Commit e56a3bed authored by Alessandro 's avatar Alessandro

Analysis updated with new HAWK ensembles. New functional forms, general updates

parent 9fdef14c
......@@ -32,6 +32,14 @@ ll 65 80
lh 67 80
hh 67 85
t0 20 80
ll 79 100
ls 85 105
lh 78 88
ss 85 105
sh 85 100
hh 90 120
t0 25 100
ll 78 105
lh 92 108
......@@ -90,6 +98,14 @@ ss 123 140
sh 130 145
hh 133 175
t0 25 170
ll 120 148
ls 123 140
lh 125 145
ss 123 140
sh 130 145
hh 133 175
t0 25 170
ll 120 148
ls 123 140
......@@ -6,31 +6,35 @@ ens_db = Dict(
"H105r002" => [32, 3.4, false, 0.12151, 2, nothing],
"H101" => [32, 3.4, true, 0.17979, 2, nothing],
"H400" => [32, 3.46, true, 0.16345, 1, nothing],
"D450" => [64, 3.46, false, 0.0, 1, nothing],
"N200" => [48, 3.55, false, 0.09222, 1, nothing],
"N202" => [48, 3.55, true, 0.13407, 2, nothing],
"N203" => [48, 3.55, false, 0.11224, 1, nothing],
"D200" => [64, 3.55, false, 0.06611, 2, 100],
"N300" => [48, 3.70, true, 0.10630, 1, nothing],
"N300r002" => [48, 3.70, true, 0.10630, 1, nothing],
"N302" => [48, 3.70, false, 0.10630, 1, nothing],
"J303" => [64, 3.70, false, 0.06514, 2, nothing],
"E300" => [96, 3.70, false, 0.00000, 1, nothing],
"E250" => [96, 3.55, false, 0.00000, 1, nothing],
"J500" => [64, 3.85, true, 0.00000, 2, nothing],
"J501" => [64, 3.85, false, 0.00000, 2, nothing],
"J501" => [64, 3.85, false, 0.00000, 1, nothing],
trunc_db = Dict(
"H102r002" => nothing,
#"H102r001" => nothing,
"H105r002" => nothing,
"H101" => [1001,1009],
"H101" => nothing,
"H400" => nothing,
"D450" => nothing,
"N200" => nothing,
"N202" => nothing,
"N203" => nothing,
"D200" => 645, #1000
"N300" => 1279,
"D200" => nothing, #1000
"N300r002" => 1521,
"N302" => nothing,
"J303" => 721,
"E300" => nothing,
"J303" => nothing,
"E300" => 1136,
"E250" => 751,
"J500" => [745,649], #[751, 655],
"J501" => nothing
......@@ -46,17 +50,18 @@ ens_nms = Dict(
"N202" => 899,
"N203" => 1543,
"D200" => 2001,
"N300" => 1540,
"N300r002" => 1540,
"N302" => 2201,
"J303" => 1073,
"E300" => 1139
"E300" => 1139,
"J500" => 1875
const hc = 197.3269804 #MeV fm
const M_values = [1869.65, 2010.26, 1968.34, 2112.2, 2980.3, 3096.916] #MD, MD*, MDs, MDs*, \eta_c, J/\psi (MeV)
const M_error = [0.05, 0.05, 0.07, 0.4, 1.2, 0.011]
const M_values = [1869.58, 2010.26, 1968.34, 2112.2, 2983.9, 3096.916] #MD, MD*, MDs, MDs*, \eta_c, J/\psi (MeV)
const M_error = [0.09, 0.05, 0.07, 0.4, 0.9, 0.011]
const b_values = [3.40, 3.46, 3.55, 3.70, 3.85]
const b_values2 = [3.40, 3.46, 3.55, 3.70]
......@@ -67,8 +72,8 @@ const ZM_tm_error = [42, 33, 42, 48, 55] .* 1e-4
const t0_data = [2.86, 3.659, 5.164, 8.595, 14.040]
const t0_error = [11, 16, 18, 29, 49] .* 1e-3
const t0_ph_value = #=[0.415] =# [0.4137]
const t0_ph_error = ones(1,1) .* #=4e-3 =# 3.6e-3
const t0_ph_value = #=[0.415] =# [0.1445*sqrt(8)]
const t0_ph_error = ones(1,1) .* #=4e-3 =# 0.00058*sqrt(8)
# 1808.09236
const ZA_data = [0.75642, 0.76169, 0.76979, 0.78378, 0.79667]
const ZA_err = [72, 93, 43, 47, 47] .*1e-5
