Commit 35655fec authored by Inigo Aldazabal's avatar Inigo Aldazabal

Add anaconda installation instructions link

parent dda42a7d
......@@ -27,8 +27,7 @@ stack having four parts:
The participants are encouraged to follow the hands-on parts in their laptops.
For this is enough with just having the `Anaconda`_ Python scientific stack
installed. Please use the Python 3.6 version for your platform.
installed. Installation is straightforward and you can follow eg. this `installation instructions`_.
**Targeted audience**: scientific and technical people interested in scientific
......@@ -59,3 +58,6 @@ License`_.
.. _`tutorial material`:
.. _`NumPy`:
.. _`SciPy 2013 Tutorial`:
.. _`installation instructions`:
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