Commit 0f3a808e authored by Alessandro 's avatar Alessandro Committed by Javier

bug fixing in eigenvector computation (juobs_linalg), exporting uwdot

parent 12a698d0
......@@ -82,24 +82,34 @@ mutable struct infoMatt
function infoMatt(a11::juobs.Corr, a12::Array{juobs.Corr}, a22::Array{juobs.Corr})
mu = getfield(a11, :mu)
y0 = Int64(getfield(a11, :y0))
diag = [a11.obs, a22[1].obs.+a22[2].obs.+a22[3].obs]
subdiag = [a12[1].obs.+a12[2].obs.+a12[3].obs]
function infoMatt(a11::Array{juobs.Corr}, a12::Array{juobs.Corr}, a22::Array{juobs.Corr})
mu = getfield(a11[1], :mu)
y0 = Int64(getfield(a11[1], :y0))
elem11 = sum(a11[i].obs for i =1:length(a11))
elem12 = sum(a12[i].obs for i =1:length(a12))
elem22 = sum(a22[i].obs for i =1:length(a22))
diag = [elem11, elem22]
subdiag =[ elem12 ]
#diag = [a11.obs, a22[1].obs.+a22[2].obs.+a22[3].obs]
#subdiag = [a12[1].obs.+a12[2].obs.+a12[3].obs]
mat = get_matrix(diag, subdiag)
return new(mat, mu, y0)
function comp_mat(tot11::Array{juobs.Corr}, tot12::Array{Array{juobs.Corr}}, tot22::Array{Array{juobs.Corr}})
mu = getfield.(tot11,:mu)
function comp_mat(tot11::Array{Array{juobs.Corr}}, tot12::Array{Array{juobs.Corr}}, tot22::Array{Array{juobs.Corr}})
mu = getfield.(tot11[1],:mu)
res = Array{infoMatt}(undef, length(mu))
for i = 1:length(mu)
res[i]= infoMatt(tot11[i], [tot12[1][i],tot12[2][i],tot12[3][i]], [tot22[1][i],tot22[2][i],tot22[3][i]])
println("tot11 size is ", size(tot11,1), " the type is ", typeof(tot11))
a11 = [ tot11[j][i] for j = 1:size(tot11,1) ]
a12 = [ tot12[j][i] for j = 1:size(tot12,1) ]
a22 = [ tot22[j][i] for j = 1:size(tot22,1) ]
res[i] = infoMatt(a11, a12, a22)
#res[i]= infoMatt(tot11[i], [tot12[1][i],tot12[2][i],tot12[3][i]], [tot22[1][i],tot22[2][i],tot22[3][i]])
return res
function comp_energy(tot11::Array{juobs.Corr}, tot12::Array{Array{juobs.Corr}}, tot22::Array{Array{juobs.Corr}})
function comp_energy(tot11::Array{Array{juobs.Corr}}, tot12::Array{Array{juobs.Corr}}, tot22::Array{Array{juobs.Corr}})
aux_mat = comp_mat(tot11, tot12, tot22)
y0 = getfield(aux_mat[1], :y0)
res_en = Array{infoEn}(undef, length(aux_mat))
......@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ include("juobs_tools.jl")
export read_mesons, read_ms1
export get_matrix, uwgevp_tot, energies
export get_matrix, uwgevp_tot, energies, uwdot
export corr_obs, plat_av, lin_fit, x_lin_fit, y_lin_fit, fit_routine
export meff, dec_const_pcvc
......@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ Given a vector where each entry evals[t] is a uwreal array of eigenvalues, this
The index t here runs from 1:T=lenght(evals), while the index i stands for the number of energy levels computed: i = length(evals[t])
It returns a vector array eff_en where each entry eff_en[t] contains the first N states energies as uwreal objects
function energies(evals::Vector{Vector{uwreal}})
function energies(evals::Union{Vector{Vector{uwreal}},Array{Array{uwreal}} })
time = length(evals)
n = length(evals[1])
eff_en = Array{Array{uwreal}}(undef, n)
......@@ -123,16 +123,30 @@ function uwgevp_tot(mat_list::Vector{Matrix}, tnot::Int64; iter::Int64 = 30, eve
evals = get_diag.(aux_evals)
return evals
aux_evals, aux_evec = uwgevp.(mat_list, c_tnot_inv=c_inv, iter = iter, evec= true)
n = length(mat_list)
evals = Array{Array{uwreal}}(undef, n )
evecs = Array{Matrix}(undef, n)
for i = 1:n
aux_evals, aux_evec = uwgevp(mat_list[i], c_tnot_inv=c_inv, iter = iter, evec = evec)
evals[i] = get_diag(aux_evals)
evecs[i] = aux_evec
return evals, evecs
(aux_evals, aux_evec) = uwgevp.(mat_list, c_tnot_inv=c_inv, iter = iter, evec= true)
evals = get_diag.(aux_evals)
evecs = aux_evec
return evals, evecs
uwgevp(c_t:: Matrix{uwreal}, c_tnot::Matrix{uwreal}; iter = 30, evec = false)
uwgevp(c_t:: Matrix{uwreal}, c_tnot_inv::Matrix{uwreal}; iter = 30, evec = false)
Given two matrices of uwreal C(t) and C(t0), this method solves the generalized eigenvalue problem
C(t)V = C(t_0)D V, where V is the eigenvector matrix and D is the diagonal matrix of eigenvalues.
......@@ -354,6 +368,8 @@ of uwreal data type.
uwdot(a::Vector{uwreal}, b::Vector{uwreal}) = sum(a .* b)
uwdot(a::Vector{uwreal}, b::uwreal) = [a[i] * b for i=1:length(a)]
uwdot(a::uwreal, b::Vector{uwreal}) = uwdot(b,a)
function uwdot(a::Matrix{uwreal}, b::Matrix{uwreal})
n,m = size(a)
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