Commit cd7bf0dd authored by G. Jay Kerns's avatar G. Jay Kerns

want to put documentation in the correct format

parent 6ffbb2da
#+OPTIONS: H:3 num:nil toc:2 \n:nil @:t ::t |:t ^:{} -:t f:t *:t TeX:t LaTeX:t skip:nil d:(HIDE) tags:not-in-toc
#+STARTUP: align fold nodlcheck hidestars oddeven lognotestate hideblocks
#+TAGS: Write(w) Update(u) Fix(f) Check(c) noexport(n)
#+TITLE: Language Source Code Blocks in Org Mode
#+AUTHOR: Your name
#+EMAIL: you[at]email[dot]org
#+STYLE: <style type="text/css">#outline-container-introduction{ clear:both; }</style>
#+LINK_UP: ../languages.html
#+name: banner
<div id="subtitle" style="float: center; text-align: center;">
Org Mode support for <a href="http://language-site/">Language</a>
<a href="http://language-site/">
<img src="http://language-site/graphic.file"/>
* TODO Template Checklist [0/12] :noexport:
- [ ] Revise #+TITLE:
- [ ] Indicate #+AUTHOR:
- [ ] Add #+EMAIL:
- [ ] Revise banner source block [0/3]
- [ ] Add link to a useful language web site
- [ ] Replace "Language" with language name
- [ ] Find a suitable graphic and use it to link to the language
web site
- [ ] Write an [[Introduction]]
- [ ] Describe [[Requirements%20and%20Setup][Requirements and Setup]]
- [ ] Replace "Language" with language name in [[Org%20Mode%20Features%20for%20Language%20Source%20Code%20Blocks][Org Mode Features for Language Source Code Blocks]]
- [ ] Describe [[Header%20Arguments][Header Arguments]]
- [ ] Describe support for [[Sessions]]
- [ ] Describe [[Result%20Types][Result Types]]
- [ ] Describe [[Other]] differences from supported languages
- [ ] Provide brief [[Examples%20of%20Use][Examples of Use]]
* Introduction
- Brief description of language.
- Range of typical uses within Org Mode.
* Requirements and Setup
- Installation and configuration of language software
- Emacs configuration
- Org-mode configuration (org-babel-do-load-languages)
* Org Mode Features for Language Source Code Blocks
** Header Arguments
- Language-specific default values
- Language-specific header arguments
** Sessions
- Support or not
- Typical use for sessions
** Result Types
- Which result types are supported?
** Other
- Differences from other supported languages
* Examples of Use
- Hello World!
- Common uses
- Links to tutorials and other resources
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