Commit bcc8dafb authored by Alberto Ramos's avatar Alberto Ramos

Test set updated and expanded

- Tests now use Strings to tag ensembles
- Added tests for fit/int/root
parent fabaca28
......@@ -7,3 +7,15 @@ using Test
println("Test [test1.jl]")
@time @test include("test1.jl")
println("Test [test2.jl]")
@time @test include("test2.jl")
println("Test [test_cov1.jl]")
@time @test include("test_cov1.jl")
println("Test [test_cov2.jl]")
@time @test include("test_cov2.jl")
println("Test [test_trcov.jl]")
@time @test include("test_trcov.jl")
using ADerrors
using ADerrors # hide
# Generate some correlated data
eta = randn(1000)
x = Vector{Float64}(undef, 1000)
x[1] = 0.0
for i in 2:1000
x[i] = x[i-1] + eta[i]
if abs(x[i]) > 1.0
x[i] = x[i-1]
a = uwreal([1.0, 0.1], 1)
b = uwreal(rand(10000), 23)
# Load the data in a uwreal
a = uwreal(x.^2, "Random walk in [-1,1]")
wpm = Dict{String,Vector{Float64}}()
c = 1.0 + sin(a+b)
d = sin(a)*cos(b) + cos(a)*sin(b) - 3.0
# Use default analysis (stau = 4.0)
println("default: ", a, " (tauint = ", taui(a, "Random walk in [-1,1]"), ")")
let e = c-d, nmax = 1000
for i in 1:nmax
e = e + c-d
println(e.mean, " +/- ", e.err)
( (abs(err(e)) < 1.0E-10) && (abs(value(e)-4.0*(nmax+1.0)) < 1.0E-10) )
# This will still do default analysis because
# a does not depend on emsemble foo
wpm["Ensemble foo"] = [-1.0, 8.0, -1.0, 145.0]
uwerr(a, wpm)
println("default: ", a, " (tauint = ", taui(a, "Random walk in [-1,1]"), ")")
# Fix the summation window to 1 (i.e. uncorrelated data)
wpm["Random walk in [-1,1]"] = [1.0, -1.0, -1.0, -1.0]
uwerr(a, wpm)
println("uncorrelated: ", a, " (tauint = ", taui(a, "Random walk in [-1,1]"), ")")
# Use stau = 1.5
wpm["Random walk in [-1,1]"] = [-1.0, 1.5, -1.0, -1.0]
uwerr(a, wpm)
println("stau = 1.5: ", a, " (tauint = ", taui(a, "Random walk in [-1,1]"), ")")
# Use fixed window 15 and add tail with texp = 100.0
wpm["Random walk in [-1,1]"] = [15.0, -1.0, -1.0, 100.0]
uwerr(a, wpm)
println("Fixed window 15, texp=100: ", a, " (tauint = ", taui(a, "Random walk in [-1,1]"), ")")
# Sum up to the point that the signal in Gamma is
# 1.5 times the error and add a tail with texp = 10.0
wpm["Random walk in [-1,1]"] = [-1.0, -1.0, 1.5, 30.0]
uwerr(a, wpm)
println("signal/noise=1.5, texp=10: ", a, " (tauint = ", taui(a, "Random walk in [-1,1]"), ")")
(0 == 0)
using ADerrors # hide
a = uwreal(rand(2000), "Ensemble A12")
b = uwreal([1.2, 0.023], "Ensemble XYZ")
c = uwreal([5.2, 0.03], "Ensemble RRR")
d = a + b - c
(0 == 0)
using ADerrors # hide
# Put some average values and covariance
avg = [16.26, 0.12, -0.0038]
Mcov = [0.478071 -0.176116 0.0135305
-0.176116 0.0696489 -0.00554431
0.0135305 -0.00554431 0.000454180]
# Produce observables with ensemble ID
# [1, 2001, 32]. Do error analysis
p = cobs(avg, Mcov, "GF beta function parameters")
# Check central values are ok
avg2 = value.(p)
println("Better be zero: ", sum((avg.-avg2).^2))
# Check that the covariance is ok
Mcov2 = cov(p)
println("Better be zero: ", sum((Mcov.-Mcov2).^2))
(sum((Mcov.-Mcov2).^2) < 1.0E-10)
using ADerrors, QuadGK, ForwardDiff
using ADerrors
# Average values and covariance from
......@@ -9,18 +9,10 @@ Mcov = [0.478071 -0.176116 0.0135305
-0.176116 0.0696489 -0.00554431
0.0135305 -0.00554431 0.000454180]
p = cobs(avg, Mcov, [1, 2001, 32])
p = cobs(avg, Mcov, "Beta function fit parameters")
g1s = uwreal([2.6723, 0.0064], 4)
g2s = 11.31
fs(a, b, p) = -p[1]/2.0 * (1.0/b-1.0/a) +
p[2]/2.0 * log(b/a) +
p[3]/2.0 * (b - a)
srat = 2.0*exp(fs(g1s, g2s, p))
println("Computation of scale factor (should be 21.86(42))")
println(" From direct evaluation: ", srat)
fint(x, p) = - (p[1] + p[2]*x^2 + p[3]*x^4)/x^3
