Commit e8026f4a authored by Alessandro 's avatar Alessandro Committed by Javier

fit_routine added (juobs_tool) and small modification in juobs_linalg

parent 7f62176c
......@@ -88,13 +88,13 @@ It returns a vector array eff_en where each entry eff_en[t] contains the first
function energies(evals::Vector{Vector{uwreal}})
time = length(evals)
n = length(evals[1])
eff_en = Vector{Vector}(undef, n)
eff_en = Array{Array{uwreal}}(undef, n)
aux_en = Vector{uwreal}(undef, time-1)
for i in 1:n
#aux_en = Vector{uwreal}(undef, time-1)
for t in 1:time-1
ratio = evals[t][i] / evals[t+1][i]
aux_en[t] = log(sqrt(ratio * ratio))
aux_en[t] = 0.5*log(ratio * ratio)
eff_en[i] = copy(aux_en)
......@@ -140,6 +140,35 @@ Computes the results of a linear interpolation/extrapolation in the y axis
y_lin_fit(par::Vector{uwreal}, x::Union{uwreal, Float64}) = par[1] + par[2] * x
@doc raw"""
fit_routine(model::Function, ydata::Array{uwreal}, param::Int64=3)
Given a model function with a number param of parameters and an array of uwreal,
this function fit ydata with the given model and print fit information
The method return an array upar with the best fit parameters with their errors.
@. model(x,p) = p[1] + p[2] * exp(-(p[3]-p[1])*x)
fit_routine(model, ydata, param=3)
function fit_routine(model::Function, ydata::Array{uwreal}, param::Int64=3)
yval = value.(ydata)
yer = err.(ydata)
xdata = collect(1:length(ydata))
chisq = gen_chisq(model, xdata, yer)
fit = curve_fit(model, xdata, yval, 1.0 ./ yer.^2, fill(0.5, param))
upar, chi_exp = fit_error(chisq, coef(fit), ydata)
for i = 1:length(upar)
print("\n Fit parameter: ", i, ": ")
println("Chisq / chiexp: ", chisq(coef(fit), ydata), " / ", chi_exp, " (dof: ", dof(fit),")")
return upar
function gen_chisq(f::Function, x::Vector{Int64}, err::Vector{Float64})
chisq(par, dat) = sum((dat .- f(x,par)).^2 ./err.^2)
return chisq
#TODO: add combined fits
using LsqFit
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