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -50,14 +50,14 @@ const path_bdio_tm_shifted = "/Users/alessandroconigli/Lattice/data/bdio_charm/t
const path_plot = "/Users/alessandroconigli/MyDrive/phd/analysis/charm_gevp_2022/CharmPaper/plots" # path were to save plots
# ensembles to analyse
const ens_list = [ "E300"]
const ens_list = [ "N203"]
# reweighting and mass shift flags
const rwf = true
println("Warning! mass_shift set to false ")
# println("Warning! mass_shift set to false ")
const mass_shift = false
const tau = 3 # gevp shift parameter
const T0 = 2
const TSM = true # set whether TSM is used or not
const TSM = false # set whether TSM is used or not
#@warning("\nTSM FLAG MODE: $(TSM)\n")
......@@ -89,9 +89,12 @@ wpmm["N200"] = [-1.0, 2.0, -1.0, -1.0] #14.0*5.164]
wpmm["N203"] = [-1.0, 2.0, -1.0, -1.0] # 14.0*5.164]
#wpmm["D200"] = [-1.0, 4.0, -1.0, 14.0*5.164]
wpmm["D200"] = [-1.0, 2.0, -1.0, -1.0]
wpmm["N300"] = [-1.0, 2.0, -1.0, -1.0 ] #14.0*8.595]
wpmm["N300r002"] = [-1.0, 2.0, -1.0, -1.0 ] #14.0*8.595]
wpmm["N302"] = [-1.0, 2.0, -1.0, -1.0 ] #14.0*8.595]
wpmm["J303"] = [-1.0, 2.0, -1.0, -1.0 ] #14.0*8.595]
wpmm["J500"] = [-1.0, 2.0, -1.0, -1.0 ] #14.0*8.595]
wpmm["J501"] = [-1.0, 2.0, -1.0, -1.0 ] #14.0*8.595]
wpmm["E250"] = [-1.0, 2.0, -1.0, -1.0 ] #14.0*8.595]
data_sl = read_data_sloppy(path_data_tm, "E300", "G5", "G5", legacy=false)
......@@ -121,12 +124,13 @@ obs_tm = Vector(undef, length(ensinfo))
@time begin
@showprogress for (k,ens) in enumerate(ensinfo)
println("\n Ensemble: ",
# pp corr
corr_pp[k], pp_tmW[k], _ = get_corr(path_data_tm, ens, "G5", "G5", rw=rwf, path_rw=path_rw, tsm=TSM)
# t0
t0_ens, yw_store[k], w_store[k] = get_t0(path_data_w, ens, rw=rwf, path_rw=path_rw, pl=true)
obs_tm[k] = OrderedDict()
obs_tm[k]["t0"] = t0_ens
# correlators
corr_pp[k], pp_tmW[k], _ = get_corr(path_data_tm, ens, "G5", "G5", rw=rwf, path_rw=path_rw, tsm=TSM)
a1a1, _ = get_corr(path_data_tm, ens, "G1G5", "G1G5", rw=rwf, path_rw=path_rw, tsm=TSM)
a2a2, _ = get_corr(path_data_tm, ens, "G2G5", "G2G5", rw=rwf, path_rw=path_rw, tsm=TSM)
......@@ -144,6 +148,36 @@ obs_tm = Vector(undef, length(ensinfo))
## plots for paper of D, D_s and eta_c correlators
yyd = corr_pp[1][4].obs; uwerr.(yyd)
yyds = corr_pp[1][5].obs; uwerr.(yyds)
yyeta = corr_pp[1][6].obs; uwerr.(yyeta)
xx = collect(1:length(yyd))
errorbar(xx, value.(yyd), err.(yyd).*50, fmt="s", color="forestgreen", capsize=2, mfc="none", label=L"$D$")
errorbar(xx, value.(yyds), err.(yyds).*50, fmt="s", color="tomato", capsize=2, mfc="none", label=L"$D_s$")
errorbar(xx, value.(yyeta), err.(yyeta).*50, fmt="s", color="royalblue", capsize=2, mfc="none", label=L"$\eta_c$")
ylabel(L"$f_{\mathrm{PP}(x_0, y_0)}$")
# ylim(1e-22, 1e-4)
# test masses D200
plat = [[85,105], [85,105], [85,105], [85,90], [88,98], [90,94], [85,90], [88,94], [90,94] ]
# test masses J501
plat = [[145,165], [120,155], [120,155], [125,155], [145,155], [145,165], [125,150], [145,165], [145,165] ]
# test masses E250
plat = [[115,145], [115,160], [115,160], [118,125], [125,142], [130,160], [118,125], [125,142], [130,160] ]
