Org Mode support for <a href="http://language-site/">Language</a>
<a href="http://language-site/">
<img src="http://language-site/graphic.file"/>
* TODO Template Checklist [0/12] :noexport:
- [ ] Revise #+TITLE:
- [ ] Indicate #+AUTHOR:
- [ ] Add #+EMAIL:
- [ ] Revise banner source block [0/3]
- [ ] Add link to a useful language web site
- [ ] Replace "Language" with language name
- [ ] Find a suitable graphic and use it to link to the language
web site
- [ ] Write an [[Introduction]]
- [ ] Describe [[Requirements%20and%20Setup][Requirements and Setup]]
- [ ] Replace "Language" with language name in [[Org%20Mode%20Features%20for%20Language%20Source%20Code%20Blocks][Org Mode Features for Language Source Code Blocks]]