g1 = sqrt(g1s)
g2 = sqrt(g2s)
......@@ -28,68 +20,3 @@ sint = 2.0*exp(-int_error(fint, g1, g2, p))
print(" From integral evaluation: ")
( (abs(err(srat)-err(sint)) < 1.0E-10) && (abs(value(srat)-value(sint)) < 1.0E-10) )
v = value.(p)
ff(x) = fint(x, v)
a = value(g1)
b = g2
(di,foo) = quadgk(ff, a, b)
function ftest(p)
ff(x) = fint(x, p)
(di,foo) = quadgk(ff, a, b)
return di
function simps(f::Function, a, b, tol::Float64 = 1.0E-8)
function trap(al, bl, f::Function, sum, n)
nt = 2^(n-2)
hh = (bl-al)/nt
x = al+hh/2.0
val = al + f(x)
for i in 2:nt
x = x + hh
val += f(x)
return ( sum + (bl-al)*val/nt ) / 2.0
al = min(a,b)
bl = max(a,b)
s1 = (bl-al)*(f(al) + f(bl))/2.0
s = s1
for i in 2:1000
s2 = trap(al, bl, f, s1, i)
err = s - (4.0*s2 - s1)/3.0
s = s - err
println(s1, " ", s2, " ", err)
if (abs(err)<tol)
if (b<a)
return -s
return s
s1 = s2
function ftest2(p)
ff(x) = fint(x, p)
di = simps(ff, p[4], p[5])
return di
vv = copy(v)
push!(vv, a)
push!(vv, b)
hess = ForwardDiff.hessian(ftest, v)
hess = ForwardDiff.hessian(ftest2, vv)
using ADerrors, LinearAlgebra # hide
a = uwreal([1.3, 0.01], 1) # 1.3 +/- 0.01
b = uwreal([5.3, 0.23], 2) # 5.3 +/- 0.23
a = uwreal([1.3, 0.01], "Var 1") # 1.3 +/- 0.01
b = uwreal([5.3, 0.23], "Var 2") # 5.3 +/- 0.23
x = [a+b, a-b]
mat = ADerrors.cov(x)
( (mat[1,1] - mat[2,2]) < 1.0E-10) && (abs(mat[1,2] - (err(a)^2-err(b)^2)) < 1.0E-10) )
println("Covariance: ", mat[1,1], " ", mat[1,2])
println(" ", mat[2,1], " ", mat[2,2])
println("Check (should be zero): ", mat[1,1] - mat[2,2])
println("Check (should be zero): ", mat[1,2] - (err(a)^2-err(b)^2))
( abs(mat[1,1] - mat[2,2]) < 1.0E-10) && ( abs(mat[1,2] - (err(a)^2-err(b)^2)) < 1.0E-10 )
using ADerrors, Distributions # hide
# Generate correlated samples with average 0.1
npt = 12
sig = zeros(npt, npt)
dx = zeros(npt)
for i in 1:npt
dx[i] = 0.01*i
sig[i,i] = dx[i]^2
for j in i+1:npt
sig[i,j] = 0.0001 - 0.000005*abs(i-j)
sig[j,i] = 0.0001 - 0.000005*abs(i-j)
dmv = MvNormal([0.1 for n in 1:npt], sig)
vs = rand(dmv, 1)
# Create the uwreal data that we want to
# fit to a constant
dt = cobs(vs[:,1], sig, "Data points")
# Define the chi^2
chisq(p, d) = sum( (d .- p[1]) .^ 2 ./ dx .^2 )
# The result of an uncorrelated fit to a
# constant is the weighted average
xp = [sum(value.(dt) ./ dx)/sum(1.0 ./ dx)]
# Propagate errors to the fit parameters and
# determine the expected chi^2
(fitp, csqexp) = fit_error(chisq, xp, dt)
println(" *** FIT RESULTS ***")
print("Fit parameter: ")
println("chi^2 / chi_exp^2: ", chisq(xp, value.(dt)), " / ", csqexp, " (dof: ", npt-1, ")")
using ADerrors # hide
# First define some arbitrary data
data = Vector{uwreal}(undef, 3)
data[1] = uwreal([1.0, 0.2], "Var A")
data[2] = uwreal([1.2, 0.023], "Var B")
data[3] = uwreal(rand(1000), "White noise ensemble")
# Now define a function
f(x, p) = x + p[1]*x + cos(p[2]*x+p[3])
# Find its root using x0=1.0 as initial
# guess of the position of the root
x = root_error(f, 1.0, data)
println("Root: ", x)
# Check
z = f(x, data)
print("Better be zero (with zero error): ")
(abs(value(z)) < 1.0E-10 && abs(err(z)) < 1.0E-10)
using ADerrors, LinearAlgebra # hide
a = uwreal([1.3, 0.01], 1) # 1.3 +/- 0.01
b = uwreal([5.3, 0.23], 2) # 5.3 +/- 0.23
c = uwreal(rand(2000), 3)
a = uwreal([1.3, 0.01], "Var with error 1") # 1.3 +/- 0.01
b = uwreal([5.3, 0.23], "Var with error 2") # 5.3 +/- 0.23
c = uwreal(rand(2000), "White noise ensemble")
x = [a+b+sin(c), a-b+cos(c), c-b/a]
M = [1.0 0.2 0.1
......@@ -10,4 +10,5 @@ M = [1.0 0.2 0.1
mcov = cov(x)
d = tr(mcov * M)
println("Better be zero: ", d -trcov(M, x))
(abs(d -trcov(M, x)) < 1.0E-10)
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