Commit 3467bd56 authored by Javier's avatar Javier


parent 9308ef32
...@@ -2,3 +2,5 @@ ...@@ -2,3 +2,5 @@
analysis/plat\.txt analysis/plat\.txt
*.pdf *.pdf
using juobs, ADerrors, DelimitedFiles, PyPlot, LaTeXStrings
const path = "/home/javier/Lattice/charm/production_2"
const path_plat = "/home/javier/Lattice/juobs/analysis/plat.txt"
const ensembles = ["H400", "N202", "N200", "N203", "N300", "J303"]
const deg = [true, true, false, false, true, false]
const L = [32, 48, 48, 48, 48, 64]
const beta = [3.46 , 3.55, 3.55, 3.55, 3.70, 3.70]
const R = [["H400r001", "H400r002"], "N202r001", ["N200r000", "N200r001"], ["N203r000", "N203r001"], "N300r002", "J303r003"]
m_ll = Vector{uwreal}(undef, length(ensembles))
m_ss = Vector{uwreal}(undef, length(ensembles))
m_hh = Vector{Vector{uwreal}}(undef, length(ensembles))
mu_pp = Vector{Vector{Vector{Float64}}}(undef, length(ensembles))
for iens = 1:length(ensembles)
pp = read_dat(R[iens], "G5", "G5")
a0p = read_dat(R[iens], "G5", "G0G5")
rew = read_rew(R[iens])
pp_obs = corr_obs.(pp, L=L[iens], rw=rew)
a0p_obs = corr_obs.(a0p, L=L[iens], rw=rew)
mu_pp[iens] = getfield.(pp_obs, :mu)
m = comp_pcac(a0p_obs, pp_obs, deg[iens], ensembles[iens])
m_ll[iens] = get_ll(mu_pp[iens], m, deg[iens])
m_ss[iens] = deg[iens] ? m_ll[iens] : get_ss(mu_pp[iens], m, deg[iens])
m_hh[iens] = get_hh(mu_pp[iens], m, deg[iens])
mm = get_mu.(mu_pp, deg)
mul_pp = getindex.(mm, 1)
mus_pp = getindex.(mm, 2)
muh_pp = getindex.(mm, 3)
cot_ll = Vector{uwreal}(undef, length(ensembles))
cot_ss = Vector{uwreal}(undef, length(ensembles))
cot_hh = Vector{Vector{uwreal}}(undef, length(ensembles))
for iens = 1:length(ensembles)
cot_ll[iens] = za(beta[iens]) * m_ll[iens] / mul_pp[iens]
cot_ss[iens] = za(beta[iens]) * m_ss[iens] / mus_pp[iens]
cot_hh[iens] = fill(za(beta[iens]), 3) .* m_hh[iens] ./ muh_pp[iens]
\ No newline at end of file
...@@ -8,14 +8,19 @@ function read_dat(rep::Vector{String}, g1::String="G5", g2::String="G5") ...@@ -8,14 +8,19 @@ function read_dat(rep::Vector{String}, g1::String="G5", g2::String="G5")
p = joinpath.(path, rep, "info") p = joinpath.(path, rep, "info")
f = [filter(x-> contains(x, ".dat"), readdir(p[k]))[1] for k = 1:length(p)] f = [filter(x-> contains(x, ".dat"), readdir(p[k]))[1] for k = 1:length(p)]
f = joinpath.(p, f) f = joinpath.(p, f)
aux = read_mesons.(f, g1, g2) return read_mesons(f, g1, g2)
res = [] end
for j = 1:length(aux[1]) function read_rew(rep::String)
aux2 = [aux[i][j] for i = 1:length(aux)] p = joinpath(path, rep, "rew")
push!(res, aux2) f = filter(x-> contains(x, ".dat"), readdir(p))
f = joinpath(p, f[1])
return read_ms1(f)
return read_ms1(f, v="1.4")
end end
return res
end end
read_rew(rep::Vector{String}) = read_rew.(rep)
function get_mu(mu_list::Vector{Vector{Float64}}, deg::Bool) function get_mu(mu_list::Vector{Vector{Float64}}, deg::Bool)
mu_sorted = unique(sort(minimum.(mu_list))) mu_sorted = unique(sort(minimum.(mu_list)))
...@@ -48,6 +53,16 @@ function get_ls(mu_list, obs::Vector{uwreal}, deg::Bool) ...@@ -48,6 +53,16 @@ function get_ls(mu_list, obs::Vector{uwreal}, deg::Bool)
end end
end end
function get_ss(mu_list, obs::Vector{uwreal}, deg::Bool)
mul, mus, muh = get_mu(mu_list, deg)
for k = 1:length(mu_list)
mu = mu_list[k]
if mus in mu && mu[1] == mu[2] #s-s
return obs[k]
function get_lh(mu_list, obs::Vector{uwreal}, deg::Bool) function get_lh(mu_list, obs::Vector{uwreal}, deg::Bool)
mul, mus, muh = get_mu(mu_list, deg) mul, mus, muh = get_mu(mu_list, deg)
obs_lh = Vector{uwreal}(undef, 0) obs_lh = Vector{uwreal}(undef, 0)
...@@ -72,6 +87,17 @@ function get_sh(mu_list, obs::Vector{uwreal}, deg::Bool) ...@@ -72,6 +87,17 @@ function get_sh(mu_list, obs::Vector{uwreal}, deg::Bool)
return obs_sh return obs_sh
end end
function get_hh(mu_list, obs::Vector{uwreal}, deg::Bool)
mul, mus, muh = get_mu(mu_list, deg)
obs_hh = Vector{uwreal}(undef, 0)
for k = 1:length(mu_list)
mu = mu_list[k]
if mu[1] == mu[2] && !(mul in mu) && !(mus in mu)
push!(obs_hh, obs[k])
return obs_hh
function select_plateau(ens::String, mu_list, deg::Bool) function select_plateau(ens::String, mu_list, deg::Bool)
mul, mus, muh = get_mu(mu_list, deg) mul, mus, muh = get_mu(mu_list, deg)
f = readdlm(path_plat) f = readdlm(path_plat)
...@@ -116,6 +142,11 @@ function comp_meff(pp_obs::Vector{juobs.Corr}, deg::Bool, ens::String; pl::Bool= ...@@ -116,6 +142,11 @@ function comp_meff(pp_obs::Vector{juobs.Corr}, deg::Bool, ens::String; pl::Bool=
plat = select_plateau(ens, mu_list, deg) plat = select_plateau(ens, mu_list, deg)
return meff.(pp_obs, plat, pl=pl) return meff.(pp_obs, plat, pl=pl)
end end
function comp_pcac(a0p_obs::Vector{juobs.Corr}, pp_obs::Vector{juobs.Corr}, deg::Bool, ens::String; pl::Bool=false)
mu_list = getfield.(pp_obs, :mu)
plat = select_plateau(ens, mu_list, deg)
return mpcac.(a0p_obs, pp_obs, plat, pl=pl)
function comp_f(pp_obs::Vector{juobs.Corr}, m::Vector{uwreal}, deg::Bool, ens::String; pl::Bool=false) function comp_f(pp_obs::Vector{juobs.Corr}, m::Vector{uwreal}, deg::Bool, ens::String; pl::Bool=false)
mu_list = getfield.(pp_obs, :mu) mu_list = getfield.(pp_obs, :mu)
plat = select_plateau(ens, mu_list, deg) plat = select_plateau(ens, mu_list, deg)
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