Commit 1cbf03a4 authored by Antonino D'Anna's avatar Antonino D'Anna

added verbose bool variable to fit_routine

parent 433cecee
......@@ -1095,7 +1095,7 @@ fit_routine(model, xdata, ydata, param=3, covar=true)
function fit_routine(model::Function, xdata::Array{<:Real}, ydata::Array{uwreal}, param::Int64=3; info::Bool=false, wpm::Union{Dict{Int64,Vector{Float64}},Dict{String,Vector{Float64}}, Nothing}=nothing,
inv_cov::Union{Matrix{Float64}, Nothing}=nothing)
inv_cov::Union{Matrix{Float64}, Nothing}=nothing, verbose::Bool = true)
isnothing(wpm) ? uwerr.(ydata) : [uwerr(yaux, wpm) for yaux in ydata]
......@@ -1125,26 +1125,30 @@ function fit_routine(model::Function, xdata::Array{<:Real}, ydata::Array{uwreal}
# println((fit.resid[i])^2)
# end
# println("\n")
println("chi2 from fit residual = ", chi2_fit_res)
println("chi2 from chi2 function = ", chisq(coef(fit), ydata))
if verbose
println("chi2 from fit residual = ", chi2_fit_res)
println("chi2 from chi2 function = ", chisq(coef(fit), ydata))
if info
for i = 1:length(upar)
isnothing(wpm) ? uwerr(upar[i]) : uwerr(upar[i], wpm)
print("\n Fit parameter: ", i, ": ")
if verbose
print("\n Fit parameter: ", i, ": ")
#chis2_corrected = (length(yval) - param) * chisq(coef(fit), ydata) / chi_exp
chis2_corrected = (length(yval) - param) * chi2_fit_res / chi_exp
#println("Chisq / chiexp: ", chisq(coef(fit), ydata), " / ", chi_exp, " (dof: ", length(yval) - param,")")
println("Chisq / chiexp: ", chi2_fit_res, " / ", chi_exp, " (dof: ", length(yval) - param,")")
println("Chisq corrected: ", chis2_corrected)
println("Return: params, chi2, chi2exp")
if verbose
#println("Chisq / chiexp: ", chisq(coef(fit), ydata), " / ", chi_exp, " (dof: ", length(yval) - param,")")
println("Chisq / chiexp: ", chi2_fit_res, " / ", chi_exp, " (dof: ", length(yval) - param,")")
println("Chisq corrected: ", chis2_corrected)
println("Return: params, chi2, chi2exp")
return upar, chi2_fit_res, chi_exp
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