Commit f8155fce authored by Javier's avatar Javier

read_mesons supports legacy

compatible with old versions mesons
parent 3bcaf35e
......@@ -7,75 +7,87 @@ function read_global_header(path::String)
return a
function read_CHeader(path::String)
function read_CHeader(path::String; legacy::Bool=false)
gh = read_global_header(path)
data = open(path, "r")
seek(data, gh.hsize)
aux_f = zeros(Float64, 6)
aux_i = zeros(Int32, 4)
theta = zeros(Float64, 6)
a = Vector{CHeader}(undef, gh.ncorr)
for k = 1:gh.ncorr
read!(data, aux_f)
read!(data, theta)
qs1 = read(data, Int32)
if qs1 != 0
qn1 = read(data, Int32)
qeps1 = read(data, Float64)
q1 = Sm(qs1, qn1, qeps1, 1)
q1 = Sm(qs1, 1)
if !legacy
aux_f = zeros(Float64, 6)
aux_i = zeros(Int32, 4)
theta = zeros(Float64, 6)
for k = 1:gh.ncorr
read!(data, aux_f)
read!(data, theta)
qs1 = read(data, Int32)
if qs1 != 0
qn1 = read(data, Int32)
qeps1 = read(data, Float64)
q1 = Sm(qs1, qn1, qeps1, 1)
q1 = Sm(qs1, 1)
qs2 = read(data, Int32)
if qs2 != 0
qn2 = read(data, Int32)
qeps2 = read(data, Float64)
q2 = Sm(qs2, qn2, qeps2, 1)
q2 = Sm(qs2, 1)
qs2 = read(data, Int32)
if qs2 != 0
qn2 = read(data, Int32)
qeps2 = read(data, Float64)
q2 = Sm(qs2, qn2, qeps2, 1)
q2 = Sm(qs2, 1)
gs1 = read(data, Int32)
if gs1 != 0 && gs1 != 3 && gs1 != 4
gn1 = read(data, Int32)
geps1 = read(data, Float64)
g1 = Sm(gs1, gn1, geps1, 2)
elseif gs1 == 3 || gs1 == 4
g1 = Sm(gs1, q1.niter, q1.eps, 2)
g1 = Sm(gs1, 2)
gs1 = read(data, Int32)
if gs1 != 0 && gs1 != 3 && gs1 != 4
gn1 = read(data, Int32)
geps1 = read(data, Float64)
g1 = Sm(gs1, gn1, geps1, 2)
elseif gs1 == 3 || gs1 == 4
g1 = Sm(gs1, q1.niter, q1.eps, 2)
g1 = Sm(gs1, 2)
gs2 = read(data, Int32)
if gs2 != 0 && gs2 != 3 && gs2 != 4
gn2 = read(data, Int32)
geps2 = read(data, Float64)
g2 = Sm(gs2, gn2, geps2, 2)
elseif gs1 == 3 || gs1 == 4
g2 = Sm(gs2, q2.niter, q2.eps, 2)
g2 = Sm(gs2, 2)
read!(data, aux_i)
a[k] = CHeader(aux_f, aux_i, theta, [q1, q2, g1, g2])
gs2 = read(data, Int32)
if gs2 != 0 && gs2 != 3 && gs2 != 4
gn2 = read(data, Int32)
geps2 = read(data, Float64)
g2 = Sm(gs2, gn2, geps2, 2)
elseif gs1 == 3 || gs1 == 4
g2 = Sm(gs2, q2.niter, q2.eps, 2)
g2 = Sm(gs2, 2)
aux_f = zeros(Float64, 4)
aux_i = zeros(Int32, 4)
for k = 1:gh.ncorr
read!(data, aux_f)
read!(data, aux_i)
a[k] = CHeader(aux_f, aux_i)
read!(data, aux_i)
a[k] = CHeader(aux_f, aux_i, theta, [q1, q2, g1, g2])
return a
@doc raw"""
read_mesons(path::String, g1::Union{String, Nothing}=nothing, g2::Union{String, Nothing}=nothing; id::Union{Int64, Nothing}=nothing)
read_mesons(path::String, g1::Union{String, Nothing}=nothing, g2::Union{String, Nothing}=nothing; id::Union{Int64, Nothing}=nothing, legacy::Bool=false)
This faction read a mesons dat file at a given path and returns a vector of CData structures for different masses and Dirac structures.
