Commit dfdd630d authored by Javier's avatar Javier


format modifications in doc
parent 3254829a
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// mobile).
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// Generated by Documenter.jl
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// parseUri 1.2.2
// (c) Steven Levithan <>
// MIT License
function parseUri (str) {
var o = parseUri.options,
m = o.parser[o.strictMode ? "strict" : "loose"].exec(str),
uri = {},
i = 14;
while (i--) uri[o.key[i]] = m[i] || "";
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parser: /(?:^|&)([^&=]*)=?([^&]*)/g
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loose: /^(?:(?![^:@]+:[^:@\/]*@)([^:\/?#.]+):)?(?:\/\/)?((?:(([^:@]*)(?::([^:@]*))?)?@)?([^:\/?#]*)(?::(\d*))?)(((\/(?:[^?#](?![^?#\/]*\.[^?#\/.]+(?:[?#]|$)))*\/?)?([^?#\/]*))(?:\?([^#]*))?(?:#(.*))?)/
$("#search-form").submit(function(e) {
// list below is the lunr 2.1.3 list minus the intersect with names(Base)
// (all, any, get, in, is, only, which) and (do, else, for, let, where, while, with)
// ideally we'd just filter the original list but it's not available as a variable
lunr.stopWordFilter = lunr.generateStopWordFilter([
// add . as a separator, because otherwise "title": "Documenter.Anchors.add!"
// would not find anything if searching for "add!", only for the entire qualification
lunr.tokenizer.separator = /[\s\-\.]+/
// custom trimmer that doesn't strip @ and !, which are used in julia macro and function names
lunr.trimmer = function (token) {
return token.update(function (s) {
return s.replace(/^[^a-zA-Z0-9@!]+/, '').replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9@!]+$/, '')
lunr.Pipeline.registerFunction(lunr.stopWordFilter, 'juliaStopWordFilter')
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this.field('title',{boost: 100})
documenterSearchIndex['docs'].forEach(function(e) {
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q.term(t.toString(), {
fields: ["title"],
boost: 100,
usePipeline: true,
editDistance: 0,
wildcard: lunr.Query.wildcard.NONE
q.term(t.toString(), {
fields: ["title"],
boost: 10,
usePipeline: true,
editDistance: 2,
wildcard: lunr.Query.wildcard.NONE
q.term(t.toString(), {
fields: ["text"],
boost: 1,
usePipeline: true,
editDistance: 0,
wildcard: lunr.Query.wildcard.NONE
searchinfo.text("Number of results: " + results.length)
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searchbox.keyup(_.debounce(update_search_box, 250))
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if(search_query_uri !== undefined) {
search_query = decodeURIComponent(search_query_uri.replace(/\+/g, '%20'))
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
// Small function to quickly swap out themes. Gets put into the <head> tag..
function set_theme_from_local_storage() {
// Intialize the theme to null, which means default
var theme = null;
// If the browser supports the localstorage and is not disabled then try to get the
// documenter theme
if(window.localStorage != null) {
// Get the user-picked theme from localStorage. May be `null`, which means the default
// theme.
theme = window.localStorage.getItem("documenter-theme");
// Check if the browser supports user color preference
var darkPreference = false;
// Check if the users preference is for dark color scheme
if(window.matchMedia('(prefers-color-scheme: dark)').matches === true) {
darkPreference = true;
// Initialize a few variables for the loop:
// - active: will contain the index of the theme that should be active. Note that there
// is no guarantee that localStorage contains sane values. If `active` stays `null`
// we either could not find the theme or it is the default (primary) theme anyway.
// Either way, we then need to stick to the primary theme.
// - disabled: style sheets that should be disabled (i.e. all the theme style sheets
// that are not the currently active theme)
var active = null; var disabled = []; var darkTheme = null;
for (var i = 0; i < document.styleSheets.length; i++) {
var ss = document.styleSheets[i];
// The <link> tag of each style sheet is expected to have a data-theme-name attribute
// which must contain the name of the theme. The names in localStorage much match this.
var themename = ss.ownerNode.getAttribute("data-theme-name");
// attribute not set => non-theme stylesheet => ignore
if(themename === null) continue;
// To distinguish the default (primary) theme, it needs to have the data-theme-primary
// attribute set.
