Commit 619245f8 authored by ale's avatar ale

added get_* obs with model av incorporated, w0 routine, model_av update,...

added get_* obs with model av incorporated, w0 routine, model_av update, fit_alg allows correlated fits, EnsInfo and some const, pvalue with warning and 1.0 safe, read_chunks for TSM. There are duplicities, CHECK. Needs checking and DOCUMENTING
parent 95123bce
......@@ -99,4 +99,43 @@ zv(beta::Float64) = Zv[b_values .== beta][1]
zs_over_zp(beta::Float64) = ZS_over_ZP[b_values .== beta][1]
rm(beta::Float64) = RM[b_values .== beta][1]
ba_bp(beta::Float64) = BA_BP[b_values .== beta][1]
Z(beta::Float64) = ZZ[b_values .== beta][1]
\ No newline at end of file
Z(beta::Float64) = ZZ[b_values .== beta][1]
const ens_db = Dict(
#"ens_id"=>[L, T, beta, dtr, vrw, trunc_cnfg]
"H101" => [32, 96, 3.4, 2, "1.2", [1001,1009]],
"H102r001" => [32, 96, 3.4, 2, "2.0", [997]],
"H102r002" => [32, 96, 3.4, 2, "2.0", [1008]],
"H105" => [32, 96, 3.4, 2, "2.0", [947,1042]],
"H105r005" => [32, 96, 3.4, 1, "1.2", [837]],
"H400" => [32, 96, 3.46, 1, "1.2", [505,540]],
"D450" => [64, 128, 3.46, 1, ["2.0"], [1000]],
"N202" => [48, 128, 3.55, 2, "1.2", [899]],
"N203" => [48, 128, 3.55, 1, "2.0", [756,787]],
"N200" => [48, 128, 3.55, 1, "2.0", [856,856]],
"D200" => [64, 128, 3.55, 2, "2.0", [2001]],
"E250" => [96, 192, 3.55, 1, ["2.0"], [1009]],
"N300" => [48, 128, 3.70, 1, "1.2", [1521]],
"N302" => [48, 128, 3.70, 1, "1.2", [2201]],
"J303" => [64, 192, 3.70, 2, "2.0", [1073]],
"E300" => [96, 192, 3.70, 1, ["1.4"], [1139]],
"J500" => [64, 192, 3.85, 2, ["1.2", "1.4", "2.0"], [789,655,431]],
"J501" => [64, 192, 3.85, 1, ["1.2", "1.4", "2.0"], [1635,1142,1150]]
const db = Dict(
"J501" => ["ts001_chunk1", "ts001_chunk3", "ts190_chunk1", "ts190_chunk2"],
"J500" => ["ts001_chunk1", "ts001_chunk2", "ts190_chunk1", "ts190_chunk2"],
"E250" => ["ts001", "ts097"],
"E300" => ["ts001_chunk2", "ts001_chunk3", "ts190_chunk1"],#, "ts001_chunk1"],
"D450" => ["ts001", "ts065_1", "ts065_2"]
const db_c = Dict(
"J501" => ["ts001", "ts190"],
"J500" => ["ts001_chunk1", "ts190_chunk2"],
"E250" => ["ts001"],
"E300" => ["ts001_chunk2"],#, "ts001_chunk1"]
"D450" => ["ts001_1", "ts001_2"]
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -9,9 +9,9 @@ include("juobs_reader.jl")
export read_mesons, read_mesons_correction, read_ms1, read_ms, read_md, truncate_data!, concat_data!
export read_mesons, read_mesons_correction, read_mesons_multichunks, read_mesons_correction_multichunks, read_ms1, read_ms, read_md, get_YM, get_YM_dYM, truncate_data!, concat_data!
export get_matrix, energies, uwdot, uweigvals, uweigvecs, uweigen, invert, getall_eigvals, getall_eigvecs, hess_reduce, uwcholesky, transpose, tridiag_reduction, make_positive_def, invert_covar_matrix
export corr_obs, corr_obs_TSM, corr_sym, md_sea, md_val, plat_av, lin_fit, x_lin_fit, y_lin_fit, fit_routine, global_fit_routine, bayesian_av, pvalue
export meff, mpcac, dec_const, dec_const_w, dec_const_pcvc, comp_t0
export corr_obs, corr_obs_TSM, corr_sym, md_sea, md_val, plat_av, lin_fit, x_lin_fit, y_lin_fit, fit_routine, global_fit_routine, bayesian_av, pvalue, fve, model_av, fit_alg
export meff, mpcac, dec_const, dec_const_w, dec_const_pcvc, comp_t0, get_m, get_m_pbc, get_mpcac, get_f_wil, get_f_wil_pbc, get_f_tm, get_f_tm_pbc, get_w0t0_plat
end # module
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -193,6 +193,42 @@ mutable struct YData
YData(a, b, c, d) = new(a, b, c, d)
@doc raw"""
EnsInfo(ens_id::String, info::Vector{Any})
id = "H101"
ens = EnsInfo(id, ens_db[id])
mutable struct EnsInfo
vrw::Union{String, Vector{String}}
function EnsInfo(ens_id::String, info::Vector{Any})
id = ens_id
L = info[1]
T = info[2]
beta = info[3]
dtr = info[4]
vrw = info[5]
cnfg = info[6]
p0 = 9.2056
p1 = -13.9847
g2 = 6 ./ beta
ca = - 0.006033 .* g2 .*( 1 .+exp.(p0 .+ p1./g2))
return new(id, L, T, beta, ca, dtr, vrw, cnfg)
function, a::GHeader)
print(io, "ncorr = ", a.ncorr, "\t")
print(io, "nnoise = ", a.nnoise, "\t")
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