Commit 72e794ef authored by Alessandro 's avatar Alessandro

apply_rw updated with gaps in measurements.

corr_obs_TMS updated with gaps in measurements and automatic detection of the gaps
parent c53fb918
using ADerrors
const hc = 197.3269804 #MeV fm
const M_values = [1869.65, 2010.26, 1968.34, 2112.2, 2980.3, 3096.916, 5279.65] #MD, MD*, MDs, MDs*, \eta_c, J/\psi , MB (MeV)
const M_error = [0.05, 0.05, 0.07, 0.4, 1.2, 0.011, 0.12]
const M_values = [1869.65, 2010.26, 1968.34, 2112.2, 2980.3, 3096.916, 5279.65, 5366.3] #MD, MD*, MDs, MDs*, \eta_c, J/\psi , MB, MBs(MeV)
const M_error = [0.05, 0.05, 0.07, 0.4, 1.2, 0.011, 0.12, 0.6]
const b_values = [3.40, 3.46, 3.55, 3.70, 3.85]
const ZM_data = [1.9684, 1.9935, 2.0253, 2.0630, 2.0814]
......@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ z_covar(b) = value(Mrat) * (zz[1] + zz[2]*(b-3.79) + zz[3]*(b-3.79)^2)
const C1 = zeros(5, 5)
const C2 = zeros(5, 5)
const C3 = zeros(5, 5)
const C4 = zeros(7, 7)
const C4 = zeros(8, 8)
const C5 = zeros(5, 5)
const C6 = zeros(5, 5)
const C7 = zeros(5, 5)
......@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ const C8 = zeros(5, 5)
const C9 = zeros(5, 5)
const C10 = zeros(5, 5)
for i = 1:7
for i = 1:8
C4[i, i] = M_error[i] ^ 2
if i<=5
C1[i, i] = ZM_error[i] ^ 2
......@@ -692,9 +692,15 @@ end
Return the transpose of a matrix or vector of uwreals
function transpose(a::Matrix{uwreal})
function Base.transpose(a::Matrix{uwreal})
res = similar(a)
n = size(a, 1)
if size(a,1) == 1
return reshape(a, :,1)
elseif size(a,2) == 1
return reshape(a, 1,:)
for i in 1:n-1
for j in i+1:n
temp = a[i,j]
......@@ -706,7 +712,7 @@ function transpose(a::Matrix{uwreal})
res[n,n] = a[n,n]
return res
function transpose(vec::Vector{uwreal})
function Base.transpose(vec::Vector{uwreal})
res = deepcopy(vec)
return reshape(res,1,:)
......@@ -672,21 +672,29 @@ function comp_t0(Y::YData, plat::Vector{Int64}; L::Int64, pl::Bool=false,
e = err.(t2E)
errorbar(x, v, e, fmt="x")
errorbar(value(t0), 0.3, xerr=err(t0), fmt="x")
errorbar(x, v, e, fmt="d", capsize=2, mfc="none", color="black")
errorbar(value(t0), 0.3, xerr=err(t0), capsize=2, color="red", fmt="d")
xarr = Float64.(range(5.0, 5.2, length=100))
yarr = model(xarr, par); uwerr.(yarr)
fill_between(xarr, value.(yarr) .- err.(yarr), value.(yarr) .+ err.(yarr), color="royalblue", alpha=0.2 )
ylabel(L"$t^2\langle E(x_0, t)\rangle$")
t_pl = dt0 + 1
plot(collect(1:xmax), value.(Y_aux[:, t_pl]) * t[nt0]^2 / L^3, "x")
fill_between(collect(plat[1]:plat[2]), v[t_pl]+e[t_pl], v[t_pl]-e[t_pl], alpha=0.75, color="green")
ylabel(L"$t^2E(x0, t)$")
yyy = Y_aux[:, t_pl] * t[nt0]^2 / L^3 ; uwerr.(yyy)
# plot(collect(1:xmax), value.(Y_aux[:, t_pl]) * t[nt0]^2 / L^3, "x")
errorbar(collect(1:xmax), value.(yyy), err.(yyy), fmt="d", mfc="none", color="black", capsize=2)
fill_between(collect(plat[1]:plat[2]), v[t_pl]+e[t_pl], v[t_pl]-e[t_pl], alpha=0.75, color="royalblue")
ylabel(L"$t^2\langle E(x_0, t)\rangle$")
ylim(v[t_pl]-20*e[t_pl], v[t_pl]+20*e[t_pl])
ylim(v[t_pl]-30*e[t_pl], v[t_pl]+50*e[t_pl])
title(string(L"$t/a^2 = $", t[nt0]))
if info && !isnothing(rw)
......@@ -518,4 +518,63 @@ function truncate_data!(data::Vector{Vector{CData}}, nc::Vector{Int64})
return nothing
\ No newline at end of file
@doc raw"""
concat_data!(data1::Vector{CData}, data2::Vector{CData})
concat_data!(data1::Vector{Vector{CData}}, data2::Vector{Vector{CData}})
Concatenates the output of 2 calls to `read_mesons` over configurations.