# test masses J500
plat = [[130,160], [140,160], [138,150], [140,160], [138,150]]
mtest = meff(corr_pp[1][5], [138,150], pl=true, wpm=wpmm)
#=============== ANALYSIS ===============#
Mtotps = Vector{Vector{uwreal}}(undef, length(ensinfo)) # required for decay constants
......@@ -152,9 +186,12 @@ Mtotvec = Vector{Vector{uwreal}}(undef, length(ensinfo)) # required for decay co
@time begin
@showprogress for (k,ens) in enumerate(ensinfo)
# gevp matrix for ps and vec masses
mat_mass = comp_mat_multigamma(ens, corr_pp[k], corr_pa[k], corr_aa[k])
m_tm_ps, m_tm_vec = gevp_mass_BMA(mat_mass, tt0=T0, pl=true, wpm=wpmm, path_plt=path_plot)
# mat_mass = comp_mat_multigamma(ens, corr_pp[k], corr_pa[k], corr_aa[k])
# m_tm_ps, m_tm_vec = gevp_mass_BMA(mat_mass, tt0=T0, pl=true, wpm=wpmm, path_plt=path_plot)
m_tm_ps = meff.(corr_pp[k], plat, pl=true, wpm=wpmm)
m_tm_vec = meff.(corr_aa[k], plat, pl=true, wpm=wpmm)
# push!(m_tm_vec, uwreal([1.029, 0.001],"mhvec_D200"))
Mtotps[k] = m_tm_ps
Mtotvec[k] = m_tm_vec
......@@ -195,6 +232,18 @@ Mtotvec = Vector{Vector{uwreal}}(undef, length(ensinfo)) # required for decay co
obs_tm[k]["fpik"] = 0.0
# test D200
plat = [[85,105], [85,105], [85,105], [85,90], [88,98], [90,94], [85,90], [88,94], [90,94] ]
# test J501
plat = [[120,155], [120,155], [120,155], [125,155], [130,155], [132,145], [125,150], [130,145], [132,145] ]
# test E250
plat = [[115,150], [120,155], [120,155], [115,128], [130,155], [135,160], [115,128], [130,145], [135,160] ]
# test masses J500
plat = [[130,160], [140,160], [138,150], [140,160], [138,150] ]
dec_const_pcvc(corr_pp[1][5], plat[5], Mtotps[1][5], pl=true)
# Decay constants
......@@ -206,11 +255,14 @@ for (k,ens) in enumerate(ensinfo)
# dec_ps = gevp_dec_BMA(mat_dec_ps, Mtotps[k], t0=T0, wpm=wpmm, pl=true, n=1, pseudo=true, wilson=false )
# dec_ps_test = get_f_tm(corr_pp[k], Mtotps[k], ens, path_plat_tm_dps, pl=true, wpm=wpmm )
path_plt_ps = joinpath(path_plot, "plateaus",, "fps")
dec_tm_ps = get_f_tm_BMA(corr_pp[k], Mtotps[k], ens, pl=true, wpm=wpmm, path_plt=path_plot, ps="fps")
path_plt_vec = joinpath(path_plot, "plateaus",, "fps")
dec_tm_vec = get_f_tm_BMA(corr_aa[k], Mtotvec[k], ens, pl=true, wpm=wpmm, path_plt=path_plot, ps="fvec")
# commented for testing D200
# path_plt_ps = joinpath(path_plot, "plateaus",, "fps")
# dec_tm_ps = get_f_tm_BMA(corr_pp[k], Mtotps[k], ens, pl=true, wpm=wpmm, path_plt=path_plot, ps="fps")
# path_plt_vec = joinpath(path_plot, "plateaus",, "fps")
# dec_tm_vec = get_f_tm_BMA(corr_aa[k], Mtotvec[k], ens, pl=true, wpm=wpmm, path_plt=path_plot, ps="fvec")
dec_tm_ps = dec_const_pcvc.(corr_pp[k], plat, Mtotps[k], pl=true, wpm=wpmm)
dec_tm_vec = dec_const.(corr_aa[k], plat, Mtotvec[k], pl=true, wpm=wpmm)
mu_list = gen_mulist[k]
mul, mus, muh = get_mu(mu_list, ens.deg)
......@@ -248,7 +300,6 @@ if mass_shift
# read dm computed by AS
rep = filter(x->occursin(, x), readdir(path_bdio_md,join=true))[1]
