Commit 79a34cd1 authored by Alessandro 's avatar Alessandro


parent 318ba3fd
......@@ -30,20 +30,20 @@ N.B. at the moment the code does not extract matrix element, hence decay constan
To run the code in the juliaREPL type:
julia> include("/path_to/gevp.jl")
Go to SET UP VARIABLES section in the analysis.jl code to properly configure before running.
Go to SET UP VARIABLES section in the gevp.jl file to properly configure before running.
You have to up set the following variables:
path_data where data are stored
path_plat where a plat.txt file is stored with plateaus for all ensembles
path_result where you want to save results.txt and plots
ensembles to analyse
sector you are interested in: light-light, light-heavy, heavy-heavy...
tau value to use for matrix construction
_t0 value to use for solving the GEVP
range_t_fit array of integers with the fit range value for the extractions of the energies
rwf set to true if you want to include reweighting factors
compute_t0 set to true if you want to extract t0 from ms.dat file. Otherwise, t0 is taken from 1608.08900 in const.jl
mass_shift set to true if you want to include the mass shift
- path_data where data are stored
- path_plat where a plat.txt file is stored with plateaus for all ensembles
- path_result where you want to save results.txt and plots
- ensembles to analyse
- sector you are interested in: light-light, light-heavy, heavy-heavy...
- tau value to use for matrix construction
- _t0 value to use for solving the GEVP
- range_t_fit array of integers with the fit range value for the extractions of the energies
- rwf set to true if you want to include reweighting factors
- compute_t0 set to true if you want to extract t0 from ms.dat file. Otherwise, t0 is taken from 1608.08900 in const.jl
- mass_shift set to true if you want to include the mass shift
go to line 484 to modify continuum limit + chiral extrapolatio fit model
Data in path_data need to be stored as follow:
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