Both data must have the same number of replicas and correlators.
The output is saved in the first argument, so if you want to concatenate
3 data sets: `concat_data!(data1, data2); concat_data!(data1, data3)`
#Single replica
dat = read_mesons(path, "G5", "G5")
dat2 = read_mesons(path2, "G5", "G5")
concat_data!(dat, dat2)
#Two replicas
dat = read_mesons([path1, path2], "G5", "G5")
dat2 = read_mesons([path3, path4], "G5", "G5")
concat_data!(dat, dat2)
function concat_data!(data1::Vector{CData}, data2::Vector{CData})
N = length(data1)
if length(data1) != length(data2)
error("number of correlators do not match")
for k = 1:N
data1[k].vcfg = vcat(data1[k].vcfg, data2[k].vcfg)
data1[k].re_data = vcat(data1[k].re_data, data2[k].re_data)
data1[k].im_data = vcat(data1[k].im_data, data2[k].im_data)
return nothing
function concat_data!(data1::Vector{Vector{CData}}, data2::Vector{Vector{CData}})
N = length(data1)
if length(data1) != length(data2)
error("number of correlators do not match")
R = length(data1[1])
if length(data1[1]) != length(data2[1])
error("number of replicas do not match")
for k = 1:N
for r = 1:R
data1[k][r].vcfg = vcat(data1[k][r].vcfg, data2[k][r].vcfg)
data1[k][r].re_data = vcat(data1[k][r].re_data, data2[k][r].re_data)
data1[k][r].im_data = vcat(data1[k][r].im_data, data2[k][r].im_data)
idx = sortperm(data1[k][r].vcfg)
data1[k][r].vcfg = data1[k][r].vcfg[idx]
data1[k][r].re_data = data1[k][r].re_data[idx, :]
data1[k][r].im_data = data1[k][r].im_data[idx, :]
return nothing
#TODO: apply_rw with gaps
function apply_rw(data::Array{Float64}, W::Matrix{Float64})
nc = size(data, 1)
W1 = W[1, 1:nc]
W2 = W[2, 1:nc]
function apply_rw(data::Array{Float64}, W::Matrix{Float64}; vcfg::Union{Nothing, Vector{Int32}}=nothing)
nc = isnothing(vcfg) ? collect(1:size(data, 1)) : vcfg
W1 = W[1, nc]
W2 = W[2, nc]
data_r = data .* W1 .* W2
return (data_r, W1 .* W2)
......@@ -20,6 +20,16 @@ function apply_rw(data::Vector{<:Array{Float64}}, W::Vector{Matrix{Float64}})
data_r = [data[k] .* rw[k] for k=1:length(data)]
return (data_r, rw)
# rw with gaps
function apply_rw(data::Vector{<:Array{Float64}}, W::Vector{Matrix{Float64}}, vcfg::Vector{Vector{Int32}})
nc = size.(W, 2)
rw1 = [W[k][1, 1:nc[k]] for k=1:length(W)]
rw2 = [W[k][2, 1:nc[k]] for k=1:length(W)]
rw = [rw1[k] .* rw2[k] for k =1:length(W)]
data_r = [data[k] .* rw[k][vcfg[k]] for k=1:length(data)]
return (data_r, rw)
function check_corr_der(obs::Corr, derm::Vector{Corr})
g1 = Vector{String}(undef, 0)
......@@ -218,7 +228,7 @@ corr_pp = corr_obs.(data)
corr_pp_r = corr_obs.(data, rw=[rw1, rw2])
function corr_obs_TSM(cdata_sl::CData, cdata_corr::CData; real::Bool=true, rw::Union{Array{Float64, 2}, Nothing}=nothing, L::Int64=1, info::Bool=false, idm_sl::Union{Vector{Int64},Nothing}=nothing, idm_corr::Union{Vector{Int64},Nothing}=nothing, nms::Int64=Int64(maximum(cdata_sl.vcfg)))