ens.deg ? Nmolt =3. : Nmolt = 1. # required for symmetric point ensembles if shifting s only
deltam[k] = read_BDIO(rep, "ll_obs", "dm")[1] * Nmolt
# these two lines for dm computed locally by me
# fname = joinpath(path_bdio_md, string(,".bdio"))
using Base: String
using Base: @kwdef
using LaTeXStrings: length
using OrderedCollections
using juobs, BDIO, DelimitedFiles, ADerrors, LaTeXStrings, PyPlot
using ProgressMeter
#============= SET UP VARIABLES ===========#
rcParams = PyPlot.PyDict(PyPlot.matplotlib."rcParams")
rcParams["text.usetex"] = true
rcParams["mathtext.fontset"] = "cm"
rcParams["font.size"] =10
rcParams["axes.labelsize"] =22
rcParams["axes.titlesize"] = 18
plt.rc("text", usetex=true) # set to true once you install latex
#============ PATHS & INFO =================#
# path to data
const path_data_w = "/Users/alessandroconigli/Lattice/data/aux_obs_data/wilson" # required for t0 at finite a
const path_data_tm = "/Users/alessandroconigli/Lattice/data/charm_full_Dirac" # charm correlators
# path to plateau
const path_plat_w = "/Users/alessandroconigli/Lattice/data/aux_obs_data/plat_wilson.txt"
const path_plat_tm_mps = "/Users/alessandroconigli/Lattice/gevp-automated-analysis/plat/plat_tm_mps.txt"
const path_plat_tm_mvec = "/Users/alessandroconigli/Lattice/gevp-automated-analysis/plat/plat_tm_mvec.txt"
const path_plat_tm_dps = "/Users/alessandroconigli/Lattice/gevp-automated-analysis/plat/plat_tm_dps.txt"
const path_plat_tm_dvec = "/Users/alessandroconigli/Lattice/gevp-automated-analysis/plat/plat_tm_dvec.txt"
# path to aux obs
const path_rw = "/Users/alessandroconigli/Lattice/data/aux_obs_data/rwf" # reweighting factors
const path_md = "/Users/alessandroconigli/Lattice/data/aux_obs_data/md/" # pbp dat file for mass shift
# path to bdio
# const path_bdio_md = "/Users/alessandroconigli/Lattice/data/bdio_charm/md/LAT22/" # path to delta m computed by me
const path_bdio_md = "/Users/alessandroconigli/Lattice/data/bdio_charm/AS_ligth_obs/" # path to delta m computed by AS
const path_bdio_tm = "/Users/alessandroconigli/Lattice/data/bdio_charm/tm" # path where to store results
const path_bdio_tm_shifted = "/Users/alessandroconigli/Lattice/data/bdio_charm/tm_shifted" # path were to store shifted results
const path_plot = "/Users/alessandroconigli/MyDrive/phd/analysis/charm_gevp_2022/CharmPaper/plots" # path were to save plots
# ensembles to analyse
const ens_list = [ "J303"]
# reweighting and mass shift flags
const rwf = true
# println("Warning! mass_shift set to false ")
const mass_shift = false
const tau = 3 # gevp shift parameter
const T0 = 2
const TSM = false # set whether TSM is used or not
#@warning("\nTSM FLAG MODE: $(TSM)\n")
#=============== INCLUDES ===============#
#=============== ENSEMBLE INFO FROM DATABASE ==================#
ensinfo = Vector{EnsInfo}(undef, length(ens_list))
for i in 1:length(ens_list)
ens = ens_list[i]
ensinfo[i]= EnsInfo(ens, ens_db[ens], trunc_db[ens])
error("The ensemble id ", ens, " was not found in the const.jl ens_db database.
