Commit 55b810be authored by G. Jay Kerns's avatar G. Jay Kerns

flesh out ob-doc

parent c10d6ae8
......@@ -115,272 +115,52 @@ The place to get the latest version of ESS is [[
(setq inferior-julia-program-name "/path/to/julia-release-basic")
* Getting started with julia
** Communicating with julia
There are three basic methods for communicating with julia.
- An Interactive session (julia>). :: This is the most basic way to complete simple, one-line commands. Do =M-x julia RET= during an Emacs session and the Emacs/ESS julia mode will open in a buffer. Type whatever command you like; julia will evaluate what is typed there and output the results in the buffer.
- Source files. :: For longer programs (called /scripts/) there is too much code to write all at once in an interactive session. Also, sometimes we only wish to modify a small piece of the script and run it again in julia.
The way to do this is to open a dedicated julia script buffer with the sequence =C-x C-f whatever.jl=, where =whatever.jl= is a julia script which you've named whatever. Write the code in the buffer, then when satisfied the user evaluates lines or regions according to the following table. Then julia will evaluate the respective code and give output in the interactive buffer.
| =C-RET= | Send region or current line and step to next line of code. |
| =M-C-x= | Send region or function or paragraph. |
| =C-c C-c= | Send region or function or paragraph and step to next line. |
- Script mode. ::
** julia is one fancy calculator
julia can do any arithmetic you can imagine. For example, in an interactive session type =2 + 3= and observe
#+BEGIN_SRC julia
2 + 3
The =julia>= means that julia is waiting on your next command. Entry numbers will be generated for each row, such as
#+BEGIN_SRC julia
48-element Int32 Array:
Notice that julia doesn't show the whole list of numbers, it elides them with vertical ellipses \(\vdots\). Note also the =[3:50]= notation, which generates all integers in sequence from 3 to 50. One can also do things like
#+BEGIN_SRC julia :eval no-export
2 * 3 * 4 * 5 # multiply
sqrt(10) # square root
pi # pi
: 120
: 3.1622776601683795
: 3.141592653589793
: ERROR: DomainError()
: in sqrt at math.jl:111
Notice that a =DomainError()= was produced; we are not allowed to take square roots of negative numbers. Also notice the number sign =#=, which is used for comments. Everything typed on the same line after the =#= will be ignored by julia. There is no julia continuation prompt. If you press =RET= before a statement is complete then empty lines keep piling up until you finish the command.
Some other fuctions that will be of use are =abs()= for absolute value, =log()= for the natural logarithm, =exp()= for the exponential function, and =factorial()= for... uh... factorials.
Assignment is useful for storing values to be used later. Notice the semicolon at the end of the first statement. Without the semicolon, julia would print the result of the assigment (namely, =5=).
#+BEGIN_SRC julia
y = 5; # stores the value 5 in y
3 + y
There aren't other assignment operators (like =<-= in R). For variable names you can use letters. (possibly followed by) numbers, and/or underscore "_" characters. You cannot use mathematical operators, you cannot use dots, and numbers can't go in front of numbers (those are interpreted by julia as coefficients). Examples: =x=, =x1=, =y32=, =z_var=.
If you would like to enter the data 74,31,95,61,76,34,23,54,96 into julia, you may create a data array with double brackets (the analogue of the =c()= function in R).
#+BEGIN_SRC julia
fred = [74, 31, 95, 61, 76, 34, 23, 54, 96]
9-element Int32 Array:
The array =fred= has 9 entries. We can access individual components with bracket =[ ]= notation:
#+BEGIN_SRC julia
fred[[1, 3, 5, 8]]
3-element Int32 Array:
4-element Int32 Array:
Notice we needed double brackets for the third example. If you would like to empty the array =fred=, you can do it by typing =fred = []=.
Data arrays in julia have type. There are all sorts of integer types (=Int8=, =uInt8=, =Int32=, ...), strings (=ASCIIString=), logical (=Bool=), unicode characters (=Char=), then there are floating-point types (=Float16=, =Float32=), even complex numbers like =1 + 2im= and even rational numbers like =3//4=, not to mention =Inf=, =-Inf=, and =NaN= (which stands for /not a number/). If you ever want to know what it is you're dealing with you can find out with the =typeof= function.
#+BEGIN_SRC julia
simpsons = ["Homer", "Marge", "Bart", "Lisa", "Maggie"]
: 5-element ASCIIString Array:
: "Homer"
: "Marge"
: "Bart"
: "Lisa"
: "Maggie"
: Array{ASCIIString,1}
Here is an example of a logical vector:
#+BEGIN_SRC julia
x = 5;
x >= 6
: false
Notice the ~>=~ symbol which stands for "greater than or equal to". Many functions in julia are vectorized. Once we have stored a data vector then we can evaluate functions on it.
#+BEGIN_SRC julia
mean(fred) # sample mean, should be same answer
: 544
: 9
: 60.44444444444444
: 60.44444444444444
Other popular functions for vectors are =min()=, =max()=, =sort()=, and =cumsum()=.
