Commit dfdd630d authored by Javier's avatar Javier


format modifications in doc
parent 3254829a
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This diff is collapsed.
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// Small function to quickly swap out themes. Gets put into the <head> tag..
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using Documenter, juobs
push!(LOAD_PATH, "../src")
makedocs(sitename = "juobs Documentation")
......@@ -13,13 +13,16 @@ end
@doc raw"""
get_matrix(corr_diag::Vector{Array}, corr_upper::Vector{Array} )
get_matrix(corr_diag::Vector{Array}, corr_upper::Vector{Array} )
This method returns an array of dim T where each element is a symmetrix matrix of dimension n of uwreal correlators
This method returns an array of dim `T` where each element is a symmetrix matrix of dimension n of `uwreal` correlators
at fixed time i=1..T. It takes as input:
corr_diag : vector of dimension n of correlators liying on the diagonal
corr_upper : vector of correlators liying on the upper diagonal.
Each correlator is an vector of uwreal variables of dimension T.
`corr_diag`: vector of dimension n of correlators liying on the diagonal
`corr_upper`: vector of correlators liying on the upper diagonal.
Each correlator is an vector of uwreal variables of dimension `T`.
......@@ -77,11 +80,11 @@ function get_matrix(corr_diag::Vector{Vector{uwreal}}, corr_upper::Vector{Vector
get_matrix(corr_diag::Vector{Corr}, corr_upper::Vector{Corr}) = get_matrix(getfield.(corr_diag, :obs), getfield.(corr_upper, :obs))
@doc raw"""
Given a vector where each entry evals[t] is a uwreal array of eigenvalues, this method computes the effective energies of the first N states, where N=dim(evals[t]).
The index t here runs from 1:T=lenght(evals), while the index i stands for the number of energy levels computed: i = length(evals[t])
It returns a vector array eff_en where each entry eff_en[t] contains the first N states energies as uwreal objects
Given a vector where each entry `evals[t]` is a `uwreal` array of eigenvalues, this method computes the effective energies of the first N states, where ```N=dim(evals[t])```.
The index `t` here runs from 1:T=lenght(evals), while the index `i` stands for the number of energy levels computed: i = length(evals[t])
It returns a vector array `eff_en` where each entry `eff_en[t]` contains the first N states energies as uwreal objects
function energies(evals::Union{Vector{Vector{uwreal}},Array{Array{uwreal}} }; wpm::Union{Dict{Int64,Vector{Float64}},Dict{String,Vector{Float64}}, Nothing}=nothing)
time = length(evals)
......@@ -100,25 +103,32 @@ function energies(evals::Union{Vector{Vector{uwreal}},Array{Array{uwreal}} }; wp
@doc raw"""
getall_eigvals(a::Vector{Matrix}, t0; iter=30 )
getall_eigvals(a::Vector{Matrix}, t0; iter=30 )
This function solves a GEVP problem, returning the eigenvalues, for a list of matrices, taking as generalised matrix the one
at index t0, i.e:
C(t_i)v_i = λ_i C(t_0) v_i, with i=1:lenght(a)
``C(t_i)v_i = λ_i C(t_0) v_i``, with i=1:lenght(a)
It takes as input:
- a::Vector{Matrix} : a vector of matrices
- t0::Int64 : idex value at which the fixed matrix is taken
- iter=30 : the number of iterations of the qr algorithm used to extract the eigenvalues
- `a::Vector{Matrix}` : a vector of matrices
- `t0::Int64` : idex value at which the fixed matrix is taken
- `iter=30` : the number of iterations of the qr algorithm used to extract the eigenvalues
It returns:
- res = Vector{Vector{uwreal}}
where res[i] are the generalised eigenvalues of the i-th matrix of the input array.
- `res` = Vector{Vector{uwreal}}
where `res[i]` are the generalised eigenvalues of the i-th matrix of the input array.
mat_array = get_matrix(diag, upper_diag)
evals = getall_eigvals(mat_array, 5)
function getall_eigvals(a::Vector{Matrix}, t0::Int64; iter=30 )
n = length(a)
......@@ -128,17 +138,21 @@ function getall_eigvals(a::Vector{Matrix}, t0::Int64; iter=30 )
@doc raw"""
uweigvals(a::Matrix{uwreal}; iter = 30)
uweigvals(a::Matrix{uwreal}, b::Matrix{uwreal}; iter = 30)
uweigvals(a::Matrix{uwreal}; iter = 30)
uweigvals(a::Matrix{uwreal}, b::Matrix{uwreal}; iter = 30)
This function computes the eigenvalues of a matrix of uwreal objects.
