Commit 4a3b39db authored by Alberto Ramos's avatar Alberto Ramos

Initial commit. Full solver in solve_uSEIR function.

P. Hernandez, C. Pena, J.J. Gomez Cadenas wrote these files. As long
as you retain this notice you can do whatever you want with this
stuff. If we meet some day, and you think this stuff is worth it, you
can buy us a beer in return.
# This file is machine-generated - editing it directly is not advised
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name = "uSEIR"
uuid = "56d60da9-7444-4793-9579-959e59fcd452"
authors = ["Alberto Ramos <>"]
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Distributions = "31c24e10-a181-5473-b8eb-7969acd0382f"
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Revise = "295af30f-e4ad-537b-8983-00126c2a3abe"
# uSEIR.jl
uSEIR.jl is a package to solve the Non-Markovian SEIR model with
arbitrary distributions for exposed/infected.
## Install
The easiest way is to use the package manager
julia> import Pkg
(v1.1) pkg> add
## Minimal example
Compare the Gamma and delta distribution results for means of
exposed/infected 4.0 and 6.0 respectively with a canonical R0 of 2.0.
julia> using Random, Distributions, uSEIR, PyPlot
julia> sol_g = solve_uSEIR(Gamma(4.0,1.0), Gamma(6.0, 1.0), 0.001, 2.0/6.0)
julia> sol_d = solve_uSEIR(4.0, 6.0, 0.001, 2.0/6.0)
julia> ioff()
julia> fig = figure("Comparison delta vs. Gamma",figsize=(8,8))
julia> ax = gca()
julia> plot(1:4:length(sol_g), sol_g[3:4:end], 1:4:length(sol_d), sol_d[3:4:end])
## License
P. Hernandez, C. Pena, J.J. Gomez Cadenas wrote these files. As long
as you retain this notice you can do whatever you want with this
stuff. If we meet some day, and you think this stuff is worth it, you
can buy us a beer in return.
module uSEIR
import Random, Distributions
# Include types
# Methods
export solve_uSEIR
Create a probability table
pdf_table(d::UnivariateDistribution, eps::Float, tol::Float64)
Given a distribution `d`, the interval `[0,quantile(d, tol)]` is
divided in `n` sub-intervals of length `eps`. The probabilities
P_n for `x` falling in each subinterval are returned as a vector.
## Arguments
- d: An `UnivariateDistribution`. See `Distributions.jl`.
- eps: Discretization step size.
- tol: The quantile that marks the end of the interval.
## Examples
julia> pdf_t = pdf_table(Normal(10.0, 0.1), 0.01, 0.9999)
function pdf_table(d::Distributions.UnivariateDistribution, eps::Float64, tol::Float64)
n::Int64 = round(Int64, Distributions.quantile(d, tol)/eps)
pdf = zeros(Float64, n)
cd1 = 0.0
for i in 1:n-1
cd2 = Distributions.cdf(d, i*eps)
pdf[i] = cd2-cd1
cd1 = cd2
pdf[end] = 1.0-sum(pdf)
return pdf
Solve uSEIR: arbitrary distributions for infected anf exposed times
solve_seir(de, di, eps, rate, dtr = 1, i0 = 1.0E-6, stp = 1.0E-6)
Given the distributions for the time that people are exposed and infected, this
routines solver the SEIR model.
## Arguments
- de, di: `UnivariateDistribution`. The distributions for the time that people
are exposed and infected respectively. If a `Float64` is introduced the program
interpret this as the distribution being a delta function.
- eps: `Float64`. The discretization parameter.
- rate: `Float64`. The infection rate.
- dtr: `Int64`. Optional (default 1). How often one wants the values of
`s(t), e(t), i(t), r(t)` be returned
- i0: `Float64`. Optional (default 1.0E-6). Ratio of people infected at `t=0`.
- stp: `Float64`. Optional (default 1.0E-10). Stoping criteria: Simulation ends when
e(t) and i(t) are both smaller than `stp`.
## Returns
- solution: `Vector{Float64}`. The values of `s(t), e(t), i(t), r(t)` for each time.