Dirac structures g1 and/or g2 can be passed as string arguments in order to filter correaltors.
ADerrors id can be specified as argument. If is not specified, the id is fixed according to the ensemble name (example: "H400"-> id = 400)
*For the old version (without smearing, distance preconditioning and theta) set legacy=true
......@@ -83,12 +95,13 @@ read_mesons(path, "G5")
read_mesons(path, nothing, "G5")
read_mesons(path, "G5", "G5")
read_mesons(path, "G5", "G5", id=1)
read_mesons(path, "G5_d2", "G5_d2", legacy=true)
function read_mesons(path::String, g1::Union{String, Nothing}=nothing, g2::Union{String, Nothing}=nothing; id::Union{Int64, Nothing}=nothing)
isnothing(g1) ? t1=nothing : t1 = findfirst(x-> x==g1, gamma_name) - 1
isnothing(g2) ? t2=nothing : t2 = findfirst(x-> x==g2, gamma_name) - 1
function read_mesons(path::String, g1::Union{String, Nothing}=nothing, g2::Union{String, Nothing}=nothing; id::Union{Int64, Nothing}=nothing, legacy::Bool=false)
t1 = isnothing(g1) ? nothing : findfirst(x-> x==g1, gamma_name) - 1
t2 = isnothing(g2) ? nothing : findfirst(x-> x==g2, gamma_name) - 1
if isnothing(id)
bname = basename(path)
m = findfirst(r"[A-Z][0-9]{3}r[0-9]{3}", bname)
......@@ -97,7 +110,7 @@ function read_mesons(path::String, g1::Union{String, Nothing}=nothing, g2::Union
data = open(path, "r")
g_header = read_global_header(path)
c_header = read_CHeader(path)
c_header = read_CHeader(path, legacy=legacy)
ncorr = g_header.ncorr
tvals = g_header.tvals
......@@ -12,7 +12,13 @@
const noise_name=["Z2", "GAUSS", "U1", "Z4"]
const gamma_name = ["G0", "G1", "G2", "G3",
"invalid", "G5", "1", "G0G1", "G0G2", "G0G3",
"G0G5", "G1G2", "G1G3", "G1G5", "G2G3", "G2G5", "G3G5"]
"G0G5", "G1G2", "G1G3", "G1G5", "G2G3", "G2G5", "G3G5",
"G0_d1", "G1_d1", "G2_d1", "G3_d1",
"invalid", "G5_d1", "1_d1", "G0G1_d1", "G0G2_d1", "G0G3_d1",
"G0G5_d1", "G1G2_d1", "G1G3_d1", "G1G5_d1", "G2G3_d1", "G2G5_d1", "G3G5_d1",
"G0_d2", "G1_d2", "G2_d2", "G3_d2",
"invalid", "G5_d2", "1_d2", "G0G1_d2", "G0G2_d2", "G0G3_d2",
"G0G5_d2", "G1G2_d2", "G1G3_d2", "G1G5_d2", "G2G3_d2", "G2G5_d2", "G3G5_d2"]
const qs_name=["Local", "Wuppertal", "3D Gradient Flow", "Gradient Flow"]
const gs_name=["Local", "APE", "3D Wilson Flow", "Quark 3D Gradient Flow", "Quark Gradient Flow"]
......@@ -96,7 +102,30 @@ mutable struct CHeader
return a
function CHeader(aux_f::Vector{Float64}, aux_i::Vector{Int32})
a = new()
a.k1 = aux_f[1]
a.k2 = aux_f[2]
a.mu1 = aux_f[3]
a.mu2 = aux_f[4]
a.dp1 = 0.0
a.dp2 = 0.0
a.type1 = aux_i[1]
a.type2 = aux_i[2]
a.x0 = aux_i[3]
a.is_real = aux_i[4]
a.theta1 = zeros(3)
a.theta2 = zeros(3)
a.q1 = Sm(0, 1)
a.q2 = Sm(0, 1)
a.g1 = Sm(0, 2)
a.g2 = Sm(0, 2)
a.hsize = 8*4 + 4*4
a.dsize = 16 - 8* a.is_real
return a
mutable struct CData
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