pdfcreator={Generated by Org mode 7.9.3f in Emacs}}
One of the reasons for this document is that I wanted to make it easier to get acquainted with \texttt{julia}.
\section[What you need to get started]{What you need to get started}
This document assumes you have at least a passing familiarity with Org-mode and Emacs keybindings.
(load "/path/to/ob-julia.el")
(org-babel-julia-initiate-session "*julia*" nil)
\item[Note:] a lot of the code blocks below have the header argument \texttt{:eval no-export} which means that the code block can be evaluated interactively in this session by \texttt{C-c C-c} with point in the code block but will \emph{not} be evaluated during export. The reason is that those blocks have settings which conflict with my current setup but would be useful for others going through this document.
\item First install takes the longest, later updates not so bad.
\item all the dependencies
\subsection[Add-on packages]{Add-on packages}
Based on \href{http://www.johnmyleswhite.com/notebook/2012/12/02/the-state-of-statistics-in-julia/}{The State of Statistics in Julia} by John Myles White.
The most stable and fully featured of the \texttt{julia} graphics packages at the time of this writing appears to be the \texttt{Winston} package, among alternatives including \texttt{Gadfly}.
The Winston package has lots of dependencies and many of them must be built from source (on Ubuntu).
\item Gadfly
\item packages take a lot longer to load than R
This document assumes that you have at least a passing familiarity with org-mode such that you likely have something like the following already in your \texttt{.emacs}:
(require 'org)
Another handy setting to have is
(setq org-confirm-babel-evaluate nil)
In order to run this org file you will need to load \texttt{ob-julia.el} at some point. One way is to edit the following code block and then \texttt{C-c C-c} with point inside the block:
(load "/path/to/ob-julia.el")
(org-babel-julia-initiate-session "*julia*" nil)
The first command loads the \texttt{ob-julia.el} file and the second initiates a \texttt{julia} session in a buffer called \texttt{*julia*}. An alternative method is to put the following in your \texttt{.emacs} (these should go below the \texttt{(require 'org)} line):
(add-to-list 'load-path "/path/to/ob-julia.el")
'((emacs-lisp . t)
(julia . t)))
The following lines (either here or in your \texttt{.emacs}) allow for inline image display in the Emacs buffer.