(fb)
function BDIO_close!(fb)
fb.records = similar(Array{record,1}, 0)
Start a new BDIO record at the end of the file. Currently the supported formats are
- `BDIO_BIN_GENERIC`: Generic binary data
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