Please check the ensemble id or update the database")
wpmm = Dict{String, Vector{Float64}}()
wpmm["H101"] = [-1.0, 2.0, -1.0, -1.0] #14.0*2.86]
wpmm["H102r002"] = [-1.0, 2.0, -1.0, -1.0] #14.0*2.86]
wpmm["H105r002"] = [-1.0, 2.0, -1.0, -1.0]# 14.0*2.86]
wpmm["H400"] = [-1.0, 2.0, -1.0, -1.0] #14.0*3.659]
wpmm["N202"] = [-1.0, 2.0, -1.0, -1.0] #14.0*5.164]
wpmm["N200"] = [-1.0, 2.0, -1.0, -1.0] #14.0*5.164]
wpmm["N203"] = [-1.0, 2.0, -1.0, -1.0] # 14.0*5.164]
#wpmm["D200"] = [-1.0, 4.0, -1.0, 14.0*5.164]
wpmm["D200"] = [-1.0, 2.0, -1.0, -1.0]
wpmm["N300r002"] = [-1.0, 2.0, -1.0, -1.0 ] #14.0*8.595]
wpmm["N302"] = [-1.0, 2.0, -1.0, -1.0 ] #14.0*8.595]
wpmm["J303"] = [-1.0, 2.0, -1.0, -1.0 ] #14.0*8.595]
wpmm["J500"] = [-1.0, 2.0, -1.0, -1.0 ] #14.0*8.595]
wpmm["J501"] = [-1.0, 2.0, -1.0, -1.0 ] #14.0*8.595]
wpmm["E250"] = [-1.0, 2.0, -1.0, -1.0 ] #14.0*8.595]
#=============== LOAD DATA AND STORE t0 ===============#
corr_pp = Vector{Vector{juobs.Corr}}(undef, length(ens_list))
corr_pa = Vector{Vector{juobs.Corr}}(undef, length(ens_list))
corr_aa = Vector{Vector{juobs.Corr}}(undef, length(ens_list))
yw_store = Vector{Matrix{uwreal}}(undef, length(ens_list)) # store YW info from t0
w_store = Vector{uwreal}(undef, length(ens_list)) # store W info from t0
pp_tmW = Vector{Vector{Vector{uwreal}}}(undef, length(ens_list)) # store W info from corr_pp
gen_mulist = Vector{Vector{Vector{Float64}}}(undef, length(ens_list)) # store mu values
# obs storage
obs_tm = Vector(undef, length(ensinfo))
@time begin
@showprogress for (k,ens) in enumerate(ensinfo)
println("\n Ensemble: ",
corr_pp[k], pp_tmW[k], _ = get_corr(path_data_tm, ens, "G5", "G5", rw=rwf, path_rw=path_rw, tsm=TSM)
gen_mulist[k] = getfield.(corr_pp[k], :mu)
mlh, data_lh = juobs.meff(corr_pp[1][4], [127,150], data=true)
msh, data_sh = juobs.meff(corr_pp[1][5], [135,175], data=true)
mhh, data_hh = juobs.meff(corr_pp[1][6], [135,175], data=true)
data_lh ./= mlh ; uwerr.(data_lh)
data_sh ./= msh ; uwerr.(data_sh)
data_hh ./= mhh ; uwerr.(data_hh)
fig= figure("pyplot_subplot_column",figsize=(12,4))
xx = collect(1:length(data_lh))
errorbar(xx, value.(data_lh), err.(data_lh), fmt="*", capsize=2, color="navy", mfc="none", label=L"$D$")
fill_between(collect(127:150) , 1 - err(mlh), 1 + err(mlh), color="red", alpha=0.5)
aa = subplot(132)
setp(aa.get_yticklabels(), visible=false )
errorbar(xx, value.(data_sh), err.(data_sh), fmt="*", capsize=2, color="orange", mfc="none", label=L"$D_s$")
fill_between(collect(135:175) , 1 - err(msh), 1 + err(msh), color="red", alpha=0.5)
setp(aa.get_yticklabels(), visible=false )
errorbar(xx, value.(data_hh), err.(data_hh), fmt="*", capsize=2, color="darkgreen", mfc="none", label=L"$\eta_c$")
fill_between(collect(135:175) , 1 - err(mhh), 1 + err(mhh), color="red", alpha=0.5)
ax = fig.add_axes([0.78,0.3,0.15,0.2])
errorbar(xx, value.(data_hh), err.(data_hh), fmt="*", capsize=2, color="darkgreen", mfc="none")