function corr_obs_TSM(cdata_sl::CData, cdata_corr::CData; real::Bool=true, rw::Union{Array{Float64, 2}, Nothing}=nothing, L::Int64=1, info::Bool=false, idm_sl::Union{Vector{Int64},Nothing}=nothing, idm_corr::Union{Vector{Int64},Nothing}=nothing, nms::Union{Int64,Nothing}=nothing)
# cdata1 is sloppy, cdata2 is correction
if !=
error("Error: cdata_sl id != cdata_corr id")
......@@ -227,43 +237,45 @@ function corr_obs_TSM(cdata_sl::CData, cdata_corr::CData; real::Bool=true, rw::U
error("Error: cdata_sl header != cdata_corr header")
data1 = real ? cdata_sl.re_data ./ L^3 : cdata_sl.im_data ./ L^3
data2 = real ? cdata_corr.re_data ./ L^3 : cdata_corr.im_data ./ L^3
id = getfield(cdata_sl, :id)
nt1 = size(data1, 2) # 1
nt2 = size(data2, 2)
id_sl =
id_corr =
# added automatic idsm detection - to be tested
nms_vec_sl = cdata_sl.vcfg
nms_vec_corr = cdata_corr.vcfg
vcfg_sl = getfield(cdata_sl, :vcfg)
vcfg_corr = getfield(cdata_corr, :vcfg)
nms = isnothing(nms) ? Int64(maximum(vcfg_sl)) : nms # assuming vcfg_sl >= vcfg_corr
idm_sl = isnothing(idm_sl) ? Int64.(vcfg_sl) : idm_sl
idm_corr = isnothing(idm_corr) ? Int64.(vcfg_corr) : idm_corr
delta_cnfg_sl = nms_vec_sl[2] - nms_vec_sl[1]
delta_cnfg_corr = nms_vec_corr[2] - nms_vec_corr[1]
data1 = real ? cdata_sl.re_data ./ L^3 : cdata_sl.im_data ./ L^3
data2 = real ? cdata_corr.re_data ./ L^3 : cdata_corr.im_data ./ L^3
idm_sl = isnothing(idm_sl) ? collect(1:delta_cnfg_sl:nms_vec_sl[end]) : idm_sl
idm_corr = isnothing(idm_corr) ? collect(1:delta_cnfg_corr:nms_vec_corr[end]) : idm_corr
nt = size(data1, 2) # 1
# added automatic idsm detection
# nms_vec_sl = cdata_sl.vcfg
# nms_vec_corr = cdata_corr.vcfg
# delta_cnfg_sl = nms_vec_sl[2] - nms_vec_sl[1]
# delta_cnfg_corr = nms_vec_corr[2] - nms_vec_corr[1]
# idm_sl = isnothing(idm_sl) ? collect(1:delta_cnfg_sl:nms_vec_sl[end]) : idm_sl
# idm_corr = isnothing(idm_corr) ? collect(1:delta_cnfg_corr:nms_vec_corr[end]) : idm_corr
# end section to be tested
if isnothing(rw)
idm_sl = isnothing(idm_sl) ? collect(1:nms) : idm_sl
idm_corr = isnothing(idm_corr) ? collect(1:nms) : idm_corr
obs1 = [uwreal(data1[:, x0], id_sl, idm_sl, nms) for x0 = 1:nt1]
obs2 = [uwreal(data2[:, x0], id_corr, idm_corr, nms) for x0 = 1:nt2]
obs1 = [uwreal(data1[:, x0], id, idm_sl, nms) for x0 = 1:nt]
obs2 = [uwreal(data2[:, x0], id, idm_corr, nms) for x0 = 1:nt]
idm_sl = isnothing(idm_sl) ? collect(1:nms) : idm_sl
idm_corr = isnothing(idm_corr) ? collect(1:nms) : idm_corr
data1_r, W_sl = apply_rw(data1, rw)
data2_r, W_corr = apply_rw(data2, rw)
ow1 = [uwreal(data1_r[:, x0], id_sl, idm_sl, nms) for x0 = 1:nt1]
ow2 = [uwreal(data2_r[:, x0], id_corr, idm_corr, nms) for x0 = 1:nt2]
data1_r, W_sl = apply_rw(data1, rw, vcfg=vcfg_sl)
data2_r, W_corr = apply_rw(data2, rw, vcfg=vcfg_corr)