If a second matrix b is given as input, it returns the generalised eigenvalues instead.
It takes as input:
- a::Matrix{uwreal} : a matrix of uwreal
- b::Matrix{uwreal} : a matrix of uwreal, optional
- `a::Matrix{uwreal}` : a matrix of uwreal
- `b::Matrix{uwreal}` : a matrix of uwreal, optional
It returns:
- res = Vector{uwreal}: a vector where each elements is an eigenvalue
- `res = Vector{uwreal}`: a vector where each elements is an eigenvalue
function uweigvals(a::Matrix{uwreal}; iter = 30)
n = size(a,1)
......@@ -158,24 +172,31 @@ function uweigvals(a::Matrix{uwreal}, b::Matrix{uwreal}; iter = 30)
@doc raw"""
getall_eigvecs(a::Vector{Matrix}, delta_t; iter=30 )
getall_eigvecs(a::Vector{Matrix}, delta_t; iter=30 )
This function solves a GEVP problem, returning the eigenvectors, for a list of matrices.
C(t_i)v_i = λ_i C(t_i-delta_t) v_i, with i=1:lenght(a)
Here delta_t is the time shift within the two matrices of the problem, and is kept fixed.
``C(t_i)v_i = λ_i C(t_i-\delta_t) v_i``, with i=1:lenght(a)
Here `delta_t` is the time shift within the two matrices of the problem, and is kept fixed.
It takes as input:
- a::Vector{Matrix} : a vector of matrices
- delta_t::Int64 : the fixed time shift t-t_0
- iter=30 : the number of iterations of the qr algorithm used to extract the eigenvalues
- `a::Vector{Matrix}` : a vector of matrices
- `delta_t::Int64` : the fixed time shift t-t_0
- `iter=30` : the number of iterations of the qr algorithm used to extract the eigenvalues
It returns:
- res = Vector{Matrix{uwreal}}
where each res[i] is a matrix with the eigenvectors as columns
- `res` = Vector{Matrix{uwreal}}
where each `res[i]` is a matrix with the eigenvectors as columns
mat_array = get_matrix(diag, upper_diag)
evecs = getall_eigvecs(mat_array, 5)
function getall_eigvecs(a::Vector{Matrix}, delta_t; iter=30)
n = length(a)-delta_t
......@@ -186,16 +207,20 @@ function getall_eigvecs(a::Vector{Matrix}, delta_t; iter=30)
@doc raw"""
uweigvecs(a::Matrix{uwreal}; iter = 30)
uweigvecs(a::Matrix{uwreal}, b::Matrix{uwreal}; iter = 30)
uweigvecs(a::Matrix{uwreal}; iter = 30)
uweigvecs(a::Matrix{uwreal}, b::Matrix{uwreal}; iter = 30)
This function computes the eigenvectors of a matrix of uwreal objects.
If a second matrix b is given as input, it returns the generalised eigenvectors instead.
It takes as input:
- a::Matrix{uwreal} : a matrix of uwreal
- b::Matrix{uwreal} : a matrix of uwreal, optional
- `a::Matrix{uwreal}` : a matrix of uwreal
- `b::Matrix{uwreal}` : a matrix of uwreal, optional
It returns:
- res = Matrix{uwreal}: a matrix where each column is an eigenvector
- `res = Matrix{uwreal}`: a matrix where each column is an eigenvector
function uweigvecs(a::Matrix{uwreal}; iter = 30)
......@@ -221,17 +246,21 @@ function uweigvecs(a::Matrix{uwreal}, b::Matrix{uwreal}; iter = 30)
@doc raw"""
uweigen(a::Matrix{uwreal}; iter = 30)
uweigen(a::Matrix{uwreal}, b::Matrix{uwreal}; iter = 30)
uweigen(a::Matrix{uwreal}; iter = 30)
uweigen(a::Matrix{uwreal}, b::Matrix{uwreal}; iter = 30)
This function computes the eigenvalues and the eigenvectors of a matrix of uwreal objects.
If a second matrix b is given as input, it returns the generalised eigenvalues and eigenvectors instead.