fill_between(collect(135:175) , 1 - err(mhh), 1 + err(mhh), color="red", alpha=0.5)
\ No newline at end of file
using Base: String
using Base: @kwdef
using LaTeXStrings: length
using OrderedCollections
using juobs, BDIO, DelimitedFiles, ADerrors, LaTeXStrings, PyPlot
using ProgressMeter
#============= SET UP VARIABLES ===========#
rcParams = PyPlot.PyDict(PyPlot.matplotlib."rcParams")
rcParams["text.usetex"] = true
rcParams["mathtext.fontset"] = "cm"
rcParams["font.size"] =10
rcParams["axes.labelsize"] =22
rcParams["axes.titlesize"] = 18
plt.rc("text", usetex=true) # set to true once you install latex
#============ PATHS & INFO =================#
# path to data
const path_data_w = "/Users/alessandroconigli/Lattice/data/aux_obs_data/wilson" # required for t0 at finite a
const path_data_tm = "/Users/alessandroconigli/Lattice/data/charm_full_Dirac" # charm correlators
# path to aux obs
const path_rw = "/Users/alessandroconigli/Lattice/data/aux_obs_data/rwf" # reweighting factors
const path_md = "/Users/alessandroconigli/Lattice/data/aux_obs_data/md/" # pbp dat file for mass shift
const ens_list = [ "E250"]
# reweighting and mass shift flags
const rwf = false
#=============== INCLUDES ===============#
ensinfo = Vector{EnsInfo}(undef, length(ens_list))
for i in 1:length(ens_list)
ens = ens_list[i]
ensinfo[i]= EnsInfo(ens, ens_db[ens], trunc_db[ens])
error("The ensemble id ", ens, " was not found in the const.jl ens_db database.
Please check the ensemble id or update the database")
# testing for E250 (in chunk2 and chunk2bis there's an overlap)
db = [ "sloppy_chunk0","sloppy_chunk1", "sloppy_chunk2", "sloppy_chunk3", "sloppy_chunk5", "sloppy_chunk5"]
pp = joinpath(path_data_tm, "E250")
aux = filter(x-> occursin("sloppy_chunk", x), readdir(pp,join=true))
data_1 = juobs.read_mesons(aux[1], "G5","G5", legacy=false) # 1 -> 196
data_2 = juobs.read_mesons(aux[2], "G5","G5", legacy=false) # 201 -> 296 # trunc at 20 elem
data_2b = juobs.read_mesons(aux[3], "G5","G5", legacy=false) # 301 -> 396
data_3 = juobs.read_mesons(aux[4], "G5","G5", legacy=false) # 401 -> 596
data_4 = juobs.read_mesons(aux[5], "G5","G5", legacy=false) # 601 -> 796
data_5 = juobs.read_mesons(aux[6], "G5","G5", legacy=false) # 801 -> 1006
juobs.concat_data!(data_1, data_2)
juobs.concat_data!(data_1, data_2b)
juobs.concat_data!(data_1, data_3)
juobs.concat_data!(data_1, data_4)
juobs.concat_data!(data_1, data_5)
data_sl = read_data_sloppy_multichunks(path_data_tm, "E250", "G5", "G5", legacy=false)
data_corr = read_data_correction(path_data_tm, "E250", "G5", "G5", legacy=false)
corr_pp, _ = get_corr(path_data_tm, ensinfo[1], "G5", "G5", rw=false, path_rw=path_rw, tsm=true)
mm = meff.(corr_pp, fill([130, 150],9), pl=true )
function get_corr_TSM_multichunks(path::String, ens::EnsInfo, g1::String="G5", g2::String="G5"; rw::Bool=false, legacy::Bool=false, path_rw::String="", tsm::Bool=false, ex::Bool=false)
if path_rw == ""
p_rw = path