## Examples
julia> slv = solve_uSEIR(Gamma(5.0, 1.0), Gamma(7.0, 1.4), 0.01, 2.0/7.0)
julia> # Get the values of the infected
julia> infected = slv(3:4:end)
julia> # Get the values of the exposed
julia> exposed = slv(2:4:end)
julia> # Get the values of the recovered
julia> inf = slv(4:4:end)
function solve_uSEIR(de::Distributions.UnivariateDistribution, di::Distributions.UnivariateDistribution, eps::Float64, prob::Float64, dtr::Int64=1, i0::Float64 = 1.0E-6, stp::Float64 = 1.0E-10)
# Build probability table
pn = prob*eps
pdi = pdf_table(di, eps, 0.9999)
ni = length(pdi)
pde = pdf_table(de, eps, 0.9999)
ne = length(pde)
# set initial condition
S = 1.0-i0
E = zeros(ne)
E[1] = i0
I = zeros(ni)
R = 0.0
sol = Vector{Float64}()
n = 0
sI = 0.0
while true
n = n + 1
R = R + I[1]
for k in 1:ni-1
I[k] = I[k+1] + pdi[k]*E[1]
I[end] = pdi[end]*E[1]
for k in 1:ne-1
E[k] = E[k+1] + pn*pde[k]*sI*S
E[end] = pn*pde[end]*sI*S
S = S - pn*sI*S
sI = sum(I)
sE = sum(E)
if (mod(n-1,dtr) == 0)
append!(sol, [S, sE, sI, R])
if ( (sE < stp) && (sI < stp) )
return sol
function solve_uSEIR(te::Float64, ti::Float64, eps::Float64, prob::Float64, dtr::Int64=1, i0::Float64 = 1.0E-6, stp::Float64 = 1.0E-10)
pn = prob*eps
ni = round(Int64, ti/eps)
ne = round(Int64, te/eps)
# set initial condition
S = 1.0-i0
E = zeros(ne)
E[1] = i0
I = zeros(ni)
R = 0.0
sol = Vector{Float64}()
n = 0
sI = 0.0
while true
n = n + 1
R = R + I[1]
for k in 1:ni-1
I[k] = I[k+1]
I[end] = E[1]
for k in 1:ne-1
E[k] = E[k+1]
E[end] = pn*sI*S
S = S - pn*sI*S
sI = sum(I)
sE = sum(E)
if (mod(n-1,dtr) == 0)
append!(sol, [S, sE, sI, R])
if ( (sE < stp) && (sI < stp) )
return sol
function solve_uSEIR(de::Distributions.UnivariateDistribution, ti::Float64, eps::Float64, prob::Float64, dtr::Int64=1, i0::Float64 = 1.0E-6, stp::Float64 = 1.0E-10)
pn = prob*eps
ni = round(Int64, ti/eps)
pde = pdf_table(de, eps, 0.9999)
ne = length(pde)
# set initial condition
S = 1.0-i0
E = zeros(ne)
E[1] = i0
I = zeros(ni)
R = 0.0
sol = Vector{Float64}()
n = 0
sI = 0.0
while true
n = n + 1
R = R + I[1]
for k in 1:ni-1
I[k] = I[k+1]
I[end] = E[1]
for k in 1:ne-1
E[k] = E[k+1] + pn*pde[k]*sI*S
E[end] = pn*pde[end]*sI*S
S = S - pn*sI*S
sI = sum(I)
sE = sum(E)
if (mod(n-1,dtr) == 0)
append!(sol, [S, sE, sI, R])
if ( (sE < stp) && (sI < stp) )
return sol
function solve_uSEIR(te::Float64, di::Distributions.UnivariateDistribution, eps::Float64, prob::Float64, dtr::Int64=1, i0::Float64 = 1.0E-6, stp::Float64 = 1.0E-10)
pn = prob*eps
pdi = pdf_table(di, eps, 0.9999)
ni = length(pdi)
ne = round(Int64, te/eps)
# set initial condition
S = 1.0-i0
E = zeros(ne)
E[1] = i0
I = zeros(ni)
R = 0.0
sol = Vector{Float64}()
n = 0
sI = 0.0
while true
n = n + 1
R = R + I[1]
for k in 1:ni-1
I[k] = I[k+1] + pdi[k]*E[1]
I[end] = pdi[end]*E[1]
for k in 1:ne-1
E[k] = E[k+1]
E[end] = pn*sI*S
S = S - pn*sI*S
sI = sum(I)
sE = sum(E)
if (mod(n-1,dtr) == 0)
append!(sol, [S, sE, sI, R])
if ( (sE < stp) && (sI < stp) )
return sol
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