Commit 54df6388 authored by Alberto Ramos's avatar Alberto Ramos

Added run. Updated README

parent 92e11730
......@@ -28,16 +28,33 @@ julia> Ac = CuArray(1000)
1. To run a simulation use:
[user@cluster]$ julia --project=/path/to/test_latticegpu.jl /path/to/test_latticegpu.jl/src/ym.jl -i <input file>
[user@cluster]$ julia --project=/path/to/test_latticegpu.jl /path/to/test_latticegpu.jl/main/ym.jl -i <input file>
2. An example input file is available in `examples/`
### Results: analysis and storage
### Analysis
Data from testing runs should be collected in the `data` folder. Each
run should be in its own directory. The input file should be included
in this git repository. The `log.gz` and `bdio` files should be stored
in ciclope using `dvc`.
The `BDIO` file of the simulation can be analized with the
[ana.jl](./main/ana.jl) program. An example execution is:
[user@cluster]$ julia --project=/path/to/test_latticegpu.jl /path/to/test_latticegpu.jl/main/ana.jl -i <bdio file> -o <dir> [-c <target t^2<E(t)>>]
The directory `<dir>` should exist before running the program.
This program only performs some basic analysis, and should be cross-checked.
### Storing results of the simulations
Data from testing runs should be collected in the `data` folder. The
input file should be included in this git repository. The `log.gz` and
`bdio` files should be stored in ciclope (path:
`/net/ciclope-backend/mnt/IFTLattice/ALPHA/test_LatticeGPU`) using
To get a list of all simulation results stored in ciclope, run:
[user@cluster]$ dvc list -R --dvc-only
## TODO list
......@@ -49,11 +66,30 @@ everything works as expected).
### Reproducing numbers in the literature
#### Flow measurements in arXiv1006.4518
#### Flow measurements in arXiv:1006.4518
- `SU(3)` at $`\beta = 5.96`$ with lattice size $`24^3 \times 48`$,
periodic boundary conditions:
- [input file](./data/SU3_PBC_bt5.96_L24x24x24x48/
- [analysis](./data/SU3_PBC_bt5.96_L24x24x24x48/analysis)
- [results](./data/SU3_PBC_bt5.96_L24x24x24x48/analysis/results.txt)
- Numerical results for t0/a^2 are barely compatible:
- $`\langle t0\rangle = 2.7854(62)`$ (arXiv:1006.4518, table 1).
- $`\langle t0\rangle = 2.7719(43)`$
- The history of the topological charge does not look good.
#### Flow measurements in arXiv:1710.07526 and arXiv:1805.07106
- These are simulations in `SU(2)` at $`\beta = 2.5`$ with lattice
size $`24^3 \times 48`$.
- [input file](./data/SU3_PBC_bt5.96_L24x24x24x48/
- [analysis](./data/SU3_PBC_bt5.96_L24x24x24x48/analysis)
- [results](./data/SU3_PBC_bt5.96_L24x24x24x48/analysis/results.txt)
- The plaquette agrees perfectly (assuming that the reference missed a
factor two in the definition of the plaquette):
- $`\langle P\rangle = 0.651967(2)`$ (arXiv:1710.07526, table VII).
- $`\langle P\rangle = 0.6519656(57)`$
- md5: f01bdfa9f7fa56d1cda9801056660440
size: 13401066
path: SU2_PBC_bt2.5_L24x24x24x48.bdio
# Input file to reproduce results of
# Reversibility Violation in the Hybrid Monte Carlo Algorithm
# Carsten Urbach
# arXiv:1710.07526
user = "alberto"
host = "som5"
name = "SU2_PBC_bt2.5_L24x24x24x48"
seed = 197803
group = "SU2" # Choose SU2, SU3
dimensions = 4
size = [24,24,24,48]
blocks = [4,4,4,4]
bcs = "PERIODIC" # Choose PERIODIC, SF
ntwist = [0,0,0,0,0,0]
beta = 2.5
c0 = 1.0 # 1.0 is Wilson action, 1.66... is LW, 3.648 is Iwasaki
integrator = "OMF4" # "LEAPFROPG", "OMF2", "OMF4"
ns = 20
eps = 0.1
nthm = 1000
ntraj = 10000
integrator = "RK3" # EULER, RK2, RK3
eps = 0.01
ns = 550
dtr = 10 # Frequency of flow measurements
- md5: 2c0c082edbe84bb52344cab875afb7ab
size: 506897
path: SU2_PBC_bt2.5_L24x24x24x48.log.gz
## Results of analysis of file: data/SU2_PBC_bt2.5_L24x24x24x48/SU2_PBC_bt2.5_L24x24x24x48.bdio
- Number of thermalization steps: 1000
- Number of measurements: 10000
- flow measurements for times: 0.0 - 5.5
# Observable <exp(-dH)>
- value: 1.0000006999329316 +/- 2.3958457166358336e-6
- tauint: 0.22580553473922516 +/- 0.011413434274011135
# Observable <P>
- value: 1.3039311752349458 +/- 1.1460898331204123e-5
- tauint: 3.303330870452952 +/- 0.48028356376494286
# Observable t0 plaquette
- value: 5.170751286480197 +/- 0.01711105142052885
- tauint: 2.2866696595691676 +/- 0.7424695630327979
# Observable w0 plaquette
- value: 2.278513607605811 +/- 0.00391718065497019
- tauint: 2.2910824986316234 +/- 0.7578526725436543
# Observable t0 clover
- value: 4.402667266711869 +/- 0.01734714147447308