p_rw = path_rw
aux1 = read_data_sloppy_multichunks(path,, g1, g2, legacy=legacy)
aux2 = read_data_correction(path,, g1, g2, legacy=legacy)
try # single replica
# sloppy
vcfg = getfield(aux1[1], :vcfg)
delta = vcfg[1][2] - vcfg[1][1]
cut_trunc = Int64.((ens.trunc .-1)./delta) .+ 1
truncate_data!(aux1, cut_trunc )
# correction
vcfg = getfield(aux2[1], :vcfg)
delta = vcfg[1][2] - vcfg[1][1]
cut_trunc = Int64.((ens.trunc .-1)./delta) .+ 1
truncate_data!(aux2, cut_trunc)
catch # multiple replica
# sloppy
vcfg = getfield.(aux1[1], :vcfg)
delta = vcfg[1][2] - vcfg[1][1]
cut_trunc = Int64.((ens.trunc .-1)./delta) .+ 1
truncate_data!(aux1, cut_trunc )
# correction
vcfg = getfield.(aux2[1], :vcfg)
delta = vcfg[1][2] - vcfg[1][1]
cut_trunc = Int64.((ens.trunc .-1)./delta) .+ 1
truncate_data!(aux2, cut_trunc)
if !rw
obs = corr_obs_TSM.(aux1, aux2, L=ens.L, info=true)#, idm_corr=collect(1:ens.idm_corr) )
return (getindex.(obs, 1), getindex.(obs, 2))
obs = corr_obs_TSM.(aux1, aux2, L=ens.L, rw=read_rw(p_rw,, info=true) #, idm_corr=collect(1:ens.idm_corr))
return (getindex.(obs, 1), getindex.(obs, 2), getindex.(obs, 3))
## testing apply_rw with gaps
data_sl = read_data_sloppy_multichunks(path_data_tm, "E300", "G5", "G5", legacy=false);
data_corr = read_data_correction(path_data_tm, "E300", "G5", "G5", legacy=false);
L = ensinfo[1].L;
idd = [ensinfo[1].id];
real_data = true;
vcfg_sl = getfield(data_sl[1], :vcfg);
replica_sl = Int64(maximum(vcfg_sl))
vcfg_corr = getfield(data_corr[1], :vcfg);
replica_corr = Int64(maximum(vcfg_corr));
#truncate data
nms = sum(replica_sl); # assuming vcfg_sl >= vcfg_corr
delta_vcfg = vcfg_sl[1][2] - vcfg_sl[1][1];
idm_sl = collect(1:delta_vcfg:replica_sl[1])
for ii in eachindex(data_sl[1])[2:end]
delta_vcfg = vcfg_sl[ii][2] - vcfg_sl[ii][1]
aux = collect(1:delta_vcfg:replica_sl[ii]) .+ replica_sl[ii-1]
append!(idm_sl, aux)
delta_vcfg = vcfg_corr[1][2] - vcfg_corr[1][1]
idm_corr = collect(1:delta_vcfg:replica_corr[1])
for ii in eachindex(data_corr[1])[2:end]
delta_vcfg = vcfg_corr[ii][2] - vcfg_corr[ii][1]
aux = collect(1:delta_vcfg:replica_corr[ii]) .+ replica_corr[ii-1]
append!(idm_corr, aux)
data1 = real_data ? getfield.(data_sl[1], :re_data) ./ L^3 : getfield.(data_sl, :im_data) ./ L^3
data2 = real_data ? getfield.(data_corr[1], :re_data) ./ L^3 : getfield.(data_corr, :im_data) ./ L^3
rw = read_rw(path_rw, ensinfo[1].id)
data1_r, W = juobs.apply_rw(data1, rw, vcfg_sl)
data2_r, W = juobs.apply_rw(data2, rw, vcfg_corr)
tmp1 = vcat(data1_r...)
tmp2 = vcat(data2_r...)
tmpW = vcat(W...)
nt = size(tmp1, 2)
ow1 = [uwreal(tmp1[:, x0], idd[1], replica_sl, idm_sl, nms ) for x0 = 1:nt]
ow2 = [uwreal(tmp2[:, x0], idd[1], replica_sl, idm_corr, nms) for x0 = 1:nt]
W_obs = uwreal(tmpW, idd[1], replica_sl, idm_sl, nms)
obs1 = [ow1[x0] / W_obs for x0 = 1:nt]
obs2 = [ow2[x0] / W_obs for x0 = 1:nt]
pp = juobs.Corr(obs1 + obs2, data_sl[1])
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