Commit ccc2635a authored by Antonino D'Anna's avatar Antonino D'Anna

added function ca(beta)

parent 600369da
......@@ -99,4 +99,39 @@ zv(beta::Float64) = Zv[b_values .== beta][1]
zs_over_zp(beta::Float64) = ZS_over_ZP[b_values .== beta][1]
rm(beta::Float64) = RM[b_values .== beta][1]
ba_bp(beta::Float64) = BA_BP[b_values .== beta][1]
Z(beta::Float64) = ZZ[b_values .== beta][1]
\ No newline at end of file
Z(beta::Float64) = ZZ[b_values .== beta][1]
@doc raw"""
ca(beta:Float64; verbose::Bool = true, acceptance:Float64=10^-2)
it compute the ca coefficient of the axial vector current improvement
As of now, check whether g_0^2 < 1.8+acceptance and if true give ca according to arXiv:1502.04999
otherwise it gives 0
The default value of acceptance has no real justification at the moment
If verbose = true, it prints a warning if the g_0^2 is > 1.8
function ca(beta::Float64; verbose::Bool = true, acceptance::Float64 = 10^-2)
g02 = 6/beta;
if (1.8-g02)>-acceptance # for g_0^2 about 1.8 and below it work. I decided on a 10^-2 acceptance range
p0 = 9.2056
p1 = -13.9847
e= exp(p0+p1/g02)
return -0.006033*g02*(1+e)
if verbose
@warn raw"""
no valid expression for g_0^2>1.8
your g_0^2 = $(g02)
return value set to 0.
If you want to use this formula, then modify the acceptance value by calling
ca(beta, acceptance=<your value>)
return 0.0
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