Arithmetic in julia is usually done element-wise, and the operands must be of conformable dimensions.
* Fitting (generalized) linear models
#+BEGIN_SRC julia
fred2 = [4, 5, 3, 6, 4, 6, 7, 3, 1];
fred + fred2
fred - fred2
fred - mean(fred)
using RDatasets, DataFrames, Distributions, GLM
trees = data("datasets", "trees");
treeslm = lm(:(Girth ~ Height + Volume), trees);
9-element Int32 Array:
9-element Int32 Array:
9-element Float64 Array:
3-element Float64 Array:
3x4 DataFrame:
Estimate Std.Error t value Pr(>|t|)
[1,] 10.8164 1.9732 5.48165 7.44691e-6
[2,] -0.0454835 0.0282621 -1.60935 0.118759
[3,] 0.19518 0.0109553 17.8161 8.2233e-17
The operations =+= and =-= are performed element-wise. Notice in the last vector that =mean(fred)= was subtracted from each entry in turn. This is also known as data recycling. Other popular vectorizing functions are =sin()=, =cos()=, =exp()=, =log()=, and =sqrt()=.
** Getting Help
When you are using julia it will not take long before you find yourself needing help. The help resources for julia are not as extensive as those for some other languages (such as R). julia is new and many of the help topics haven't been written yet. Nevertheless sometimes a person is lucky and you can get help on a function when it's available with the =help()= function.
* Installation prerequisites
#+BEGIN_SRC julia
: Base.factorial(n)
: Factorial of n
: Base.factorial(n, k)
: Compute "factorial(n)/factorial(k)"
** Org-mode
In addition to this, you can type =help()= which gives an extended list of help topics. For instance, I find myself doing =help("Statistics")= a lot.
** ESS
Note also =example()=. This initiates the running of examples, if available, of the use of the function specified by the argument.
** julia
* Other tips
* Interactive session evaluation
It is unnecessary to retype commands repeatedly, since julia remembers what you have entered on the command line. To cycle through the previous commands, just push the \uparrow (up arrow) key.
This is about ESS.
Missing values in julia are denoted by =NA=. Operations on data vector =NA= values treat them as if the values can't be found. This means adding (as well as subtracting and all of the other mathematical operations) a number to =NA= results in =NA=.
* Evaluation inside the Org buffer
To find out what all variables are in the current work environment, use the commands =ls()= or =objects()=. These list all available objects in the workspace. If you wish to remove one or more variables, use =remove(var1, var2)=, and to remove all of them use =rm(list=ls())=.
** :results value
** Other resources
** :results output
- Check out the official julia manual [[][here]].
- The /Standard Library/ (a different type of manual) is [[][here]].
- There is a vibrant and growing julia community whose gateway is [[][here]].
- There is a large and growing list of contributed packages [[][here]].
* Graphics
#+BEGIN_SRC julia :results value
#+BEGIN_SRC julia :results output
* Plotting with Winston
** Plotting with Winston
#+BEGIN_SRC julia :results graphics :file example1.png :eval no-export
using Winston
......@@ -400,7 +180,8 @@ file(p, "example1.png")
* Plotting with Gadfly
** Plotting with Gadfly
#+BEGIN_SRC julia :results graphics :file iris_plot.svg :eval never
using RDatasets
......@@ -411,36 +192,19 @@ p = plot(iris, {:x => "Sepal.Length", :y => "Sepal.Width"}, Geom.point);
SVG("iris_plot.svg", 6inch, 4inch)
* Fitting (generalized) linear models
#+BEGIN_SRC julia
using RDatasets, DataFrames, Distributions, GLM
trees = data("datasets", "trees");
treeslm = lm(:(Girth ~ Height + Volume), trees);
3-element Float64 Array:
3x4 DataFrame:
Estimate Std.Error t value Pr(>|t|)
[1,] 10.8164 1.9732 5.48165 7.44691e-6
[2,] -0.0454835 0.0282621 -1.60935 0.118759
[3,] 0.19518 0.0109553 17.8161 8.2233e-17
* Exporting to other formats
* Installing the stuff you need
** LaTeX
* Interactive session evaluation
* Evaluation inside the Org buffer
** Beamer
* Exporting to other formats
* Other things
- empty lines in output for semicoloned lines
- need to start session first
- when :results value be careful because of readcsv
- characters
- 1x1 matrix
No preview for this file type
% Created 2013-02-27 Wed 22:41
\author{G. Jay Kerns}
\title{Org-mode and julia: an introduction}
pdfcreator={Generated by Org mode 7.9.3f in Emacs}}
One of the reasons for this document is that I wanted to make it easier to get acquainted with \texttt{julia}.
\section[What you need to get started]{What you need to get started}
This document assumes you have at least a passing familiarity with Org-mode and Emacs keybindings.
