Commit 62815992 authored by Alessandro 's avatar Alessandro

improving juobs_linalg with new functions for computing eigenvalues and eigenvectors

parent 3c0f634e
......@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ include("juobs_tools.jl")
export read_mesons, read_ms1, read_ms, read_md
export get_matrix, uwgevp_tot, energies, uwdot, uweigvals, uweigvecs, uweigen, invert
export get_matrix, uwgevp_tot, energies, uwdot, uweigvals, uweigvecs, uweigen, invert, getall_eigvals, getall_eigvecs
export corr_obs, plat_av, lin_fit, x_lin_fit, y_lin_fit, fit_routine
export meff, dec_const_pcvc, comp_t0
# Alessandro Conigli wrote this script.
# It implements multiple linear algebra utilites optimised to work
# with uwreal data types.
# The major features so fare implemented are:
# - matrix matrix and vector vector multiplication
# - norm of uwreal vectors
# - copysign function for uwreal variables
# - creation of identity matrix of uwreal
# - element wise multiplication between uwreal variables and matrix of uwreal
using ForwardDiff, LinearAlgebra
#=using ForwardDiff, LinearAlgebra
for op in (:eigvals, :eigvecs)
@eval function LinearAlgebra.$op(a::Matrix{uwreal})
......@@ -22,7 +9,7 @@ for op in (:eigvals, :eigvecs)
#return uwreal(LinearAlgebra.$op(a.mean), a.prop, ForwardDiff.derivative($op, a.mean)*a.der)
@doc raw"""
get_matrix(corr_diag::Vector{Array}, corr_upper::Vector{Array} )
......@@ -64,6 +51,7 @@ Julia> 4*4 Array{uwreal,2}
function get_matrix(corr_diag::Vector{Vector{uwreal}}, corr_upper::Vector{Vector{uwreal}})
time = length(corr_diag[1]) # total time slices
n = length(corr_diag) # matrix dimension
d = length(corr_upper) # upper elements
......@@ -184,6 +172,12 @@ Return the eigenvalues of the uwreal matrix a.
If evec = true also the eigenvectors are returned as columns of the orthogonal matrix u.
The keyword iter, set by default to 30, selects the number of iterations of the qr algorithm before stopping.
function getall_eigvals(a::Vector{Matrix}, t0; iter=30 )
n = length(a)
res = Vector{Vector{uwreal}}(undef, n)
[res[i] = uweigvals(a[i], a[t0]) for i=1:n]
return res
function uweigvals(a::Matrix{uwreal}; iter = 30)
n = size(a,1)
for k in 1:iter
......@@ -192,9 +186,8 @@ function uweigvals(a::Matrix{uwreal}; iter = 30)
return get_diag(a)
function uweigvals(a::Matrix{uwreal}, b::Matrix{uwreal}; iter = 30)
c = uwdot(invert(b), a)
n = size(c,1)
function uweigvals(a::Matrix{uwreal}, b::Matrix{uwreal}; iter = 30)
c = uwdot(invert(b),a)
for k in 1:iter
q_k, r_k = qr(c)
c = uwdot(r_k, q_k)
......@@ -202,6 +195,13 @@ function uweigvals(a::Matrix{uwreal}, b::Matrix{uwreal}; iter = 30)
return get_diag(c)
function getall_eigvecs(a::Vector{Matrix}, delta_t; iter=30)
n = length(a)-delta_t
res = Vector{Matrix{uwreal}}(undef, n)
[res[i] = uweigvecs(a[i+delta_t], a[i]) for i=1:n]
return res
function uweigvecs(a::Matrix{uwreal}; iter = 30)
n = size(a,1)
u = idty(n)
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