var isprimary = (ss.ownerNode.getAttribute("data-theme-primary") !== null);
// Check if the theme is primary dark theme
var isDarkTheme = (ss.ownerNode.getAttribute("data-theme-primary-dark") !== null);
// If ss is for dark theme then set the value of darkTheme to the name of the theme
if(isDarkTheme) darkTheme = themename;
// If we find a matching theme (and it's not the default), we'll set active to non-null
if(themename === theme) active = i;
// Store the style sheets of inactive themes so that we could disable them
if(themename !== theme) disabled.push(ss);
if(active !== null) {
// If we did find an active theme, we'll (1) add the theme--$(theme) class to <html>
document.getElementsByTagName('html')[0].className = "theme--" + theme;
// and (2) disable all the other theme stylesheets
ss.disabled = true;
else if(darkTheme !== null && darkPreference === true) {
// If we did find an active theme, we'll (1) add the theme--$(theme) class to <html>
document.getElementsByTagName('html')[0].className = "theme--" + darkTheme;
// and (2) disable all the other theme stylesheets
if (ss.ownerNode.getAttribute("data-theme-name") !== darkTheme) {
ss.disabled = true;
This diff is collapsed.
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This diff is collapsed.
using Documenter, juobs
push!(LOAD_PATH, "../src")
makedocs(sitename = "juobs Documentation")
......@@ -13,13 +13,16 @@ end
@doc raw"""
get_matrix(corr_diag::Vector{Array}, corr_upper::Vector{Array} )
get_matrix(corr_diag::Vector{Array}, corr_upper::Vector{Array} )
This method returns an array of dim T where each element is a symmetrix matrix of dimension n of uwreal correlators
This method returns an array of dim `T` where each element is a symmetrix matrix of dimension n of `uwreal` correlators
at fixed time i=1..T. It takes as input:
corr_diag : vector of dimension n of correlators liying on the diagonal
corr_upper : vector of correlators liying on the upper diagonal.
Each correlator is an vector of uwreal variables of dimension T.
`corr_diag`: vector of dimension n of correlators liying on the diagonal
`corr_upper`: vector of correlators liying on the upper diagonal.
Each correlator is an vector of uwreal variables of dimension `T`.
......@@ -77,11 +80,11 @@ function get_matrix(corr_diag::Vector{Vector{uwreal}}, corr_upper::Vector{Vector
get_matrix(corr_diag::Vector{Corr}, corr_upper::Vector{Corr}) = get_matrix(getfield.(corr_diag, :obs), getfield.(corr_upper, :obs))
@doc raw"""
Given a vector where each entry evals[t] is a uwreal array of eigenvalues, this method computes the effective energies of the first N states, where N=dim(evals[t]).
The index t here runs from 1:T=lenght(evals), while the index i stands for the number of energy levels computed: i = length(evals[t])
It returns a vector array eff_en where each entry eff_en[t] contains the first N states energies as uwreal objects
Given a vector where each entry `evals[t]` is a `uwreal` array of eigenvalues, this method computes the effective energies of the first N states, where ```N=dim(evals[t])```.
The index `t` here runs from 1:T=lenght(evals), while the index `i` stands for the number of energy levels computed: i = length(evals[t])
It returns a vector array `eff_en` where each entry `eff_en[t]` contains the first N states energies as uwreal objects
function energies(evals::Union{Vector{Vector{uwreal}},Array{Array{uwreal}} }; wpm::Union{Dict{Int64,Vector{Float64}},Dict{String,Vector{Float64}}, Nothing}=nothing)
time = length(evals)
......@@ -100,25 +103,32 @@ function energies(evals::Union{Vector{Vector{uwreal}},Array{Array{uwreal}} }; wp
@doc raw"""
getall_eigvals(a::Vector{Matrix}, t0; iter=30 )
getall_eigvals(a::Vector{Matrix}, t0; iter=30 )
This function solves a GEVP problem, returning the eigenvalues, for a list of matrices, taking as generalised matrix the one
at index t0, i.e:
C(t_i)v_i = λ_i C(t_0) v_i, with i=1:lenght(a)
``C(t_i)v_i = λ_i C(t_0) v_i``, with i=1:lenght(a)
It takes as input:
- a::Vector{Matrix} : a vector of matrices
- t0::Int64 : idex value at which the fixed matrix is taken
- iter=30 : the number of iterations of the qr algorithm used to extract the eigenvalues
- `a::Vector{Matrix}` : a vector of matrices
- `t0::Int64` : idex value at which the fixed matrix is taken
- `iter=30` : the number of iterations of the qr algorithm used to extract the eigenvalues
It returns:
- res = Vector{Vector{uwreal}}
where res[i] are the generalised eigenvalues of the i-th matrix of the input array.
- `res` = Vector{Vector{uwreal}}
where `res[i]` are the generalised eigenvalues of the i-th matrix of the input array.