It takes as input:
- a::Matrix{uwreal} : a matrix of uwreal
- b::Matrix{uwreal} : a matrix of uwreal, optional
- `a::Matrix{uwreal} : a matrix of uwreal
- `b::Matrix{uwreal}` : a matrix of uwreal, optional
It returns:
- evals = Vector{uwreal}: a vector where each elements is an eigenvalue
-evecs = Matrix{uwreal}: a matrix where the i-th column is the eigenvector of the i-th eigenvalue
- `evals = Vector{uwreal}`: a vector where each elements is an eigenvalue
- `evecs = Matrix{uwreal}`: a matrix where the i-th column is the eigenvector of the i-th eigenvalue
function uweigen(a::Matrix{uwreal}; iter = 30)
return uweigvals(a, iter=iter), uweigvecs(a, iter=iter)
@doc raw"""
meff(corr::Vector{uwreal}, plat::Vector{Int64}; pl::Bool=true, data::Bool=false )
meff(corr::Vector{uwreal}, plat::Vector{Int64}; pl::Bool=true, data::Bool=false )
meff(corr::Corr, plat::Vector{Int64}; pl::Bool=true, data::Bool=false)
meff(corr::Corr, plat::Vector{Int64}; pl::Bool=true, data::Bool=false)
Computes effective mass for a given correlator corr at a given plateau plat.
Correlator can be passed as an Corr struct or Vector{uwreal}.
Computes effective mass for a given correlator corr at a given plateau `plat`.
Correlator can be passed as an `Corr` struct or `Vector{uwreal}`.
The flags pl and data allow to show the plots and return data as an extra result.
The flags `pl` and `data` allow to show the plots and return data as an extra result.
data = read_mesons(path, "G5", "G5")
......@@ -49,15 +49,15 @@ meff(corr::Corr, plat::Vector{Int64}; pl::Bool=true, data::Bool=false) =
## Decay constants
@doc raw"""
dec_const_pcvc(corr::Vector{uwreal}, plat::Vector{Int64}, m::uwreal, mu::Vector{Float64}, y0::Int64 ; pl::Bool=true, data::Bool=false)meff(corr::Corr, plat::Vector{Int64}; pl::Bool=true, data::Bool=false)
dec_const_pcvc(corr::Vector{uwreal}, plat::Vector{Int64}, m::uwreal, mu::Vector{Float64}, y0::Int64 ; pl::Bool=true, data::Bool=false)meff(corr::Corr, plat::Vector{Int64}; pl::Bool=true, data::Bool=false)
dec_const_pcvc(corr::Corr, plat::Vector{Int64}, m::uwreal; pl::Bool=true, data::Bool=false)
dec_const_pcvc(corr::Corr, plat::Vector{Int64}, m::uwreal; pl::Bool=true, data::Bool=false)
Computes decay constant using the PCVC relation for twisted mass fermions. The decay constant is computed in the plateau plat.
Correlator can be passed as an Corr struct or Vector{uwreal}. If it is passed as a uwreal vector, vector of twisted masses mu and source position y0
Computes decay constant using the PCVC relation for twisted mass fermions. The decay constant is computed in the plateau `plat`.
Correlator can be passed as an `Corr` struct or `Vector{uwreal}`. If it is passed as a uwreal vector, vector of twisted masses `mu` and source position `y0`
must be specified.
The flags pl and data allow to show the plots and return data as an extra result.
The flags `pl` and `data` allow to show the plots and return data as an extra result.
data = read_mesons(path, "G5", "G5")
......@@ -117,16 +117,15 @@ function get_model(x, p, n)
return s
@doc raw"""
comp_t0(Y::YData, plat::Vector{Int64}; L::Int64, pl::Bool=false, rw::Union{Matrix{Float64}, Nothing}=nothing, npol::Int64=2)
comp_t0(Y::YData, plat::Vector{Int64}; L::Int64, pl::Bool=false, rw::Union{Matrix{Float64}, Nothing}=nothing, npol::Int64=2)
comp_t0(Y::Vector{YData}, plat::Vector{Int64}; L::Int64, pl::Bool=false, rw::Union{Vector{Matrix{Float64}}, Nothing}=nothing, npol::Int64=2)
comp_t0(Y::Vector{YData}, plat::Vector{Int64}; L::Int64, pl::Bool=false, rw::Union{Vector{Matrix{Float64}}, Nothing}=nothing, npol::Int64=2)
Computes `t0` using the energy density of the action `Ysl`(Yang-Mills action).
`t0` is computed in the plateau `plat`.