(load "/path/to/ob-julia.el")
(org-babel-julia-initiate-session "*julia*" nil)
\item[Note:] a lot of the code blocks below have the header argument \texttt{:eval no-export} which means that the code block can be evaluated interactively in this session by \texttt{C-c C-c} with point in the code block but will \emph{not} be evaluated during export. The reason is that those blocks have settings which conflict with my current setup but would be useful for others going through this document.
\item First install takes the longest, later updates not so bad.
\item all the dependencies
\subsection[Add-on packages]{Add-on packages}
Based on \href{}{The State of Statistics in Julia} by John Myles White.
Pkg.add("DataFrames", "Distributions", "GLM", "MCMC", "Optim",
"NHST", "Clustering")
\item Winston
The most stable and fully featured of the \texttt{julia} graphics packages at the time of this writing appears to be the \texttt{Winston} package, among alternatives including \texttt{Gadfly}.
The Winston package has lots of dependencies and many of them must be built from source (on Ubuntu).
\item Gadfly
\item packages take a lot longer to load than R
This document assumes that you have at least a passing familiarity with org-mode such that you likely have something like the following already in your \texttt{.emacs}:
(require 'org)
Another handy setting to have is
(setq org-confirm-babel-evaluate nil)
In order to run this org file you will need to load \texttt{ob-julia.el} at some point. One way is to edit the following code block and then \texttt{C-c C-c} with point inside the block:
(load "/path/to/ob-julia.el")
(org-babel-julia-initiate-session "*julia*" nil)
The first command loads the \texttt{ob-julia.el} file and the second initiates a \texttt{julia} session in a buffer called \texttt{*julia*}. An alternative method is to put the following in your \texttt{.emacs} (these should go below the \texttt{(require 'org)} line):
(add-to-list 'load-path "/path/to/ob-julia.el")
'((emacs-lisp . t)
(julia . t)))
The following lines (either here or in your \texttt{.emacs}) allow for inline image display in the Emacs buffer.
(add-hook 'org-babel-after-execute-hook 'org-display-inline-images)
(add-hook 'org-mode-hook 'org-display-inline-images)
If you'd like to do \LaTeX{} export then put the following in your emacs.
(require 'ox-latex)
(require 'ox-beamer)
\subsection[ESS - Emacs Speaks Statistics]{ESS - Emacs Speaks Statistics}
The place to get the latest version of ESS is \href{}{here}.
(add-to-list 'load-path "/path/to/ESS/lisp")
(require 'ess-site)
(setq inferior-julia-program-name "/path/to/julia-release-basic")
\section[Fitting (generalized) linear models]{Fitting (generalized) linear models}
using RDatasets, DataFrames, Distributions, GLM
trees = data("datasets", "trees");
treeslm = lm(:(Girth ~ Height + Volume), trees);
Warning: New definition show(Any,LmMod) is ambiguous with show(IO,ANY) at show.jl:6.
Make sure show(IO,LmMod) is defined first.
Warning: New definition show(Any,GlmMod) is ambiguous with show(IO,ANY) at show.jl:6.
Make sure show(IO,GlmMod) is defined first.
WARNING: strcat is deprecated, use string instead.
WARNING: qrd is deprecated, use qrfact instead.
3-element Float64 Array:
3x4 DataFrame:
Estimate Std.Error t value Pr(>|t|)
[1,] 10.8164 1.9732 5.48165 7.44691e-6
[2,] -0.0454835 0.0282621 -1.60935 0.118759
[3,] 0.19518 0.0109553 17.8161 8.2233e-17
\section[Installation prerequisites]{Installation prerequisites}
\section[Interactive session evaluation]{Interactive session evaluation}
This is about ESS.
\section[Evaluation inside the Org buffer]{Evaluation inside the Org buffer}
\subsection[:results value]{:results value}
\subsection[:results output]{:results output}
\subsection[Plotting with Winston]{Plotting with Winston}
using Winston
x = linspace( 0, 3pi, 100 )
c = cos(x)
s = sin(x)
p = FramedPlot();
setattr(p, "title", "title!")
setattr(p, "xlabel", L"\Sigma x^2_i")
setattr(p, "ylabel", L"\Theta_i")
add(p, FillBetween(x, c, x, s) )
add(p, Curve(x, c, "color", "red") )
add(p, Curve(x, s, "color", "blue") )
file(p, "example1.png")
\subsection[Plotting with Gadfly]{Plotting with Gadfly}
using RDatasets
using Gadfly
using Compose
iris = data("datasets", "iris")
p = plot(iris, {:x => "Sepal.Length", :y => "Sepal.Width"}, Geom.point);
SVG("iris_plot.svg", 6inch, 4inch)
\section[Exporting to other formats]{Exporting to other formats}
\section[Other things]{Other things}
\item empty lines in output for semicoloned lines
\item need to start session first
\item when :results value be careful because of readcsv
\item characters
\item 1x1 matrix
% Generated by Org mode 7.9.3f in Emacs
\ No newline at end of file
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