ow1 = [uwreal(data1_r[:, x0], id, idm_sl, nms) for x0 = 1:nt]
ow2 = [uwreal(data2_r[:, x0], id, idm_corr, nms) for x0 = 1:nt]
W_obs_sl = uwreal(W_sl, id_sl, idm_sl, nms)
W_obs_corr = uwreal(W_corr, id_corr, idm_corr, nms)
W_obs_sl = uwreal(W_sl, id, idm_sl, nms)
W_obs_corr = uwreal(W_corr, id, idm_corr, nms)
obs1 = [ow1[x0] / W_obs_sl for x0 = 1:nt1]
obs2 = [ow2[x0] / W_obs_corr for x0 = 1:nt2]
obs1 = [ow1[x0] / W_obs_sl for x0 = 1:nt]
obs2 = [ow2[x0] / W_obs_corr for x0 = 1:nt]
if info && !isnothing(rw)
......@@ -318,26 +330,25 @@ function corr_obs_TSM(cdata1::Array{CData, 1}, cdata2::Array{CData, 1}; real::Bo
data2 = real ? getfield.(cdata2, :re_data) ./ L^3 : getfield.(cdata2, :im_data) ./ L^3
nt = size(data1[1], 2)
if isnothing(rw)
tmp1 = cat(data1..., dims=1)
tmp2 = cat(data2..., dims=1)
obs1 = [uwreal(tmp1[:, x0], id[1], replica_sl, idm_sl, nms) for x0 = 1:nt]
obs2 = [uwreal(tmp2[:, x0], id[1], replica_corr, idm_corr, nms) for x0 = 1:nt]
obs2 = [uwreal(tmp2[:, x0], id[1], replica_sl, idm_corr, nms) for x0 = 1:nt]
data1_r, W = apply_rw(data1, rw)
data2_r, W = apply_rw(data2, rw)
data1_r, W = apply_rw(data1, rw, vcfg_sl)
data2_r, W = apply_rw(data2, rw, vcfg_corr)
tmp1 = cat(data1_r..., dims=1)
tmp2 = cat(data2_r..., dims=1)
tmp_W = cat(W..., dims=1)
ow1 = [uwreal(tmp1[:, x0], id[1], replica_sl, idm_sl, nms) for x0 = 1:nt]
ow2 = [uwreal(tmp2[:, x0], id[1], replica_corr, idm_corr, nms) for x0 = 1:nt]
ow2 = [uwreal(tmp2[:, x0], id[1], replica_sl, idm_corr, nms) for x0 = 1:nt]
W_obs = uwreal(tmp_W, id[1], replica_sl, idm_sl, nms )
W_obs = uwreal(tmp_W, id[1], replica_sl, idm_sl, nms)
obs1 = [ow1[x0] / W_obs for x0 = 1:nt]
obs2 = [ow2[x0] / W_obs for x0 = 1:nt]
......@@ -645,7 +656,7 @@ function bayesian_av(fun::Function, y::Array{uwreal}, tmin_array::Array{Int64},
for INDEX in tmin_array ## vary tmin
for j in tmax_array ## vary tmax
x = [i for i in INDEX+1:1:j]
yy = y[INDEX+1:1:j]
Ncut = total - length(x)
......@@ -672,7 +683,7 @@ function bayesian_av(fun::Function, y::Array{uwreal}, tmin_array::Array{Int64},
push!(p1, up[1])
push!(mods,string("[", INDEX+1, ",", j, "]"))
# println("chi2_vs_exp " , chi2 / dof(fit), " chi2/dof ", sum(fit.resid.^2)/dof(fit))
catch e
@warn string(":/ Negative window for error propagation at tmin = ", INDEX, ", tmax = ", j, "; skipping that point")
......@@ -1448,7 +1459,6 @@ function get_covar(obs::Vector{uwreal}; wpm::Union{Dict{Int64,Vector{Float64}},D
tmp_fluc = mchist.(obs, ens)
fluc = mapreduce(permutedims, vcat, tmp_fluc)'
covar = fluc' * fluc ./ size(fluc)[1]^2
#@warn("should double check it. no justification to have a square in the Ncnfg")
return covar
function get_covar_multi_id(obs::Vector{uwreal}; wpm::Union{Dict{Int64,Vector{Float64}},Dict{String,Vector{Float64}}, Nothing}=nothing)
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