A polynomial interpolation in `t` is performed to find `t0`, where `npol` is the degree of the polynomial (linear fit by default)
Computes t0 using the energy density of the action Ysl(Yang-Mills action).
t0 is computed in the plateau plat.
A polynomial interpolation in t is performed to find t0, where npol is the degree of the polynomial (linear fit by default)
The flag pl allows to show the plot.
The flag `pl` allows to show the plot.
#Single replica
......@@ -70,12 +70,13 @@ function read_CHeader(path::String)
@doc raw"""
read_mesons(path::String, g1::Union{String, Nothing}=nothing, g2::Union{String, Nothing}=nothing; id::Union{Int64, Nothing}=nothing)
read_mesons(path::Vector{String}, g1::Union{String, Nothing}=nothing, g2::Union{String, Nothing}=nothing; id::Union{Int64, Nothing}=nothing)
read_mesons(path::String, g1::Union{String, Nothing}=nothing, g2::Union{String, Nothing}=nothing; id::Union{Int64, Nothing}=nothing)
This function read a mesons dat file at a given path and returns a vector of CData structures for different masses and Dirac structures.
Dirac structures g1 and/or g2 can be passed as string arguments in order to filter correaltors.
ADerrors id can be specified as argument. If is not specified, the id is fixed according to the ensemble name (example: "H400"-> id = 400)
read_mesons(path::Vector{String}, g1::Union{String, Nothing}=nothing, g2::Union{String, Nothing}=nothing; id::Union{Int64, Nothing}=nothing)
This function read a mesons dat file at a given path and returns a vector of `CData` structures for different masses and Dirac structures.
Dirac structures `g1` and/or `g2` can be passed as string arguments in order to filter correaltors.
ADerrors id can be specified as argument. If is not specified, the `id` is fixed according to the ensemble name (example: "H400"-> id = 400)
......@@ -215,10 +216,10 @@ function read_rw(path::String; v::String="1.2")
@doc raw"""
read_ms1(path::String; v::String="1.2")
read_ms1(path::String; v::String="1.2")
Reads openQCD ms1 dat files at a given path. This method returns a matrix W[irw, icfg] that contains the reweighting factors, where
irw is the rwf index and icfg the configuration number.
Reads openQCD ms1 dat files at a given path. This method returns a matrix `W[irw, icfg]` that contains the reweighting factors, where
`irw` is the `rwf` index and icfg the configuration number.
The function is compatible with the output files of openQCD v=1.2, 1.4 and 1.6. Version can be specified as argument.
......@@ -237,12 +238,14 @@ function read_ms1(path::String; v::String="1.2")
return W
@doc raw"""
Reads openQCD pbp.dat files at a given path. This method returns a matrix `md[irw, icfg]` that contains the derivatives ``dS/dm``, where
``md[irw=1] = dS/dm_l`` and ``md[irw=2] = dS/dm_s``
Reads openQCD pbp.dat files at a given path. This method returns a matrix md[irw, icfg] that contains the derivatives dS/dm, where
md[irw=1] = dS/dm_l and md[irw=2] = dS/dm_s
Seff = -tr(log(D+m))
dSeff/ dm = -tr((D+m)^-1)
``Seff = -tr(log(D+m))``
``dSeff/ dm = -tr((D+m)^-1)``
......@@ -259,13 +262,17 @@ function read_md(path::String)
@doc raw"""
read_ms(path::String; id::Union{Int64, Nothing}=nothing, dtr::Int64=1)
read_ms(path::String; id::Union{Int64, Nothing}=nothing, dtr::Int64=1)
Reads openQCD ms dat files at a given path. This method return YData:
t(t): flow time values
Ysl(icfg, x0, t): the time-slice sums of the densities of the Yang-Mills action
vtr: vector that contains trajectory number
id: ensmble id
- `t(t)`: flow time values
- `Ysl(icfg, x0, t)`: the time-slice sums of the densities of the Yang-Mills action
- `vtr`: vector that contains trajectory number
- `id`: ensmble id
......@@ -331,15 +338,15 @@ function read_ms(path::String; id::Union{Int64, Nothing}=nothing, dtr::Int64=1)
@doc raw"""
truncate_data!(data::YData, nc::Int64)
truncate_data!(data::YData, nc::Int64)
truncate_data!(data::Vector{YData}, nc::Vector{Int64})
truncate_data!(data::Vector{YData}, nc::Vector{Int64})
truncate_data!(data::Vector{CData}, nc::Int64)
truncate_data!(data::Vector{CData}, nc::Int64)
truncate_data!(data::Vector{Vector{CData}}, nc::Vector{Int64})
truncate_data!(data::Vector{Vector{CData}}, nc::Vector{Int64})
Truncates the output of read_mesons and read_ms taking the first nc configurations.