- tauint: 1.6778025209007883 +/- 0.49386821851432905
# Observable w0 clover
- value: 2.0908926776402916 +/- 0.009592965351155903
- tauint: 0.49601062695139997 +/- 0.07843868009171369
......@@ -29,6 +29,14 @@ function parse_commandline()
arg_type = String
@add_arg_table s begin
help = "Value of t^2<E(t)> to determine t0,w0 scales"
required = false
arg_type = Float64
default = 0.3
return parse_args(s)
......@@ -65,11 +73,11 @@ function read_record(dt::Vector, fb, uinfo)
while BDIO_seek!(fb)
if BDIO_get_uinfo(fb) == uinfo
BDIO_read(fb, dt)
return true
return nothing
return false
function read_record(dt::Array{Float64, 2}, fb, uinfo)
......@@ -84,11 +92,11 @@ function read_record(dt::Array{Float64, 2}, fb, uinfo)
dt[j,i] = foo[j]
return true
return nothing
return false
function ana_record(fb, nmsm, uinfo)
......@@ -108,7 +116,14 @@ end
function ana_flow_record(fb, nflw, flw_ns, eps, uinfo, tsqet::Union{Nothing, Float64} = nothing)
dt = Array{Float64, 2}(undef, flw_ns+1, nflw)
read_record(dt, fb, uinfo)
if !read_record(dt, fb, uinfo)
if tsqet == nothing
return nothing
return nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing
for i in 1:size(dt, 1)
t = (i-1)*eps
for j in 1:size(dt,2)
......@@ -163,13 +178,25 @@ function ana_flow_record(fb, nflw, flw_ns, eps, uinfo, tsqet::Union{Nothing, Flo
w0 = sqrt((tsqet-A)/B)
return obs, t0, w0
return obs, t0, w0, id
return nothing
function plot_et(plq, clv, eps, tsqet)
t = [(i-1)*eps for i in 1:length(plq)]
plot(xlabel="t", ylabel="t^2<E(t)>",legend=:topleft)
plot!(t, value.(plq), yerr=err.(plq), label="Plaquette", seriestype=:scatter)
plot!(t, value.(clv), yerr=err.(clv), label="Clover", seriestype=:scatter)
pl = hline!([tsqet],label="",width=2,color=:black)
return pl
function make_plot(obs)
ens = ensembles(obs)
......@@ -193,6 +220,7 @@ end
parsed_args = parse_commandline()
fname = parsed_args["i"]
dout = parsed_args["o"]
tsqet = parsed_args["c"]
fb = BDIO_open(fname, "r")
nthm, nmsm, nflw, eps, flw_ns = get_msm_info(fb)
......@@ -218,35 +246,49 @@ println(fout, " - tauint: ", taui(obs, "Ensemble"), " +/- ", dtaui(obs, "Ensemb
pl = make_plot(obs)
savefig(pl, dout*"/plaq.pdf")
println(fout, " # Observable t0 plaquette")
obs, t0, w0 = ana_flow_record(fb, nflw, flw_ns, eps, 12, 0.3)
println(fout, " - value: ", t0)
println(fout, " - tauint: ", taui(t0, "Flow"), " +/- ", dtaui(t0, "Flow"))
pl = make_plot(t0)
savefig(pl, dout*"/t0_pl.pdf")
println(fout, " # Observable w0 plaquette")
println(fout, " - value: ", w0)
println(fout, " - tauint: ", taui(w0, "Flow"), " +/- ", dtaui(w0, "Flow"))
pl = make_plot(w0)
savefig(pl, dout*"/w0_pl.pdf")
println(fout, " # Observable t0 clover")
obs, t0, w0 = ana_flow_record(fb, nflw, flw_ns, eps, 13, 0.3)
println(fout, " - value: ", t0)
println(fout, " - tauint: ", taui(t0, "Flow"), " +/- ", dtaui(t0, "Flow"))
pl = make_plot(t0)
savefig(pl, dout*"/t0_cl.pdf")
println(fout, " # Observable w0 clover")
println(fout, " - value: ", w0)
println(fout, " - tauint: ", taui(w0, "Flow"), " +/- ", dtaui(w0, "Flow"))
pl = make_plot(w0)
savefig(pl, dout*"/w0_cl.pdf")
plq_t0, t0, w0, id = ana_flow_record(fb, nflw, flw_ns, eps, 12, tsqet)
if t0 == nothing
println(fout, " # No flow observables on file")
println(fout, " # Observable t0 plaquette")
println(fout, " - value: ", t0)
println(fout, " - tauint: ", taui(t0, "Flow"), " +/- ", dtaui(t0, "Flow"))
pl = make_plot(t0)
savefig(pl, dout*"/t0_pl.pdf")
println(fout, " # Observable w0 plaquette")
println(fout, " - value: ", w0)
println(fout, " - tauint: ", taui(w0, "Flow"), " +/- ", dtaui(w0, "Flow"))
pl = make_plot(w0)
savefig(pl, dout*"/w0_pl.pdf")
clv_t0, t0, w0, id = ana_flow_record(fb, nflw, flw_ns, eps, 13, tsqet)
if t0 != nothing
println(fout, " # Observable t0 clover")
println(fout, " - value: ", t0)
println(fout, " - tauint: ", taui(t0, "Flow"), " +/- ", dtaui(t0, "Flow"))
pl = make_plot(t0)
savefig(pl, dout*"/t0_cl.pdf")
println(fout, " # Observable w0 clover")
println(fout, " - value: ", w0)
println(fout, " - tauint: ", taui(w0, "Flow"), " +/- ", dtaui(w0, "Flow"))
pl = make_plot(w0)
savefig(pl, dout*"/w0_cl.pdf")
pl = plot_et(plq_t0, clv_t0, eps, tsqet)
savefig(pl, dout*"/tsq_et.pdf")
obs = ana_flow_record(fb, nflw, flw_ns, eps, 14, nothing)
qtop = obs[id]
pl = make_plot(qtop)
savefig(pl, dout*"/qtop.pdf")
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