Commit 910b9cf1 authored by Alessandro 's avatar Alessandro

small bug fixed

parent 1d04b206
......@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ const t0_ph = cobs(t0_ph_value, t0_ph_error .^ 2, "sqrt(8 t0) (fm)")
const a_ = t0_ph ./ sqrt.(8 .* t0_)
const M = cobs(M_values, C4, "charmed meson masses")
zm(beta::Float64) = ZM[b_values .== beta]
zm_tm(beta::Float64) = ZM_tm[b_values .== beta]
t0(beta::Float64) = t0_[b_values2 .== beta]
a(beta::Float64) = a_[b_values2 .== beta]
zm(beta::Float64) = ZM[b_values .== beta][1]
zm_tm(beta::Float64) = ZM_tm[b_values .== beta][1]
t0(beta::Float64) = t0_[b_values2 .== beta][1]
a(beta::Float64) = a_[b_values2 .== beta][1]
module juobs
using ADerrors, PyPlot, Statistics, LaTeXStrings, LinearAlgebra
using ADerrors, PyPlot, Statistics, LaTeXStrings, LinearAlgebra, LsqFit
......@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ include("juobs_obs.jl")
export read_mesons, read_ms1
export get_matrix, uwgevp_tot, energies
export corr_obs, plat_av, lin_fit, x_lin_fit, y_lin_fit
export corr_obs, plat_av, lin_fit, x_lin_fit, y_lin_fit, fit_routine
export meff, dec_const_pcvc
end # module
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