Truncates the output of `read_mesons` and `read_ms` taking the first `nc` configurations.
......@@ -29,18 +29,18 @@ function apply_rw(data::Vector{<:Array{Float64}}, W::Vector{Matrix{Float64}})
return data_r
@doc raw"""
corr_obs(cdata::CData; real::Bool=true, rw::Union{Array{Float64, 2}, Nothing}=nothing, L::Int64=1)
corr_obs(cdata::CData; real::Bool=true, rw::Union{Array{Float64, 2}, Nothing}=nothing, L::Int64=1)
corr_obs(cdata::Array{CData, 1}; real::Bool=true, rw::Union{Array{Array{Float64, 2}, 1}, Nothing}=nothing, L::Int64=1)
corr_obs(cdata::Array{CData, 1}; real::Bool=true, rw::Union{Array{Array{Float64, 2}, 1}, Nothing}=nothing, L::Int64=1)
Creates a Corr struct with the given CData struct cdata (read_mesons) for a single replica.
An array of CData can be passed as argument for multiple replicas.
Creates a `Corr` struct with the given `CData` struct `cdata` (`read_mesons`) for a single replica.
An array of `CData` can be passed as argument for multiple replicas.
The flag real select the real or imaginary part of the correlator.
If rw is specified, the method applies reweighting. rw is passed as a matrix of Float64 (read_ms1)
The correlator can be normalized with the volume factor if L is fixed.
The flag `real` select the real or imaginary part of the correlator.
If `rw` is specified, the method applies reweighting. `rw` is passed as a matrix of Float64 (`read_ms1`)
The correlator can be normalized with the volume factor if `L` is fixed.
#Single replica
data = read_mesons(path, "G5", "G5")
rw = read_ms1(path_rw)
......@@ -93,13 +93,17 @@ function corr_obs(cdata::Array{CData, 1}; real::Bool=true, rw::Union{Array{Array
return Corr(obs, cdata)
@doc raw"""
md_sea(a::uwreal, md::Vector{Matrix{Float64}}, ws::ADerrors.wspace=ADerrors.wsg)
md_sea(a::uwreal, md::Vector{Matrix{Float64}}, ws::ADerrors.wspace=ADerrors.wsg)
Computes the derivative of an observable A with respect to the sea quark masses.
d <A> / dm(sea) = sum_i (d<A> / d<Oi>) * (d<Oi> / dm(sea))
d <O> / dm(sea) = <O> <dS/dm> - <O dS/dm> = - <(O - <O>) (dS/dm - <dS/dm>)>
where <Oi> are primary observables
``d <A> / dm(sea) = \sum_i (d<A> / d<O_i>) * (d<O_i> / dm(sea))``
`` d <O> / dm(sea) = <O> <dS/dm> - <O dS/dm> = - <(O - <O>) (dS/dm - <dS/dm>)>``
where ``O_i`` are primary observables
md is a vector that contains the derivative of the action S with respect
to the sea quark masses for each replica. md[irep][irw, icfg]
......@@ -107,7 +111,7 @@ to the sea quark masses for each replica. md[irep][irw, icfg]
md_sea returns a tuple of uwreal observables (dA/dml, dA/dms)|sea,
where ml and ms are the light and strange quark masses.
#Single replica
data = read_mesons(path, "G5", "G5")
md = read_md(path_md)
......@@ -127,7 +131,6 @@ m_mdl, m_mds = md_sea(m, [md1, md2], ADerrors.wsg)
m_shifted = m + 2 * dml * m_mdl + dms * m_mds
function md_sea(a::uwreal, md::Vector{Matrix{Float64}}, ws::ADerrors.wspace=ADerrors.wsg)
nid = neid(a)
p = findall(t-> t==1, a.prop)
......@@ -203,7 +206,7 @@ function lin_fit(x::Vector{<:Real}, v::Vector{Float64}, e::Vector{Float64})
return par
@doc raw"""
lin_fit(x::Vector{<:Real}, y::Vector{uwreal})
lin_fit(x::Vector{<:Real}, y::Vector{uwreal})
Computes a linear fit of uwreal data points y. This method return uwreal fit parameters and chisqexpected.
......@@ -227,38 +230,44 @@ function lin_fit(x::Vector{<:Real}, y::Vector{uwreal}; wpm::Union{Dict{Int64,Vec
@doc raw"""
x_lin_fit(par::Vector{uwreal}, y::Union{uwreal, Float64})
x_lin_fit(par::Vector{uwreal}, y::Union{uwreal, Float64})
Computes the results of a linear interpolation/extrapolation in the x axis
x_lin_fit(par::Vector{uwreal}, y::Union{uwreal, Float64}) = (y - par[1]) / par[2]
@doc raw"""
y_lin_fit(par::Vector{uwreal}, y::Union{uwreal, Float64})
y_lin_fit(par::Vector{uwreal}, y::Union{uwreal, Float64})
Computes the results of a linear interpolation/extrapolation in the y axis
y_lin_fit(par::Vector{uwreal}, x::Union{uwreal, Float64}) = par[1] + par[2] * x
@doc raw"""
fit_routine(model::Function, xdata::Array{<:Real}, ydata::Array{uwreal}, param::Int64=3; wpm::Union{Dict{Int64,Vector{Float64}},Dict{String,Vector{Float64}}, Nothing}=nothing)
fit_routine(model::Function, xdata::Array{<:Real}, ydata::Array{uwreal}, param::Int64=3; wpm::Union{Dict{Int64,Vector{Float64}},Dict{String,Vector{Float64}}, Nothing}=nothing)
fit_routine(model::Function, xdata::Array{uwreal}, ydata::Array{uwreal}, param::Int64=3; wpm::Union{Dict{Int64,Vector{Float64}},Dict{String,Vector{Float64}}, Nothing}=nothing)
fit_routine(model::Function, xdata::Array{uwreal}, ydata::Array{uwreal}, param::Int64=3; wpm::Union{Dict{Int64,Vector{Float64}},Dict{String,Vector{Float64}}, Nothing}=nothing, covar::Bool=false)
Given a model function with a number param of parameters and an array of uwreal,
this function fit ydata with the given model and print fit information
The method return an array upar with the best fit parameters with their errors.
The flag wpm is an optional array of Float64 of lenght 4. The first three paramenters specify the criteria to determine
Given a model function with a number param of parameters and an array of `uwreal`,
this function fit ydata with the given `model` and print fit information
The method return an array `upar` with the best fit parameters with their errors.
The flag `wpm` is an optional array of Float64 of lenght 4. The first three paramenters specify the criteria to determine
the summation windows:
vp[1]: The autocorrelation function is summed up to t = round(vp[1]).
vp[2]: The sumation window is determined using U. Wolff poposal with S_\tau = wpm[2]
vp[3]: The autocorrelation function Γ(t) is summed up a point where its error δΓ(t) is a factor vp[3] times larger than the signal.
An additional fourth parameter vp[4], tells ADerrors to add a tail to the error with \tau_{exp} = wpm[4].
Negative values of wpm[1:4] are ignored and only one component of wpm[1:3] needs to be positive.
- `vp[1]`: The autocorrelation function is summed up to ``t = round(vp[1])``.
- `vp[2]`: The sumation window is determined using U. Wolff poposal with ``S_\tau = wpm[2]``
- `vp[3]`: The autocorrelation function ``\Gamma(t)`` is summed up a point where its error ``\delta\Gamma(t)`` is a factor `vp[3]` times larger than the signal.
An additional fourth parameter `vp[4]`, tells ADerrors to add a tail to the error with ``\tau_{exp} = wpm[4]``.
Negative values of `wpm[1:4]` are ignored and only one component of `wpm[1:3]` needs to be positive.
If the flag `covar`is set to true, `fit_routine` takes into account covariances between x and y for each data point.
@. model(x,p) = p[1] + p[2] * exp(-(p[3]-p[1])*x)
@. model2(x,p) = p[1] + p[2] * x[:, 1] + (p[3] + p[4] * x[:, 1]) * x[:, 2]
fit_routine(model, xdata, ydata, param=3)
fit_routine(model, xdata, ydata, param=3, covar=true)
function fit_routine(model::Function, xdata::Array{<:Real}, ydata::Array{uwreal}, param::Int64=3; wpm::Union{Dict{Int64,Vector{Float64}},Dict{String,Vector{Float64}}, Nothing}=nothing)
isnothing(wpm) ? uwerr.(ydata) : uwerr.(ydata, wpm)
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